Awakening Luna: Darkness Holding the Light by Majie

Awakening Luna: Darkness Holding The Light By Majie Chapter 18



"Yesterday, I did not finish my sausages so that I could eat the leftovers for today’s breakfast. Who would have thought... that I wouldn't be able to finish them today..." I could not help but think as I looked at the various delicacies on the table.

“Even though everything looks so good, I wish to wait for Lewis and brother before eating,'l thought as I observed the delicate looking pastries. “But... their stares are getting hard to ignore..." I sneaked a glance at the corner and saw at least five werewolves intently watching me with nervousness and anticipation in their eyes. “Why are they looking at me like that? Don't tell me... they want me to try the food?’ “Well... should I find out?’ I nervously gulped before reaching for the spoon. Then, I took a spoonful of the yogurt with fruits that was in front of me. The eyes that were staring at me with anticipation started brightly sparkling. A dropped a sweat. “Don't tell me... these powerful werewolves are really worried whether I like the food?" My heart shook a little. “But... I wonder what is taking Lewis and Alphonse so long?’ I thought as I worriedly looked at the balcony where I could see their figures. Seeing Alphonse in this place was unexpected but it did not surprise me.

As siblings, the two of us had a unique relationship. Alphonse had a cold disposition while I was always awkward. Our personalities prevented us from having a close relationship with each other. We did not have many interactions as children. And after Alphonse shifted and he was taken by the alpha’s family, I was not able to see him for years. Still, I always knew that Alphonse cared for me and protected me in his own way. “Especially on that vision of mine... when everyone despised me and did not believe me. Alphonse was the only one who stood on my back and supported me. And in the end... he even used his body to shield me from that fatal attack,'l thought as I felt a painful throb in my heart.

“He is probably confirming our relationship with Lewis, isn't he?" I glanced at the balcony. “I wonder... what will Lewis tell him."

“In any case, I trust them both,’ I smiled. “She smiled... I think she liked the yogurt...'l heard someone whisper. “Shhhh. You are too loud,’ another one stated, effectively making me look at the werewolves who were standing at the entrance of the garden. Instead of seeing them, however, what I saw was the two tall figures who just walked out of the building. The figure in front was a tall man in white shirt and black pants. He had a silky black air and a pair of magnetic, dark eyes that completely drew me in.

“I didn’t notice this earlier... but Lewis... is very handsome,'My heart skipped a beat upon seeing him. Lewis caught me checking me out and the corner of his lips slowly raised in a proud smirk. My heartbeat fluttered even faster. 1 “Ahhh,” I immediately looked away and pretended to eat more yogurt. A few seconds later, Lewis and my brother arrived at the table. Lewis directly took one of the chairs and dragged it right beside me. Then, he sat on it and put one of his elbows on the table before leaning his head on his hand. All the time, his eyes were focused on me. “Oh. He moves so smoothly... and he looks so cool...'lI thought over my fluttering heart. But in the outside, I pretended not to notice him and started nibbling the bread I just grabbed. Surprisingly, Alphonse likewise took one chair and dragged it on my other side before he sat in a straightforward manner.

Suddenly, I was being crowded by Lewis and Alphonse who were both still close to me. “Eh?’ I blinked in surprise as I noticed that Alphonse’s cold expression had a hint of annoyance. On the other hand, Lewis had a satisfied look on his face. “Do you prefer yogurts, fruits and bread for breakfast?” Lewis asked, effectively making me look at his direction. I blanked for a second before I looked down on my plate. It turned out that I finished the big bowl of yogurt and fruits and almost finished the big loaf of bread in my hand. “Ahhh... I was busy checking out Lewis’ looks and didn't realize that I ate everything,’ thought. “I didn't eat like a pig just now... did 1?" Slowly, I put down the bread on my hand and sat straighter. Lewis chuckled and before I knew it, I saw him reaching out towards me. Then, he gently wiped the corner of my lips with his thumb. “Ahhh?!” Surprised by his action, my heart started beating erratically. “Yogurt,” Lewis merely said before he nonchalantly licked his thumb. I felt my whole body heated up... especially when I saw some of the yogurt was left on his lower lip. “Hmmm. That was good,” Lewis commented as he looked at me with heated eyes. Despite this, however, my focus was on the yogurt on his lips. “Oh my goddess...'II mentally gushed. “That is... so hot..." “Il want to wipe it too... with my fingers..." I thought as I stared at it. . Fortunately, before I put my shameless thoughts into action, I saw a white napkin in front of my face, covering Lewis’ seductive image. Then. I heard Alphonse’s stern voice as he coldly

said, “Are you a child? Properly wipe your mouth with this.”

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