Awaken The Wolf

Chapter 4

Austin’s POV

It was almost the eighteenth anniversary of the day we prevented the prophecy, or at least we hoped we had. Things haven’t been easy since that day.

I remember it as if it was yesterday. Being told repeatedly that if we continued to keep our baby girl, we would invoke the prophecy of Alune. That would not bode well for our pack, let alone our clan. Right now, we hold power for this nation. But every three hundred years, the power shifts, and you never know if it’s for the better or, the worse.

It was the hardest thing for my mate and me to do. We had only just welcomed our little girl into this world. She was beyond beautiful. She had a full head of gorgeous auburn hair and stunning golden eyes. She was a masterpiece. Goddess, we loved that child with our whole beings.

We weren’t the only ones to have to lose our baby that night. Five other mated couples in our clan had baby girls recently. So, the elders decided to play it safe and remove every female child born that month. My mate, Amy, has never gotten over it.

We were to take the babies into the forests surrounding the other clan’s territories. You can smell if a wolf from another clan has been in your territory uninvited, and the order will be to kill, regardless of age and gender.

Amy couldn’t come with me; this was too much for her. It was too much for me, but I had no choice. So, I carried my bundle of joy into the forest, laid her on the damp, cold earth, and walked away. I heard her cry as I walked back to the elders and their vehicles. Tears ran streams down my cheeks. She would be gone by morning, that was for sure.

That was the last time I would look at my darling daughter’s face. I had lost my child forever.

Ayla’s POV

Today can do one! If I thought this morning was terrible, then lunchtime was even worse. I hid in the janitor’s closet to escape Stacy and her gang of wannabe barbies.

As soon as I stepped out of my maths class, they were waiting by my locker. I had to turn around and go in the other direction before they saw me. The annoying thing was I didn’t get to eat my lunch as it was in my locker.

I pulled out the stool I knew was in the corner of the janitor’s closet, sat down, and decided to read on my phone for the next forty-five minutes. I might as well do something I enjoyed while ignoring my belly rumbling. I curse my appearance and why I was here on days like these.

Flicking through my downloaded books, I settled on one I hadn’t started yet, about a girl with powers she never knew about before, with a hot romantic twist. This should be good.

It must have been as I heard the five-minute warning bell already ringing.

I love getting lost in a good book; it takes me away from the world I live in.

Gingerly I push open the door to my hiding place. I peek around and see the back of Stacy sauntering away around the corner, followed closely by her entourage. I finally let the breath out I had been holding. I rush to my locker, grab my afternoon books and run to my next class. I had to take a long way round as I did not want to bump into the queen bitch again.

The two lessons left today were history and English. I love both, so that wouldn’t be too bad. Unfortunately, I have both with Jacob and Jaxon, so I’ll have to endure their torment.

“At least it isn’t Stacy,” I remind myself.

As I make my way into the classroom, I see Jacob staring at me; I instantly look away. For a second there, I was sure he looked a bit hurt. But who cares? I know he certainly doesn’t care about me, so there was no way I would worry about his feelings, not today, not ever!

Luckily, Jaxon was too busy on his phone to notice me. He was almost shouting at whoever was on the other end of the phone. Something about not being prepared to give his room up, not for anyone: I tried not to show that I was listening to what he was saying, but it did sound like something was up and sounded big.

Mr Laynard came in then, silencing the class. I was already seated and waiting; history was one of my favourite subjects.

Everyone took out their books and turned to page fifty-three like instructed when the scratchy voice of Mrs Notch, the receptionist, boomed out over the tannoy.

“Could Miss Ayla Smith make her way to the principal’s office, please?” her droney voice asked; she sounded so nasally.

“Ooooh, someone’s in trouble,” Jaxon and Jacob chorus together. They were greeted with a class full of laughter.

My face burned bright red. I tried to fumble all my books into my bag as fast as possible without dropping anything. I hated when all eyes were on me; the whole class was staring. I wanted the world to swallow me up.

“Hurry up, Miss Smith,” Mr Laynard barked. He was having a crap day too.

“Sorry, Sir,” I say as I try to rush out of the room.

Jaxon stuck his foot out as I passed his desk, sending me flying; books and bags went everywhere. I was humiliated; the whole class was roaring.

“Oh no, Ayla, I’m sorry, I was just stretching my leg and didn’t see you there,” he said in mock apology.

“Mr Marks, I’ll see you at the end of the class,” Mr Laynard shouted at Jaxon, earning me a glare.

