Awakening The Unknown

Chapter Unknown 31



Twelve hours left. That's all the time that we have until we spend twenty-four hours sleeping together. Laying in bed, wrapped in one another's arms, we stared blankly at the ceiling.

A soothing caress was placed on my arm as I laid my head on Wren's chest. He was a truly handsome guy. His dark, chestnut brown locks messily on top of his head. His full, pungent pink tinted plumped lips parted slightly as he breathed. His sharp, thick but narrowed jawline.


Even his blazing red eyes, with now green specks, gazed back into mine. I did a double take and started hard into his eyes.

"What are you staring at like that?" Wren raised a thick unruly dark brow at me. I quickly turned my head from him and tried to hide my blush from his eyes.

"Nothing. It's just your eyes." I squeaked as he tried to pry my hands from covering my bright cheeks.

Since we were tangled in the sheets, my attempt failed to escape away from his big hand capturing mine and pulling them from my face.

"Jerk." I pouted. He just laughed. He slid himself on top of me and kissed my poked out lip. I melted right there. He could turn me into putty in his hands if he truly wanted to do so.

"Don't tease me the day I have to fuck you." He laughed at me. My face went even deeper in the shade of red. He just had to be so vulgar about it.

"I know we have to have sex and all, but do you really have to talk so dirty?" I shuddered at his words.

Or he could keep talkin' dirty to me...

I sometimes really liked it when he said dirty things to me me. He knew it too.

"I know you love it." He purred in my ear.

"N-no I don't." I stuttered and tried to push him away. He laughed at me and tightened his arms around me.

"I'm just kidding, Mate. Calm down." He chuckled into my neck.

"You're such a jerk." I pouted. He just shook his head at me and jumped from underneath the blankets.

"Let's do something fun." Wren suggested with his hands resting on his hips. I stared blankly up at him with an eyebrow raised at him.

"What do you mean do something fun?" I tilted my head at the taller boy.

"I mean," he sat on the end of the bed leaning close to me.

"We should have some fun before we have some fun." He wiggled his brows.


"Wren, it seems you have lost your mind." I sigh and stood up from the blankets.

"We can't leave this room until after tomorrow night. What are we supposed to do for fun?" I threw my hands up exasperated.

"We make something fun." His eyes lit up. The more I look at them, the more I see his original eye color easing its way back onto his irises.

"Wren?" I ask cautiously. I step around the bed to his side and stand between his opened legs.

"What is it, Mate?" His voice dropped.

What the hell is going on here?

"Are you feeling okay?" I pressed a palm to his forehead to feel for any abnormal temperature.

"I feel fine." His voice lightened. He was changing back to his original personality.

But how?

"Wren, what's my name?" I ask warily. Would he call me Mate?

Would he call me that ridiculous nickname he gave me?

Or call me by my real name?

"Your name is..." his brows furrowed together as he thought about it.

"Hold on a sec." I raised my finger to him. I mindliked Solanis.

"What's going on with Wren? His eyes have green in them." I told her. The link hummed as she was about to respond.

'Wren's body is accumulated with both sets of power he has now. And since he's here with you, his power becomes regulated and makes it easier for the combing power. No need to worry my sweet child.' I sighed a breath of relief.

That was why his eyes were changing.

"Thanks for letting me know, Solanis." I breathed out disconnecting the link.

I sauntered over to Wren and stood back in between his legs. I lifted his head with my index to examine his eyes. They were still that blazing red, just with new adjustments. His original obsidian green began to streak the red.

Even specks of sea green popped in.

His eyes were so hypnotizing.

I took the time to look at him some more.

His hair was getting longer, it looked good. His jawline was till as sharp as ever. His cheek bones weren't high or low, just perfect. His eyebrows needed some help but I won't put him through that torture of tweezers.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Mate? Is there something on my face or something?" His hands came up to feel across his face for anything dirt or grime that he thought was there.

