Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 169

Chapter 169 – Bailey

I fidgeted uncomfortably in the backseat of the car. We seemed to have been sitting here for a lifetime! Maybe that was more to do with the fear that was lingering within me that I could not shake… and the fact that Akira was heavily unsettled, telling me something was seriously amiss right now. The sky was darkening even further now, and I was becoming more and more restless, not to mention more anxious, as we continued sitting in the car while Marc continued to mess with the engine. This was taking longer than he thought, and I was seriously beginning to question if he did in fact know what he was doing, when he said he could fix the engine.

“Maybe we would be quicker walking back?” I suggested to Morgan, who looked at me in shock.

“In the dark?” she said, and I couldn’t help but smile. Even with a wolf, Morgan had always been a little scaredy-cat. Scared of the dark, scared of the slightest loud noise… she was forever teased for it, and forever a source of amusement for it, but everyone found it incredibly endearing too.

“Well, otherwise we could be here all night!” I exclaimed, beginning to wonder how Marc was going to be able to see much at all with the shade of the trees making the sky feel even darker.

“Let us ask him.” Morgan suggested, opening her door, so I followed suit, glad of the opportunity to stretch my legs.

Marc instantly looked up. “Why are you out? I said to stay in the

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car, it is safer there.” He grumbled, a deep frown etched upon his face. I think he was unsettled as I was at being out here in the forest, and he was an experienced warrior; that only confirmed in my mind how dangerous of an area we were in.

“We are uncomfortable, and wondering how long you might be.” Morgan asked, walking to look at the engine, though goddess knows why. I don’t think she knew the first thing about cars, other than you put fuel in them to make them drive, and even then she usually found somebody else to do that for her!

Marc sighed deeply, as I came to lean against the side of the car nearer to them, and he looked up at me. “Hmm, not going to plan. I can’t work out what is wrong. Not to mention one of the tires is gone. Though that is an easy repair once the engine is sorted. But, I need to sort this engine.”

“I was just saying maybe we would be better walking back… or shifting? Pack isn’t all that far is it?” I suggested, and the moment my words were out, the darkest look passed over Marc’ s face. I think it is safe to say he didn’t agree with that idea.

“No.” he snapped. “You are safer here with me. Out in the forest here it is dangerous, especially at night. There have been many reports of rogues around here of late too.”

I sighed, my heart pounding, trying hard not to allow my gaze to fall upon the trees, recalling what felt like many eyes looking at us earlier… had they been rogues? That would make sense. Though why would they be watching us? And would they be tempted to attack?

“Rogues?” Morgan asked, her voice stuttering, and I knew she was as scared right now as I was. We all knew the risk of rogues, and the damage they could do. They were feared by






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most in packs.

“Yes, beautiful.” Marc reached for her, pulling her to him, softly kissing her upon the head as he did. “Which is why I need you to stay with me. I need to protect you both.”

I couldn’t help but smile as I looked at the two of them, as my sister looked up at her mate adoringly. It made me realize just how much I wanted to get back to Asher. I had missed him, and I wanted to put things right with him…

Suddenly there was a chorus of deep growls from either side of the road, and Marc looked up suddenly, his eyes flashed darkly as he focused upon the forest. The whole stance of his body changed as he realized the threat surrounding us, and that filled me with terror. We were in trouble. I quickly looked around, my eyes darting across the forest either side of the road, my gaze anxiously falling upon many wolves… and these wolves did not look like friendly ones…

“Shift girls, and run! Run for pack!” Marc muttered loudly, as he pulled away from Morgan and his body began to alter. “Stick together.” He added just as his body made those final changes to create the form of his strong and skilled warrior wolf.

A deep growl was emitted from Morgan as she followed in her mate’s path, transitioning into her wolf form, so I did as I was told. Knowing I had no option right now. Marc had told us how dangerous this area was, and that it was filled with rogues… and it seemed they had found us. We needed to get ourselves back to the pack, and the only way to do that was to shift. Shift then try to outrun and escape these wolves… I just hoped we had the skills to do that…

Akira wasted no time now in surging forward, that familiar


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sensation as my body twisted and contorted into her beautiful wolf form. I had never had to fight aggressively with another wolf… we had trained, of course we had, that was a part of being a werewolf. We had to train regularly to ensure we were prepared for war, and to protect ourselves. But, never had I actually had to confront another wolf… not in this way, and despite the fact I knew Akira was skilled, I was still filled with. fear. Fighting was not something I enjoyed. And rogues were different. They did not fight like we did…

But today, Akira seemed to have no plan to fight. No plans to use the fighting skills she has refined over the many years of training we have endured… oh no, she planned to run as quickly as she could to get us back to Autumn Valley. Get us back to Asher. I knew if I could get back to him, he would protect us; and I think Akira knew that too. Thankfully, running was. something that Akira was skilled at, because it was something we regularly did together. Letting her out for long runs, building up her strength and her speed. And right now, I have never been more glad for our routine…

As Akira began to build up her speed, running as quickly as she could, I could see the wolves of Marc and Morgan ahead. Akira was following the instructions, knowing Marc had told us to stick together, obviously knowing staying together was our best option. That way, if the rogues attacked, we could assist one. another in our defense, but now I could see other wolves appearing, and they were targeting each of us individually… closing in upon us…this could not end well.

Suddenly, a deep gray wolf, with spittle hanging from its mouth, ran toward Akira. Angry eyes focused intensely upon me, and Akira swiftly darted off. The need to get away was

Coverpowering. But it took us away from my sister and Marc and

Chapter 169 – Bailey

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a sinking feeling of dread settled in the pit of my stomach as a number more wolves appeared from around the trees, their amber eyes hungrily gazing upon me. This was not a good sign. I think I may be in trouble, because I wasn’t even sure now how far we were from pack.

Chapter 170 Man:

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