Jacob passed me one of my books; I was tentative to take it; surely, he wasn’t trying to help me; this would turn out to be some nasty trick embarrassing me more.

I gathered all my stuff and practically ran out of the room; I could still hear them laughing as I made my way down the hall,

“Why me?” I ask out loud. I’m so fed up with this. Allowing one single tear to escape, rubbing furiously at it as I refuse to let these morons make me cry.

The principal’s office came into view, the door was open ajar, and I could hear the Alpha’s voice float out. I approach the door and see Mason in the office also. He flashes me a fake smile.

“Ah, little sister, you’re here,” he said happily. It grated on me when he called me his sister, I wasn’t, and he never wanted me to be either. This was for the Alpha’s benefit.

“Um, hi, Mason,” I mumble. I smile at Michael, though. a genuine one too.

“What’s going on?” I ask

“It seems we are to have important guests visiting us for a while; they will be arriving over the next couple of days,” Michael informs us. Mason frowns but doesn’t speak.

“You two need to come home with me to help us prepare. As members of this pack’s leading house, we must be at our best and make sure it shows,” Michael tells us; he seems nervous.

“Who’s coming?” I wonder aloud.

“You know when I was explaining to you about the eight different werewolf Packs,” he said, “Well, the eldest child or children of the packs will be staying with us. Every ten years, a special event is held on the next leading clan’s territory. It is to show unity, regardless of rivalry,” he told me “As it stands, we are the leading pack for our clan, and it’s our clans turn to be in charge.”

“Oh, wow, so pretty big then,” I breathe.

“I’d say so, yes” he smiled at me. “You see, Ayla, there is a power shift every three hundred years. We change the leading clan and pack every ten years, but the power never really changes until the three hundred years are up,” he explained.

“Okay, so why do we bother doing it then” I’m confused

“It’s just all for show. It is meant to show that even though the other clans are not as powerful as the leading clan, they can still rule. But in reality, it is just a formality we do to keep things ticking over. This year though, is the three hundredth year, and it is our clan’s turn” Michael’s eyes sparkled when he spoke; he was excited about the change.

Mason looked like he was ready to explode; he was so excited. It was probably more likely to do with new people being here; he loved to boss people around.

I turned back to Michael as he said goodbye to the principal, telling him we would be back in school hopefully tomorrow, if not Wednesday. Mason gets up and follows Michael out of the room. I wait for a second or two, then follow on behind. It was never wise to be too close to him.

The drive back to the house took no more than twenty minutes. Michael stopped to pick up a package he had missed at the post office. Luckily Mason was too busy texting everyone about what was going on to pay me any attention in the back seat. I sit silently, waiting, enjoying the peace.

The house was crazy; everyone was running around doing a thousand different things. The Luna looks frantic. I looked at Michael.

“This was not meant to be until June, so it’s three months early; we have no idea why the leading clan decided it would be a good idea to move the date, but unfortunately, until we are in power, we do not have a say” he explained.

I rush to Laura

“What do you need me to do? I wanna help” I rest my hand on her shoulder.

“Clean, Ayla, clean everything!” She Barked the order at me, making me jump. Michael gave me a reassuring smile, so I shrugged it off and headed to my room. I better put my stuff away, then go and help. I’m sure Laura will have us cleaning things that don’t even need cleaning. She does these things when she gets a little panicky.

No doubt Mason isn’t helping with the cleaning; he will have too much preening to do!

“I guess this is on me then” I reside to my work, knowing it was pointless moaning about it; Mason wouldn’t help.

Mason’s POV

“Fantastic, new people arriving in the next couple of days,” I say out loud; I had to say it to make sure it was happening. I can’t wait. I wonder if there will be hot girls coming. We could do with some new meat around here.

Hopefully, that bloody annoyance Ayla, won’t get in the way. She’s a stain on our family. How am I meant to progress with the likes of her holding us back?

“Sarah, send the tailor to my room and book me a hair appointment,” I tell the maid as I walk past her on my way to the kitchen.

“Yes, Sir,” I hear her reply.

“Look at her rushing around with the maids and cleaners, trying to make me look bad. Well, there is no way I will be cleaning; I do not do that kind of work.” I think to myself

I watch my mother fussing and remember when all she did was fuss over me, but since that girl arrived, her time has been split; yes, it’s been eighteen years, but I still remember how it was before. The thought makes my blood boil.

“I’ll make this event work to my advantage; just watch me.”

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