I laughed at him and rested my hands on his broadened shoulders. "No, I was just gazing. That's all." I gave him a genuine smile. To think I haven't gave anyone a smile like that in a long time was crazy. Crazy to think that he just swooped in with his smirking face and goofy attitude, he made me want to smile again.

He was my happiness.

"Is my face that great to look at? Take a picture, it'll last longer." He winked. He wrapped his arms around my hips and guided me down to his lap, straddling him.

"How much time do we have left?" I ask looking around for a clock.

"We have..." he thought for a minute then looked above the door frame at the gold and wooden clock. "About five and a half hours left until we get our groove on." He haunches his hips up into mine, proving his point.

"Don't do that." I breathlessly whispered into his neck.

His thumbs circled invisible lines on my back. Small tingles ran down my spine at the touch of affection.

"Why not, Mate?" He purred deeply into my ear, sending heated moisture to my undies. I let out a shaky breath. My face snuggled further into his neck, he kept his hands firmly on my hips. He subtly pushed my hips down onto his, causing an addicting friction between my thighs.

"Do you not want to do this? We've been waiting a while for this to happen. I didn't want to at first." He admitted quietly. A small pang of hurt speared through my heart at the thought of him not wanting me.

"What do mean that you didn't want to at first?" I couldn't stop the crack in my voice, it hurt a little more than I thought it would initially especially after what I had told him the first day we were here.

Did that make him have second thoughts about this?

I know he said that he would always want me but, does he really?

"Hey," one of his hands left my waist, the other, had tightened and brung me closer to him.

"I didn't want to hurt you just for being with me. I didn't trust myself, I had just gotten out of my cage weeks before I died, and when you came back I couldn't help myself when we face to face again. I needed you right then and there, but I had to keep you away. I wanted you to know the me that was sleeping around, that was supposed to keep you safe." He sighed and laid his forehead on my shoulder.

"Why would you think that you would taint me? What if I was the one to taint you? What would you have done then?" I questioned.

His head snapped up at lightning speed. His eyes bore into mine, searching for answers that he already has.

"How would you do that? You aren't a Demon's son, Mate. I could have reacted badly if we were to sleep together that one night in your room. And when my powers actually did decide to spring loose," he shut his eyes tight and shook his head.

"I fucking hurt you, Mate. Do you know how terrible that felt to have ever raised a ha d to you?" Frustration started burning in his eyes.

"Wren, I know that was an accident. Your powers had overwhelmed you, and you lashed out on the first thing you saw. Unfortunately that was me, I already forgave you, so stop sulking already." I grabbed ahold of his face in my hands and tilted his head up to meet my eyes.

I kissed his forehead and spoke again. "We got over it, it's in the past and done with. We're moving on and starting something new, tomorrow we will be strengthening our bond and doing a lot of sexy stuff." I reasoned. I leaned down and pressed a gentle to his lips, he need to know that we will be different after this.

We will be as one and stronger than ever.

If everything goes to plan...

I pulled away and gazed into his eyes and spoke. "So what are we supposed to do now?" Wren shrugged his shoulders and wrapped his arms around me.

We already know a whole bunch of stuff to know about each other, so what else?

"We could make out for the next couple of hours and maybe, have sex a few hours before schedule." He said nonchalantly shrugging again.

My face went beet red.

How could he just be so vulgar like that?

I mean, yeah some girls say what they want without hesitation, but with more grace.

Well, except Anais that is.


We had sat like that for about another hour or so. We were snuggled up against each other. He wasn't to cold or too warm.

Just the right temperature for me.

He had move us back further into the bed and leaning into the headboard.

My head was snuggled in the crook of his neck while his was leaning his back on the headboard, eyes closed while his arms were around my waist. His fingers were drawing invisible patterns on my hip skin.

"Time?" I asked, the sound muffled in this neck as I felt him move his head around for the clock.

