Battle of the Elements

Chapter 11

We reached the large entrance to the palace. Two guards stopped us and asked us a few questions. We told them we were here to see the king because he had called us. They nodded at each other and asked us to follow them into the palace.

They stopped at a fence where several horses were tied up. We left our horses with them and was led to – what I think was – the throne room, where the king, – a tall, ‘big’ man with a large grey beard and a big belly – the queen – a slim woman with high cheek bones and black hair – and the princess – a girl who looked around nine years old with black hair that was tied up in a braid. The king spoke first with a smile in his voice, “Welcome, Prince Alex!”

Alex scratched the back of his neck – he hated when people called him ‘Prince’ – but replied with a professional smile, “Nice to see you, King Brendan. You called us here to deal with a pest?”


At the word ‘pest’ the queen flinched. A look of hatred appeared on the princess’s face at the word as well, but it was gone as quickly as it had appeared. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end when the little girl’ eyes settled on me. She smiled innocently, there was nothing wrong with what she had just done, but it set something off within my instincts – and if there was one thing I knew, it was to always trust my instincts.

The king continued speaking, “Yes! Well, I’m afraid we must speak in private for this matter.” He looked at me with probing eyes, “Some people can’t be trusted.”

I felt Melanie tense beside me – probably stiffening a low growl. I put a hand on her arm and she relaxed. Jake seemed fine, he stood next to her like a statue with an annoyed expression. I admired their friendship, against all odds they were best friends – and even though Melanie would never admit to it – and it was easy to see the way Jake looked at her.

Titania – who was standing next to Alex – spoke up, “They are a part of the team. Whatever you say to us, you can say to them.”

A look of annoyance crossed the king’s face but vanished when Alex cleared his throat – I guess Astia is a pretty powerful ally, you wouldn’t exactly want to piss off the prince of a powerful kingdom. The king wanted to argue but he held back, I hid my smile.

“Very well.” He said calmly. “The pest you are here to eliminate is a magician. She has never gone to the labs and refuses to go. She torments the kingdom at night and has psychic abilities. Do not trust her.” He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and opened it up to reveal a WANTED poster.

The picture was a girl, around Melanie’s age. She had black hair with several streaks of purple, pink and blue. Her face was delicate and she looked almost exactly like a doll with her thick, shoulder-length hair, red, freckled cheeks and dark-purple lips. Her eyes were a deep, dark purple – the colour of an eggplant.

Under the picture were words written in black ink:



(Approach with caution)

$1000 REWARD

The king continued speaking, “I want her dead.”

“May I ask why?” Alex said, obviously sharing my suspicions.

The princess poke instead of the king, her voice was high and sweet as she clutches her pink dress, “She wants to kill me. She doesn’t have a mother or father and she’s jealous of me. She’s…” her voice started to crack as tears started to appear in her light blue eyes.

The queen spoke instead, her voice sounded how I had imagined, gentle yet sharp, “She’s evil.”


The king had his servants take us through the palace, towards a hallway that held two chambers, one for boys and one for girls.

Bridgette seemed restless as we all sat in the men’s chambers. Alex spoke first as he settled down on one of the beds, “I think we should just do what they say and get out of here.” I knew why he wanted to leave. Alex had always disliked King Brendan, there was something in the way he viewed women, like they were his playthings. Maybe it was his old age that made him think that way, I wasn’t sure, all I knew was that Alex had always had a hate for him and avoided him if possible.

Bridgette was pacing the room, “Somethings not right! I can’t put my finger on it but I know something isn’t right.”

“I know what you mean. I don’t like that man. And something about that girl… puts me off.” Melanie said from her spot on the dresser. She had taken off the hood and seemed a little more relaxed now that she could show herself.

Dane had his chin rested in his hand and was leaning against the door. “I don’t understand what’s wrong with the mystery. All we have to do-”

“All we have to do is murder a thirteen-year-old girl.” Bridgette snapped.

Dane put his hands up, “Hey, what’s up with you?”

Bridgette shook her head quickly, “My instincts are telling me not to act until we know more on this girl.”

I held a finger up, “They also seem to be driving you insane.”

“What’s driving me insane is that I don’t understand why!”

Alex seemed annoyed – this wasn’t going well. “Why what?!”

Harrison clicked his fingers suddenly, “I know!”

Bridgette’s eyes darted to him, “You know what?”

“You said you had an ally here, right? Well, they would know more about this right? If they live here?”

Everyone stopped.

’You’re right,” I said, happy that the tension in the room was beginning to die down, “Bridgette, can you ask them about the Camelia Rose please?”

Bridgette scratched her head, “I guess. We’re supposed to be meeting in five minutes. Jake, Little Wolf and I can go see her while you guys find out more info from the locals.”

Dane clapped his hands together, “Great! Let’s get going then.”

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