Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 177

Chapter 177 – Asher

A nurse came from the room where Bailey was being treated to speak to the doctor as Eden joined me, having spoken to Marc and Morgan. I looked at the nurse, pleading with her with my eyes to let me know that everything was okay, as she spoke to the doctor. Eden squeezed my hand in an attempt to reassure me, but right now I don’t think there was any hope of that. ‘Try not to think the worst.’ Eden mindlinked, as the doctor suddenly

came across.

“Beta, we have done all we can…” he began, Zion wailed heavily within my mind as it felt like my heart was shattering into a thousand pieces, while my heart began to race, thinking he was about to tell me my beautiful girl had gone. I could not face this again.

“No, doctor, please no!” I interrupted.

“Ash, let the doctor finish.” Eden wrapped her arms around my waist as she looked toward the doctor, urging him to continue.

“As I was about to say, although maybe I should have put it slightly better, we have done all the treatment we can for the time being, so it is just a case of monitoring Miss West, and maintaining the treatment we have now removed the sedation, and hoping she regains consciousness. It is difficult to say how Hong this may take due to her injuries, and how weak her body is right now. She needs to rest, and most importantly recover. But, if you want to come and sit with her, you are more than

welcome to.”



Chapter 177-Asher

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I felt my body sag in relief as Eden nodded at the doctor. “That would be good thank you.”

We followed the doctor along the corridor, my body feeling like I was in a trance right now, as we made our way into the private room they currently had Bailey being treated in. And as I saw her lying in the bed, I felt myself weakened at the sight of her… she looked so frail… damaged… and I felt like I had let her down in not being able to protect her. I wish I had done as I had wanted, and gone to that wedding with her. Show that Miles f**king Davenport that she was moving on in her life. That she had a good man there to love and care for her. To support and protect her. But instead I had stayed here like the pathetic mess that I


I found myself frozen at the bottom of the bed, my eyes unable to move from the sight of my beautiful Bailey so badly injured, as she was attached to drips and machines, her body covered in dried blood and dressings, as well as a sheet placed lightly up to her shoulders, where the hospital gown had also been placed neatly over her body.

“Ash, she will be okay.” Eden said calmly. “They know what they are doing.”

How could she be so sure? She sure as hell did not look okay right now. She looked close to death, in all honesty…

“I am scared, Eden.” I whispered, as Eden led me to the chair next to the bed. I gently sat myself down, my legs were trembling under me, as I lowered myself to the chair, my eyes desperately not wanting to leave Bailey now she was back with me. Zion had retreated to the pits of my mind, this was affecting him worse than I wanted to consider right now.


Chapter 177 – Asher

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“Talking to her may help.” The nurse who was attending to one of the machines said softly. “She may be able to hear you.”

“Okay, thanks, we might give that a try, right Asher?” Eden looked across at the nurse with a smile. “Just out of curiosity, would it help her heal if he marked her?”

I quickly turned to look at my friend, while the nurse looked at Eden in shock. “Is he her fated mate?” she questioned.

I slowly shook my head, earning a swift nod from the nurse. “But you are a couple, I assume?” she said kindly. I rolled my eyes, wondering why Eden felt this conversation would even be necessary right now. And nothing like the nurse asking s**d questions…

Eden smiled in response though. “Yeah. So, would him marking her help her heal?” she asked again, urgency evident in her voice. I think she was desperate to find a way to help her friend right now, just as much as I was, but this did not seem right…

The nurse looked torn. “I think it would be hard to say for certain. It does certainly help for fated mates, but for chosen mates it does not always have the same effect. So there would be no way we could guarantee that. But, obviously, if it was something you had considered, then it could be worth a try, I guess.” she said with a small shrug.

I shook my head abruptly. “I am not marking her without her permission. Not when we don’t even know if it will help.” I know we had spoken about being together, but we had not specifically spoken about becoming one another’s chosen mates. I had thought about it, but it had not been discussed. Not properly. No, marking her without her permission was wrong. I could not bring myself to do that to her. She may not


Chapter 177 – Asher

want it…

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Eden released a deep sigh. “So we could try talking to her though, yeah?” she looked to the nurse, like she was swiftly trying to change the subject. The nurse simply looked back at us awkwardly after my response and nodded as Eden

continued. “We could definitely give that a try then, couldn’t we, Ash? Just in case Bai can hear us.”

I nodded, unsure if I felt I’d be able to talk to Bailey when she was laid there like that. But Eden suddenly began speaking, and her chatter made me smile without even meaning to. “Hey Miss thing, you sure know how to give us a scare! But, now you have scared us all, you need to get yourself better. We have shopping to do, and I had you marked as chief babysitter now you and this grumpy old f** are making things official. So, please Bai, and that gorgeous wolf of yours, fix yourselves up real soon, so we can have you back, yeah?”

I looked across at Eden, and while her words may have been joking in nature, there were tears within her eyes. I reached for her hand. I could see she was struggling as much as me now. This was the woman she had become close to. A new friend. One that Caleb believed was filling a gaping hole left behind after her best friend had died; she was likely as terrified as me.

“I will sit here until she wakes up.” I told Eden, as she wiped away an escaping tear, and she smiled.

“I have no doubt that you will, but sometimes a break might be needed, Ash. We truly don’t know how long she might be here. The doctor doesn’t know how long she might be this way.” Eden said to me softly.

“I don’t care. I don’t want her to be alone again. I will be staying



Chapter 177 Asher

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here until she wakes up. She has to be okay, we need her, as much as she needs us. I am not going anywhere.” I said again with determination, knowing I would not settle if I were to leave her alone in the hospital like this. I needed to be by her side until she had healed and was returning home, with me, hopefully…

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