"We have three more hours left. Let's do something interesting to pass the time." Wren suggested. I sighed and sat up and kicked a leg over his hips. Straddling him, I got comfortable above his hips instead of his groin.

Who knows what he'll do if I sat there.

"What is life?" I ask with my head tilted, I was genuinely curious of what his answer will be.

"Hmm," he thought for a second. His hands were on my sides, caressing the softer skin.

"I think that life is the energy force that one has embedded in their bodies. It's different from spiritual energy though." He answered.

"That's some deep stuff, dude." I say nodding to myself.

"Well, that's just what I believe in." He shifted his eyes to mine and tilted his own head at me.

"What do you think about life?" He asked.

"I think that life is the continuation of an energy force in an individuals body while it slowly deteriorated with each day until it's time for it to burn out." I began.

"Sometimes, that energy force is taken at the wrong time and causes hurt and depression across the world because of it. Life is full of struggles and strife that we all fight hard to get through, some more than others. Life isn't easy for anyone, but it's easier for some to get through. Well, that's just my point of view." Wren had his jaw slackened and was staring blankly up at me.

"What?" I ask. He just continued to stare up at me and slowly sat up from his laying position.

One of his hands holds one of my cheeks, his thumb caressed the apple of my cheek. "Is that a general point of view, or just yours?" He had a point.

"That was just the things that I had put together through my own experiences with life. But that doesn't mean that other people haven't gone through the same." It was true, people do struggle.

"I know that things are hard for you. I know all too well about the evil in the world." His hands wrapped around my arms, rubbing the heated flesh with his cooler flesh.

"I know, I'm sorry. That must've been really selfish of me." I sighed.

"Alright, let's finish the conversation." His head went to the side, peeking around mine at something behind me. I followed his gaze to the gold and wooden clock above the door frame.

Thirty to.

Thirty more minutes of waiting until Wren and I become one.

I look back to Wren and we lock eyes for a long moment before I felt his lips on mine.

It was a soft kiss, but he kissed like he was treasuring the taste of my lips. Devouring them like they would go away.

"Only thirty more minutes." I mumbled against his lips. He just wrapped his arms around my waist once again, trapping me against him. He flipped us over so that I was on bottom, while he, was on top of me and in between my legs.

"I'll be taking charge, Mate." He kissed my lips, jaw, the sweet spot under my ear.

"I know you love it, darlin'." His cooled breath hit the tip of my ear as my face took a deep crimson shade splayed across my cheeks.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about but you need to s-stop so the ritual goes right to plan." I stuttered trying to, unsuccessfully, remove myself from under the muscular body.

"So you don't get even the tiniest bit turned on when I tell you things like, 'I'm gonna lick you up and down until you're begging to be touched where you really want it'?" His lips touched my earlobe.

"Or when I tell you, how deep I'll be inside of you?" His hips ground into my now spread legs. Proving his point by roughly grinding into me, emitting soft pants from my lips.

"Remember that time I tied you down?" I smirked evilly up at him. He let out a low growl as his eyes began to softly glow.

"I remember all too well." He growled. His voice had dropped lower now, it was deep and smooth like velvety silk from his lips.

"So what are you gonna do about it?" I challenged. I flicked my tongue across my lower lip and dragged it between my teeth for dramatic effect. His blazing, speckled eyes moved with the moments I had made with calculated observation.

He turned his head back toward the clock above the door. His head turned back to face me with a smug smirk implanted on his face.

"Five minutes, Mate. Whatever shall we do until then?" He smirked.

Where did the time go?

"I suppose we could always do this," I pulled his neck and crashed my lips into his. Savoring the soft, warm flesh between my own.

Wren slipped his tongue between the seams of my lips into my mouth. Gliding over every surface that he could reach, wrapping around my own with precision.

He released my lips with a soft smile an his face. His eyes had an edge of seriousness behind the growing lust reflecting into my eyes.

