Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 187

Chapter 187 Miles

Chapter 187 – Miles

This f**ng Beta seemed to have a death wish. But he seemed to also want Bailey. And that was simply not going to work. I did not like the way she was looking at him. I had seen that look from her before, though maybe not quite as intense. And that was to the warrior boy. She had more than a thing for this one… she had best not have given herself to this one. She was mine. Fated to me. My mate. I felt fury rippling through me, as her new “friend” glared at me from her side on the bed.

“F**ng pack business?!” he snapped at me angrily. “No, it is you here in a desperate bid to get her back because you f**ed

up. Why the hell would she want to listen to you?”

He sure had a f**ing nerve. I will give him that much! He knew I was an upcoming Alpha yet spoke down to me like I was a nobody. I would destroy him if given a chance. If it wasn’t for his beefed-up Alpha buddy, I would have kicked his a** by now. I needed the opportunity to speak to Bailey, but that would only come if I behaved. I knew that. This Alpha Caleb had made that more than clear…

“It is our business. F**k all to do with you.” I snarled. “I have things I need to say to her. Things she needs to listen to.”

“If it is to do with Bailey, it is to do with me…” The Beta began.

“Stop!” Bailey interrupted, and my eyes darted towards her. A smile formed on my face. I think my plan was working… “I want to hear what he has to say.” she added, and at that moment, my heart soared. She was willing to hear me out. I knew mentioning



Chapter 187-Miles

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our expected loyalty to pack would make this choice hard for her. It was something all of our pack members are taught, but something her family, especially her father, are extremely dedicated to. It was what made Bailey keep coming back to pack when so many others would have run by now, I was sure of it…

I saw the sheer disappointment upon the Beta boy’s face. He looked desolate. Absolutely heartbroken. Haha. I loved it. Every f**king moment. He hoped she would not want to hear me out. He hoped she would tell me to leave and never come back. But the thing was, there would always be a connection between Bailey and me. We had grown up together. Our families were like family. Despite the animosity between us, we had been close until she started doing better than me in school. Then she was simply nothing more than an irritation.

I hated that she could so easily excel while I struggled. And when I turned to her for help she refused, saying I would never learn if I didn’t do the work myself. Everyone else in the pack would bend over backward for me, do whatever I asked of them, but this girl, she never did. And I hated her for it. She never saw me as special because of my title. Maybe that was because we were fated and somewhere deep down she knew it, but her lack of respect infuriated me further.

“Well, she has said she will hear you out, Miles. Yet, you stand there not saying a word. Get on with it. It is late, and Bailey needs to rest.” Apha Caleb said icily, interrupting my thoughts, and I looked at him as coldly as he had spoken to me. I walked to the edge of her bed, where she looked up at me tentatively. She did not look quite as stunning as she had when she walked into our pack this morning. But despite the injuries, and the wildness of her hair, I could still see the natural beauty that lay



Chapter 187-Miles

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beneath. Maybe it had been there all along, and I had just allowed my resentment towards her to make me miss it…

“Bailey, I hope you will give me a chance to explain myself properly.” I said quietly, and she nodded.

“Well, that is what you came for, isn’t it?” she said, and I had to smile. She may be injured, but her attitude was evidently not hurt. “And I think I am due an explanation, if not an apology.”

“I believe so.” I nodded, hating all the other curious eyes being upon us, but knowing I likely had no other choice right now. “Look, I owe you an apology, I know that. Hell, I owe you many apologies. I never did treat you the way you deserved. Not since we were young, anyway. You can’t deny we had fun growing up?” I looked at her, and she was looking down toward her hands, fiddling with her fingers, which made me wonder if she did not want to think of the memories of us all growing up together. They were good memories, she had to know that.

I sighed. If I could not use good memories to my benefit, then I have to work harder… “I have never been the smartest Bai, you know that. That was why we ended up falling out. I was childish. 1 resented you. And, I held that against you for longer than I ever should have. I turned to you for help and you walked away. From then on, I was set on revenge, never realizing that you would be the one the moon goddess selected for me. Not that it matters, that was never the way to treat someone…” I looked at her again, and her big brown eyes were looking at me, but she shook her head. I don’t think she ever knew my reasons. Well, she did now.

“That was why you treated Bai the way you did?” Morgan asked in shock.



Chapter 187-Miles

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“I am not going into it. But yes.” I admitted, and I saw many disgusted faces. I knew I was in the wrong, I did not need telling. I just needed to convince this girl I could change. “Bai, I realize now I made a mistake. I should never have rejected you. The moon goddess decided you were the one that was meant for me, and I think she was right. I have thought back so many times to how close we used to be growing up, before all this mess…” I faltered, and I could see her face was emotionless, as she looked up at the Beta.

“Why do you look at him?” I asked. “Do you need his input? This is between you and me, is it not? Can they not leave?”

Alpha Caleb shook his head. “We stay. Ensure her safety.”

1 rolled my eyes again. I would not hurt her. Not now. I wanted

to make her mine. The way fate had intended all along. “Is a guy not able to make mistakes? So long as he can admit them?” I urged her, and her eyes darted to mine. I was shocked at the anger I found there. This was not the mild and weak girl I remembered. She had changed recently. She was certainly more confident. Bolder. Braver…

“Make mistakes?” she questioned. “Miles, you almost killed Harley just so he could not be with me. He left the pack to escape you. Yes, you may have had your reasons within your mind for being a d**k with me, all because I refused to help you with your studies, or should I say do all your studies for school to help you pass, but you made my life hell for far too long, and dragged others into that too. They aren’t mistakes, they were choices. Mistakes are one-time things, but these things were happening time and time again.

“And I am sorry for them, so, so sorry for them. Do you not see


Chapter 187 Miles

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that? I requested an annulment from Kaia today because I realized it should have been you. I should never have given up on you. I have been a fool, Bai. Please, give me a chance to prove I can change?” I lied. She did not need to know the circumstances of the situation with Kaia.

“You will never change. You went for treatment and came back worse.” She said coldly. “Whatever went on with Kaia is nothing to do with me. We are not connected anymore.”

My heart ached at the thought. I needed her to want me. Every other she-wolf I tried with wanted me, but the one I needed seemed to resist me so easily… “Bai, come on, darling. You know we could be good together. Luna and Alpha? You and me? Yes, I messed up, and I will spend forever making that up to you.” I put on my best charm, my voice a deep purr. “Think of the pack. What do you say?” I added, hoping that would sway her.

But instead her eyes fell on the Beta, tears beginning to build. And he suddenly enveloped her in an embrace. Angry eyes were upon me from all directions as I began to realize my plan was failing miserably. I was about to speak again, try desperately to win Bailey over, when I saw her whispering to the Beta. And then I saw a smile spread upon his face as he looked at her adoringly as she offered him her neck. Before I could move, his canines had elongated and his teeth sunk into her neck… he had marked her!

My heart tightened in pain… shock… fury… he, had marked her. This man had marked the she-wolf that the moon goddess had chosen for me. The one I had been fool enough to let go… And the smile upon her face as she looked up at him, told me it was everything she wanted. I had already lost her.


Chapter 187-Miles

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“Well, I think you have your answer, don’t you?” Alpha Caleb said with a smile, as I felt all hope falling from me… leaving nothing but emptiness…

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