Azimuth: The Elden Throne (New Version)

Chapter 339 Limitless?






As the strange vision ended, the world exploded with light as the darkness was cast away, momentarily dazing Dale as he squinted his eyes.

'It ended...'

Processing what he had just seen, he slowly pieced together the events as he tried to understand just what sort of truth the Tablet had just given him.

'Okay… Phew…'

He raised his head, looking at the Tablet, but it now remained silent. The Golden Words had vanished, leaving behind the inanimate carvings from before on its smooth, greenish surface.

Whatever it wanted to show him it had already done so. Yet, he could feel faint fluctuations within its surface, it still had a lot left to share, but now was not the time.

There was nothing left to do here, he was done, and this meant there was only one thing left to do…

'I've learned some truths but nothing of consistency... I believed I would come to understand more of what was at stake and maybe make the Oath, but I was subjected to neither.'

'Of course, it would be a lie to say my horizons haven't changed at all with this trip, I now know the entire world is involved in this, but I still have no idea how this connects to me.'

'Elden Throne in itself is still a mystery.'

'The first vision was that of Caladbolg's creation, and I assume the tablet did not show it to me from a whimsical decision... If it can make any that is.'

'I already knew that my future would be tightly bound to the Relic, however, it seems the tablet wants to remind me of its importance and that whatever I had in plan for it... Was far from enough.'

'If I'm interpreting things right… Perhaps the Tablet wishes me to pursue Caladbolg's completion and to achieve what its maker could not.'

'If the sword possesses a will of its own, which I always thought it did to a certain degree, then I must also pursue developing said identity… While also being on the lookout for the strange bow that shattered its previous body.'

'A bow of such power is likely something as strong if not a Grade higher than Caladbolg, I can't let it be pointed at me or those around me… The consequences of said event would be catastrophic.'

'It could also be a hint… A hint towards the sword's sole weakness.'

'The problem is that the bow was shattered long ago... Finding any of its pieces is likely going to be no easy of a task.'

'Worse... If there are others pursuing it also...'


Dale took a step back, slowly turning back as he made his way to Roger.

Without knowing, he was just an arm's length away from the tablet, close enough to see his own reflection.

Strangely enough, he did not remember ever walking this close…

Not only that, his environment seemed a little different, the people observing the Tablet had changed and the area was slightly less crowded when compared to before.

Regardless, as he walked out of the Tablet's area of influence, he continued to think:

'Now, for the second tale shown to me…'

'The center idea of the vision was the strange marble.'

'It did not tell me where it came from, much less what it represented, but I'm certain that its value and importance is of immeasurable proportions.'

'The first thing I felt when I was introduced to the Marble were the overwhelming emotions of the strange beings surrounding it, as massive as mountains.'

'Some felt incomprehensible grief, others mocked it for some exoteric reason…'

'But when it shattered, they either left uninterested, bored or for the sake of finding something else to do... But some resigned themselves to fix it.'

'And when they did succeed, those that left returned, wishing to either join or watch the fun from the sides.'

'Then, from a clear clash of interests, War ensued and they slowly died. Until the quiet one stopped them by creating his little "game".'

'For all I know, there was no reason why those beings should've accepted his idea, much less for the ones after to continue the compromise of those before them, participating in the strange game instead of warring with each other.'

'What is the Orb and the strange idea the 'Quiet One' had? The World where Azimuth is located? If so, did it mean it was once destroyed?'

'Then were those beings Gods? Perhaps something more primordial? Or a species of some kind, extremely powerful existences mayhaps still underneath that of the Gods.'

'If so, why did the Tablet show their story to me?'contemporary romance

'Assuming the marble is a world, then those beings witnessed the destruction of a World, and from its shattered fragments, they created a whole new one.'

'Incomplete, but functional.'

'And when they did, chaos ensued.'

'Why? Why would they be so interested in it?... The only possibility for that is that they are unable to create anything resembling the marble on their own, so when it was fixed, they got interested in it.'

'However, that raises the question of the marble's origin, and how important it trully is.'

'Many of the beings were willing to turn their backs to the marble without caring much about it, was it because of their unique personalities or because of something more fundamental about themselves?'

'... They can't be Gods, as I thought about before, David told me that there was once the Era of the Gods, a time when walked in the mortal world.'

'They created the species and their many unique qualities, the Gates within the Human Body are one of the "limitations" imposed upon us for our safety, a small fragment of their great design, the perfection they saw within ourselves... Or an imperfection they left behind but were too ashamed to fix.'

'So, according to the vision, such wouldn't be possible because those beings always kept each other in check, never descending upon the marble… If, once again, I assume it is the world.'

'Then what could the Orb be if not a world? Where did those beings live?' Dale thought deeply as he walked through the line on the ground, approaching Roger

'Was the Orb some sort of Artifact very much like Caladbolg?'

'I could be overestimating their power and worth for all I know…'

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'But the sensations I got… Such gargantuan depth...'

'I only felt that way when I received Ju-Arkesios' blessing, and even then, it was considerably smaller and not oppressive.'

'It could be due to the divergent scenarios, but I can't ignore said possibility.'

'In any case, the problem is how to tie everything together, as in the end, I learned little about Elden Throne, I learned almost nothing about the Crucibles, apart from what Roger told me about, what I know about the Generations and the Chosen Players hasn't changed at all.'

'And above all, I learned jack shit about the Green Box and why was it given to me.'

'What exactly is Elden Throne planning and how do they connect with all of this?'

'Roger made it seem as if Elden Throne is but an affront to something bigger, but there's still much left for interpretation.

'The Green Box... Is it a natural gift to the one to reach Level 100 first?'

'It is highly hypothetical… But considering the other generations were limited in their Leveling process, and since I was the first 'player' of this generation to reach the limit, it could be a portion of the reward for the Chosen first.'

'Maybe Elden Throne was obliged to pass it on to me… Maybe this reward is the same as all others received also...'

'The generations before received their character's powers the moment a "truth" was reached while I'm constantly evolving as my other persona changes.'

'Aren't those one and the same?... Unless there's something else I'm unaware.'

'... Overall, I would say this trip was worth it, the only thing left now is to see if Roger can share what he knows with me.'

'For all I know, I've already been baptized, I only need to know if I'll be penalized by sharing these things with others and if they can also share their own secrets with me as well.'

'If not… I would be a little concerned.'

Pensive and still confused, Dale turned around, approaching Roger who was now sitting on a white bench underneath a tree.



"... We've got the green light..."

"... The Oracle has been given, the web cannot be damaged any further, do not fail the Lord."



Back in the USA, a group of strange individuals gathered around Dale's house, hidden inside an apartment with a view directly to his home.

They had a silent and gloomy aura surrounding them, it was deep, heavy, and sharp.

Equipped with strange equipment and metallic black clothing, completely obscuring their bodies from view, they looked excessive even to this age's standards.

"Start the operation."

One of them, a tall man with a strange holographic image of pointed feathers floating behind his head spoke, commanding the other soldiers as they all remained in complete and utter silence, as if even their heartbeats had stopped.

"Silence the one that beckons the end." He said in a deep tone, raising a dimly lit saber into the air, slightly above his chest

""Death to the Cursed Child."" The others replied, performing the same strange gesture





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