"I'm gonna take my time with you, Mate," he lowered his head into the crook of my neck, inhaling the skin. He sent his lips trailing down the length of my neck as shivers spread though my body.

"Because I want you to feel all of it," He ground his hips harder into mine.

"All of it." He growled.

My hands wrapped around his broad shoulders and pulled him impossibly closer than he already was.

I want to feel all of him against me.

I needed to feel all of him against me.

My legs had a mind of their own, wrapping like vines around his lower back, pressing him into me more. He responded with growls against the skin of my neck at the action.





The clock stroke twelve.

In an instant Wren pulled back and pulled my wrapped legs closer to him. He pulled me onto his lap and kissed my lips vigorously. I kissed back even harder, slightly challenging him. He pulled back with a smirk.

"I thought we were supposed to take our time." He chuckled as he pulled the backs of my knees.

"Those were your words. Not mine." I smiled innocently down at him. His arms wrapped around my waist and sat against the headboard once again, dragging me along with him.

Letting out a yelp and small giggles, I caught myself before falling over the edge of the bed from impact. He chuckled along with me and placed his lips on mine again, more gently this time. Slowly caressing his lips with mine.

His hands were rested in the small of my back while subtly lowering to my lower cheeks. Grabbing and kneading the softer flesh in his large hands. I shifted farther up his lap, nestling myself on top of his hips. He rocked his hips into mine, low growls and mewls were all that could be heard beside the locking of our lips.

'Activate your powers.' His voice drifted into my mind over our already existing bond link. I nodded my head.

Removing my lips from his I sat back on his lap and called my already itching flames to life. The prickling flames sprouted from underneath my pores and out onto my flesh. The heated aura wafted and cradled my body like an inferno of a blanket. Black, red, orange and yellow hues coated and decorated the room with their warm colors.

My fingers had elongated slightly as black, lava dripping claws sprouted out of my fingernails. My canines descended down from my upper gums while the ones on my lower gums ascended to meet the already readied teeth. After the activation was completely done, Wren's body started to hum, his powers responding with my own.

His red lighting crackled and popped around his skin in the black and crimson, blood red aura. His eyes had pulsed to life with more vigor than before. The blazing red began to leak with sea green and gold speck swishing and floating through the irises.

His hands grew larger on top of my skin as his powers pushed further to the surface. He growled into my neck and kissed the flesh hard.

Suckling, nipping and licking across the bruised skin. My hands grasped onto his shoulders to steady myself . With the grinding of our hips, the kisses on my neck and the flowing power suffocating the room, I felt light headed.

I was all too much, but so much more was to come.

"Ready?" A smirk graced his plump pink lips.

"Yeah, I am." I confirmed. Wren put his arms behind my back, his hands trailing up my back to unclasping my bra. Since Wren was already practically half naked anyway, I let him undress me first.

When both arms went through the opening of the bra, he dropped the bra to the floor as his eyes kept focus on mine the entire time. He wanted my permission first.

I nodded and his eyes slowly trailed down my face, neck, chest, then to my breasts. He inhaled sharply and took ahold of the soft mounds. Running his thumbs across the taught nipples, examining every inch of the skin which he held in his hands.

My breath hitched. Small breathy moans left my lips as he stuck his tongue and flicked the tip over the dark pink buds. My moans soon grew louder the room, along with the sounds of his growls.

He pulled his mouth away from my chest, eliciting a small whimper from my lips in the absence.

"I told you I was gonna take my time with you, right?" He raised a dark brow at me. I nodded in agreement.

"I know, but it's really hard sitting like this and not doing anything." I admitted breathlessly. He smirked and brought his lips to mine again. Our two auras sizzling against each other in correspondence to the bond.

My fingers were sliding up his chest, slowly creeping into his hair, tangling themselves between the dark chestnut brown locks. Wren had his hands firmly grasping my ass again, obviously enjoying himself.

