Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 184

Chapter 184 – Asher

Bailey was awake. The most wonderful feeling in the world; and I was hoping things were looking up for us. I had been about to tell her how I felt for her… well, more confirm what I think she had likely heard me declare while she was unconscious… until the bl**y doctor chose that moment to walk in. Jeez, nothing like great timing. We sure didn’t seem to have much luck when it came to time alone…

And then the doctor decided to announce to Bailey I had done nothing but sit by her side like a lost puppy. Unable to eat. Unable to sleep. I am sure Bailey did not need to know that, and the doctor definitely did not need to be sharing that. It truly did not paint me in the best of lights, I am sure. I was just about to defend myself when a mindlink suddenly came through. One I had not been expecting, and one I most certainly did not want to hear.

‘Ash. He is here. He is on a mission to get her back.’ Caleb’s voice was blunt and to the point, even in the link, but my blood ran cold as his words hit me. Miles had chosen to come to our pack in a bid to claim Bailey? I felt a frown take over my face as Caleb continued. ‘Got things under control right now. He might act like a big hard man, and a bully, but he is dumb as f***k. He was the one causing s**t at the gate. Though he is now rushing through the hospital. Be alert.’

My face twisted in anger as I quickly stormed from the room, not even explaining where I was going. I didn’t have the time right now. No. I needed to go. I needed to go and stop this sick b** before he got anywhere near Bailey. How f**king dare



he turn up here thinking he can demand her back?! After everything he had done, too….

‘Marc, get your a** to the hospital.’ I mindlinked him quickly as I rushed down the corridor. “That sick f**ker has arrived in hope to take Bailey home with him.”

I knew their home wasn’t too far away, and also I knew we could rely on my former brother-in-law for protecting Bailey. He had done all he could so far to protect her. He would come without a doubt…

‘Hmm?’ he responded, albeit sleepily. “No? He turned up here?” On my way.”

Fury rushed through me, while Zign was raging in my mind, which was never a good thing. What was Caleb thinking in allowing him into our pack, let alone bringing him to the hospital? He knew what that little **t was capable of. He knew that that sick f**ker’s ultimate mission was to take Bailey home with him, and I doubted he would stop until he had succeeded.

“Where is he Cal? I asked, not seeing a sight of either of them, but a deep-seated hope that Caleb would be on his tail if he had rushed into the hospital. We did not need some jumped-up upcoming Alpha smashing our hospital up, putting out pack members at risk. I didn’t want to believe that Caleb would have just allowed some self-entitled little b**rd of an upcoming Alpha to storm our pack and crash our hospital. This little**it would be taken down, I had no doubt about that!

“Coming through the hospital now. You coming to meet us? he asked

“Too f**ng right I am. Not a chance he is getting near Bailey’ I

Chapter 184 Asher

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‘Where the hell else did he think we was going to be? With our feet up having a coffee?!’ Zion snarled angrily in my mind, making me smirk. He was more than ready to go… ready to defend his girl. And so was I.

‘I am allowing him the chance to talk to her before I detain him. Not that he knows that part yet. She needs to hear him out. Let him see this thing with them is done. Let him see she is moving on. Or, if she chooses, she returns with him.’ Caleb said, and I felt anger becoming so out of control as Zion growled inside of my head. This was one of the few times he felt ready to turn. upon his own Alpha. He was taking the man who had made her life a living hell for so long right to her door…

‘Do not even go there.’ I snarled, turning the corner, to walk. straight into an angry-looking young guy. Currently, dressed quite formally, and Caleb, not far behind. I gave him a dark glare, as I shoved the little f**kwit in front of me, looking down at him angrily as I did. He looked like an arrogant little ** Zion. growled once more…

“So, thought you would turn up and claim what you think is yours, did you?” I growled. “Only she isn’t yours anymore, is she? Hasn’t been since the moment you decided she wasn’t good enough for you. Not that you ever deserved her in the first place.”

He stumbled back a little, clearly not expecting me to touch him, but soon steadying himself, as his eyes darkened before. settling upon me. “And you are?” he sneered. This little s***it so clearly thought he was something, I was more than ready to show him he wasn’t…


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“This is my Beta. And, you want to remember what I warned you outside, Miles. Or you will be detained, or killed. Remember that. This is my pack.” Caleb growled, his Alpha aura pushed right out at full force, making me flinch in pain. He rarely used his full aura, and he shouldn’t be doing that in the hospital either, but I assumed it was a sign of his power to this little k**b. Putting him in his place. “You are here to say what you need to say to Bailey, allow her to make the decision she needs to make.”

Miles turned to look at Caleb, still looking far too confident for my liking considering Caleb’s aura and the fact he was on another Alpha’s pack. “Well, perhaps you want to tell your little, sidekick to wind his neck in. I am here for Bailey. Nothing more. And as for Bailey making the decision she needs to make, she knows what is best for her pack.

Zion pushed forward, so far forward and so fast he took me by surprise, as a deep growl emanated from my lips, as hair began to protrude from my arms. I battled with my wolf knowing that shifting in here would not be ideal… Zion could be brutal if he lost control, and while I had no issue with him losing control with this d***k, losing control in the hospital was not the place for that to happen.

‘Calm down.’ Caleb ordered me through the mindlink. ‘I know you are annoyed, and so am I. But this cannot get out of hand, and right now he is behaving. First let’s put this thing with Bailey to bed. I have allowed him here so we can detain him until the council get here. So we know where he is. Logic, Ash. Logic. Do not make me use my aura on you too.’

I tried to calm my breathing. So angry at my friend and Alpha for thinking it was acceptable to let this man into our pack when he knew the threat he posed to the woman I loved. Yet he seemed

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to have some sort of plan. Did it make sense to me? Not right now, but Caleb’s plans rarely failed….

The anger inside was harder to control when it came to the little f**he would not be leaving here with her, of that I was sure. He would have to kill me to get to Bailey, that much I did know.

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