The room was swirling to life from our two powers. Just us kissing and being together already began to heighten our powers.

My hips ground against his, trying to get as much friction as I could get.His hand pushed me down harder against him, wanting nothing more for him to be inside. Just the thought of it sends me into a frenzy.

I could never get enough of him.

I trailed my hands from Wren's hair and back down his chest. Feeling every ridge, indent, and crevice of his firm muscles. My hands went down his stomach and down to his boxers. They teasingly crept under the waistband of his basketball shorts and rubbed his length under the thin fabric.

Small groans and growls came from deep in his throat. Resonating through the room. I dropped my hand into his underwear this time and grabbed hold of the thick appendage. He pulled his head away and threw it back letting out a deep grunt. The sound sent heat to the area between my thighs.

"Shit..." he planted out. My thumb rubbed his tip as the other hand was pumping the hardened shaft. He was dripping with essence as I kept going, quickening and slowing pace. I pushed his chest and laid him down fully, yanking his shorts and boxers down in one swift moment before they set on fire from being in my grasp. He gave me a questioning look when I stared him down.

My eyes hungrily gazed down every inch of his body. Once he saw the look in my eyes, he sat up straight and spoke.

"You don't have to-" I cut him off.

"Let me do this, Wren." I brought my eyes up to look into his. My own eyes were swirling with the galaxy colors of the blues, sea greens, purples and hints of the hues from my flames.

Even without those flames, my body was already burning from his touch.

"I want to taste you, like you had did me." I reminded him with another lust filled look his way. He nodded and gulped, his Adam's Apple bobbed as he laid back down. He watched me closely with apprehension in his eyes. Like he didn't want me to do this for him after all he already did for me in these past months, he even helped me in the past.

I owe him.

I looked him in his eyes and smiled while leaning down a bit. He eyed cautiously as I took a look at him.

He was big.

I gulped and looked back at his eyes as I opened my mouth a bit for my tongue to dart out onto his tip. He hissed a bit and arched his back some. I took that as a 'I'm doing okay'.

I took a deep breath and opened my mouth a little bit more to take in more of him. My lips were wrapped around his tip, sucking and lapping my tongue around the head.

Soft groans and low growls rolled out of from his lips. A sense of pride swelled into my heart at the thought of me pleasing my mate while being the only person who could get a reaction like this out him. I bobbed my head up and down and used my hands for those rest of him that I couldn't quite get into my mouth.

He growled under his breath as I took in more of his length into my mouth, hollowing my cheeks to make it tighter around him. A loud groan came from deep in chest as I kept going like this for a while.

"Fuck." He must be close.

His hands tangled into my hair as I kept going. He pushed down on my head while his hips thrusted out, putting more of his length into my mouth, hitting the back of my throat. I hummed a bit and that did the trick, as I felt spurts if the liquid go down my throat involuntarily.

"Damnit, I didn't mean to do that." His blazing eyes widened in worry. I slid him from my mouth and reassured him.

"It's fine, you took in my own..." I didn't want to say the word.

"So I wanted to do same for you." I sheepishly smiled. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and wiped away the remnants of his essence. I continued and took him back into my mouth and pumped him in my hand.

I had never done this before, but before we came here I spent a lot of time watching...informative videos on the internet.

I looked him in the eyes and hollowed my cheeks around him as I bobbed my head some more. One of his hands found my hair again and the other tangled in the sheets.

"Hold on." He gently pulled my mouth from around his length and wiped the corner of my mouth.

He sat up and flipped us over so that he was between my legs again.

He began kissing, and suckling, and biting the already bruised skin from his earlier attack on my neck. His tongue darted out onto my skin and dragged down the length of my pulse to my chest again.

One of his hands had grasped onto the soft, round mounds on my chest. Squeezing, kneading, and rubbing his thumb across my erect nipples.

"Mhmm..." I was in a complete haze from all of his actions. His other hand dragged down my stomach to the waistband of my underwear.

Not going in completely, his fingers traced circles across the heated skin. He left tingles everywhere his had touched, leaving me wet and squirming.

"Stop playing around, Wren." I half growled-half moaned. He smirked into my neck and brought his lips to mine.

"I'll touch you when I want to. Not when you tell me to." He winked, then his hands were roaming my body.

Leaving shocks to my system as his hands dragged along my burning skin. I felt the bond sizzling even more than it had before. The more I had touched him, the more it came to life. The more he touched me, it felt like it was going to explode.

The bond was growing.

I was brought out of my thoughts when a hand cupped my core. Fingers pressing into me over the underwear I was wearing.

"Tell me what you want." His husky, deep voice asked into my ear. His voice alone has me dripping. Small whimpers left my lips in an attempt to grab his attention to the task at hand.

I shook my head quickly in embarrassment. He chuckled darkly and pressed his fingers harder into me. Rubbing over the sensitive bundle of nerves, having pants leave my lips and my hands grabbing onto his shoulders like my life depends on it.

"Right...there." I moaned as his fingers swept the thin fabric aside and thumbed the sensitive bud.

He slid down my body, leaving electrifying kisses all over my skin. He smirked up at me as he kissed over the place I wanted him most. He opened my legs wider, smirking to himself as he moved the panties aside and looked at my already dripping core.

He licked his lips as he kept gazing at me. His hands moved up my body, his thumbs touched all of the love bites he had left behind.

"Tell me what you want me to do, Mate." He whispered. My face went crimson red at his request.

"I-I can't do that." I squeaked. He chuckled and nodded to himself as he lowered himself back down, sitting on his haunches with his hands hold my ankles.

Wren looked up at me again and smirked before kissing my left ankle, trailing his lips down to my knee. He smirked and spread my legs wider as he laid between my legs. His head between my legs, his mouth on my inner thigh.

Whimpers left my lips as he kissed at the soft skin. As he got closer to my core, he stopped completely. He moved back to sit upright again and did the exact same thing to my right leg.

Closer and closer to my core once again with that damn smirk on his face. He kissed me through the underwear. His soft lips kissed my moistened ones through the drenched fabric of my panties. He hooked his fingers through the fabric and pulled it from my hips and kissed my hipbone, leaving more hickeys on my skin.

He stopped his kisses right when he got to my core. His tongue out and licked down the v between my thighs. Not getting to where he truly need to be.

"Tell me." Lick.

"What." Lick.

"You." Lick.

"Want." Lick.

"You know where." I breathlessly tell him. He smirked at me before those blazing red eyes darted to my core once again. His tongue licked across his lips before he dove down on me.

His hands gripped my thighs and spread my legs to make way for his head. Between them, his mouth latched onto my core. His hit cool tongue thrusted into me relentlessly, without warning.

"Wren!" I moaned at the top of my lungs. He growled in response, the vibration hit my bud that had broken moans escape my lips. His index and middle fingers spread the lips apart and dragged his tongue between the spread, wet lower lips.

His thumb of the other hand rubbed in circular motions over the sensitive bud. One of his long fingers slid inside of my wet core. Pumping in and out while his mouth latched onto the bud.

Sucking, licking, pumping, twisting, all of it was so overwhelming to my senses. I couldn't even think straight anymore. He was the only thing I could focus on. The way his fingers curled against my sweet spot over and over. The way his mouth sucked and licked my bud.

It was too much.

My fingers tangled in the chestnut brown locks, pushing his head further into me. My back arched as he hit that spot again, my toes curled as I gripped his hair harder as I felt the pit of my stomach grow hotter with pleasure.

"Oh my God!" I moaned even louder as he added another finger into the mix. Hitting my spot so many times.

I couldn't handle it.

I was so close, he hit the spot a few more times. He sucked the bud more and I came. My juices poured out of me and he licked up all of it, still pumping his fingers in and out of me, creating another build up.

My claws dug into his hair a bit more as he growled against me. He sat back up and looked down at the mess he'd created. His hand came up to wipe the remaining juice from his lips. His eyes met mine and he smirked, he took the fingers that were inside of me and sucked them dry. None of my essence was left in his fingers.

He crawled up onto my body, settling between my spread thighs. That action I realized something something.

We're both naked.

He was between my legs ready to have sex with me. I mean, I was ready too but the fact just settled in my head.

This was really happening.

Upon seeing my shocked face, Wren paused his movements and looked at me.

"What's wrong?" He asked with worry swirling in his red eyes.

I touched his cheek and gave a reassuring smile.

"Nothing, I just realized what was happening." I admitted to him, he chuckled and kissed my nose.

"You just now realized what we were about to do?" His speckled eyes gleamed down at me. A smile plastered onto his face. I smiled back up at him as he leaned down and kissed my lips.

The kiss was savory, yet he devoured my entire being with his lips. They kissed hard against mine and his tongue invaded my moth, slipping past the seams of my lips. His hands grasped the backs of my thighs, spreading them more.

Feeling his hard, thick muscled appendage laying against my thigh had me aching. Having it so close sent me into a frenzy.

He ground himself against my core, his tip brushing against my entrance had both of us moaning into each other's mouths. He ground harder into me, growls rumbled from his throat. He rolled his hips into mine and his tip had pushed a bit into me. He groaned into my neck.

"Shit, you're really wet for me, darlin'." He breathed out in my ear. He positioned himself at my entrance, rubbing the wide tip along my slippery folds. Whimpers and moans rolled from my lips as he continued to do so.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked with a deep, sultry voice. I nodded my head and braced myself.

His hands wrapped around my thighs, pushing them open. His length was long as is, but he had had girth to him.

This is gonna hurt.

"Okay." He pressed the tip to my entrance, rubbing his length along my folds again. He pushed the head in halfway and I gasped sharply at the pain it created. But I felt something else too.

The bond was growing some more.

He leaned down and pressed kisses to my face, lips and neck with words of encouragement. After a few moments of harsh breathing and adjusting to the size of him, I spoke to him.

"Y-you can move now." He gave a worried look and I gave him a nod. He nodded and pushed in more, a couple more inches had me clawing at his back in pain.

He whispered more words of encouragement in my ear as he kissed away tears that had fallen from my eyes. Small groans came from his throat as he slid into me further, almost to the hilt.

"G-god that h-hurts." I whispered out. He stilled inside of me, breathing harshly as I wrapped around his length. He paused again, even though I knew he wanted to move.

"You can go." I told him as he stayed still to let me adjust to his large size. He have a nod and pushed my legs even further apart, sliding in completely, balls deep inside. More groans and whimpers came rolling out of our mouths.

I looked into Wren's eyes and kissed him deeply. He responded with an equal amount of pressure to my lips as his hips moved back and slowly pushing back in.

And it hurt like a bitch.

But he had it a few more times as the pain had slowly decreased into new sizzling pleasure.

"F-faster, Wren." He kissed my neck. Leaving more bruises on my skin. He nodded into my neck and pushed his hips out and fastened his pace.

"Mhmm..." I moaned. I bit my lip to keep them in but he just pulled out to the tip and slammed back into me.

"Fuck..." he groaned into my neck. He grabbed the backs of my thighs and sat up a bit and pounded harder into me. One of his hands came around my thigh to rub the bundle of nerves above my entrance. Flicking and putting harsh pressure onto the bud.

"Ahh!" I threw my head back into the pillows as he raised my hips a bit and took me by the new angle. My hands fisted the sheets as my flames grew more. His lightning was shocking me as he pounded away into me like no tomorrow. Each pullback had a harder thrust as he repeatedly pushed into me with such force I was seeing stars.

He leaned back down onto me. He grabbed both of my hands and put them above my head with one of his larger hands and the other hand held the back of my thigh and began his pounding again.

"Wren!" I was getting close already as he continues to thrust into me. A loud growl erupted from his throat as I clenched around him as he hit my sweet spot over and over again.

"So fucking tight..." he growled under his breath into my neck again. He was getting close too I could feel him swelling inside of me. His grip on my hands and thighs made it obvious.

He let my hands go, sitting on his haunches and putting his hands onto my hips and he pulled me into his length and pounded harder. This angle had it where he would brush against my bud as he was in me.

And it was driving me crazy.

Then his eyes lit up, his speckled eyes had a devious look in the as he flipped us over so that I was on top.

"Ride." His husky voice commanded. His hands were on my lower cheeks, rocking them onto his length.

He was in deeper this way.

But there was one problem...

"I don't know how..." I blushed and hung my head low in shame.

I could blow him but not ride him?


"Just rock your hips and bounce, okay?" He gave a smile as I nodded. I placed my hands on top of his chest and began to slowly lift off of him and slowly rocked my hips into his.

"Like t-this?" I stuttered as I felt him inside, so much deeper than before.

"Just like that, darlin'." He groaned a bit as I rocked more. Retracting my hips and pulling them back in a nice steady rhythm.

Once I was sure I got the hang of it, I went faster. Bouncing, rocking, and rolling my hips on his length. Moans and growls filled the air as our bond went ablaze with all these emotions flying everywhere.

Our flaming and electrifying auras clashed together creating something I've never seen before.

Still on top of Wren, my legs began to shake with an overwhelming amount of pleasure as I rode him. His claws dig into my skin as we both knew that we were on the edge of climaxing.

"A little tighter, baby..." Wren growled lowly as I bounced harder and faster on his length. His thumb rubbed harshly onto my bud once again. He sat us up against the headboard, fact to face as I rode him. He kissed my lips hard suppressing the loud mewls that rolled from tongue. His hold on my ass became rough as I clenched harder around him.

"Mhmgn!" I painted out as I got closer and closer to release. He growled out a string of curses as clenched as hard I could before finally climaxing along with Wren.

At the same time, it felt as if I was on cloud nine itself in heaven as it shook my entire being to life as I felt a new wave of power flow out of me.

Wren's body did the exact same as I looked down into his eyes as they switched between blazing, electric red to swirling, glowing sea green.

It's truly amazing how his eyes switched colors then landed on a final decision on what they'll be like from now on.

A spiraling mix of blazing crimson with the golden sea. The two colors clashed and danced together as two of the same eye as they settled into place in different eyes.

One crimson and black, the other sea green and white.


Me, on the other hand, didn't know what my eyes looked like now.

I knew deep down inside that something was different with me. My body felt stronger than what it felt like as a regular wolf. My hands seemed more delicate with and edge to them.

My claws looked rigid but still flowing and cracked with the searing hot lava-like liquid I found to be in them. My body seemed to be overflowing with strength.

I mean, they felt like that before when I came back to life with my Revolutionary powers, but now?

I'm on a whole other level.

My sight was already increased tenfold, but now everything was crisper and so clear that I wasn't sure that it was even real.

My nose was even more keen to smells around. The pungent smell of sex in the room was the clearest. Firey smoke was wafted around to my nostrils. The smell of rain and ice drifted into my nose too as I was still sat atop of Wren.

I looked back down at him, when our eyes met he held a questioning look of concern on his face.

"What wrong?" My voice was a bit deeper than it used to be.

What the hell?

It didn't really sound bad.

Just different.

His eyes looked like they were gonna pop out of his sockets. He reached out his hands and grabbed my face and tilted my head around, searching my face for answers to my sudden change.

"What the hell happened?" His husky voice questioned. I shrugged and let the only explanation I had roll out.

"I guess I'm a Lycan now."


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