Arrogant Man VS Unyielding Woman

Chapter 582 She Shouldn't Have Believed Him!

"It was Gary's fault that Moore turned against him," Jean threw an uncontrollable tantrum as she noticed her dearest friend, sulking for his father cum enemy.

"Jean!" Zed appeased her, asking her to come to her senses. As Zed was busy dealing with his hot-headed wife, a sudden attack of a squeaky voice put this pointless talk to an unexpected end. "That's enough!" Moore shouted. Moore stared at Jean with his cold eyes that seemed as red as a sea drenched with the blood of countless soldier died in the battlefield. "I have already told you he is nothing but a ruthless father. He cares for nothing but himself. It's because of his self-possessed nature that he didn't even tremble a little abandoning his biological son to quench his thirst with a new woman! But you adamantly refused to listen to me. Now it might have hurt your blindfolded eyes to witness the truth all by themselves. Now, could you comprehend why I hate him so much? He is nothing but a hypocritical demon!" Moore emitted fumes of anger as he cursed his father for his breach of trust.

"I'm sorry, Moore. I shouldn't have considered you too stubborn to even listen to your father." As she couldn't help feeling pitiful for Moore's pathetic condition, words filled with repents uttered from Jean's voluble mouth.

'If I hadn't been persistent in persuading Moore to come talk with Gary, Moore wouldn't have ended up in such an embarrassing situation, ' thought Jean looking blankly at thin air.

Gary though seemed to be Jean's bitter enemy for now, it was not so long when there dwelt a mark of respect for Gary in her small yet beautiful heart. It might be owing to her trust that though Zed had already dissuaded her yet, she found it too hard to swallow that Gary, a man looked up as a god by each individual of H City could stoop to the extent of abandoning his biological son, in order to marry another woman for his own official career. Jean thus desperately tried to assuage herself on the pretext that there might have been some grave reasons that had compelled a man like him to commit such a heinous act.

But Moore was his biological son. What grave problem in god's name might have compelled Gary to stoop so low and what might have been preventing him from unveiling the truth? Jean bit her nail out of inquisitiveness blended with rage.

'It seems that I shouldn't have believed that wretched man at all!' Jean cursed Gary secretly.

"Mr. Bai, if you are here asking to talk with Moore today so that you could prevent him from attending the Bai family's feast, then your meek heart might crush to pieces for I have already helped that poor soul decide on this matter!" Jean warned Gary coldly. As her dazzling body shivered with anger, she lashed at Gary in a contrasting tone, "Not only will we attend the feast, but we will also expose what you have done to Moore. Don't blame us for the ruthlessness for it's you who have gifted us with this unique trait." As her lungs lost air, Jean pulled out Moore in frenzy.

"Jean..." Hearing what Jean had said, Zed's face clouded with worry, and he cried anxiously for her receding figure.

But Jean was too angry to listen to his pleading. She thus got hold of Moore's arm and wanted to rush out of the tea house in a mad pace. However, her ankle was sprained, so she could only stumble all her way out of the box.

Seeing this, Moore swiftly reached for his arm to hold her. Finally, after a tense duel of words, the two of them left the gloomy atmosphere with Jean in Moore's arms, leaving behind the dumbfounded Zed and Gary in the box filled with darkness.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Bai!" Zed apologized to Gary in an incoherent voice. He then switched his attention to Gary and tried to confront him as he approached him to ask for a leave. "Don't feel too dull of Jean's random words for she is too impulsive to these kinds of things. I hope you can understand me. Moreover, she has inspired Moore to meet you only because she hoped you two can build a good rapport with each other. We didn't anticipate the events would turn down like this."

Zed tried his best to cheer up the gloomy man yet again.

"It's all my fault." A line of sheer regret surfaced Gary's broad forehead as he longed for being united with his only son again. Gary though shook his head gently to Zed's kind words, yet he couldn't help feeling despondent as he murmured something out of the blue. "Since I am in no position to unveil the truth to him. How can I be so self-centered to long for him to love me again? But still, it feels so heavy to carry these pangs of pain in my heart. I miss you so much, Moore... You are a poor child indeed. I feel sorry for you." A sudden outburst of tears surfaced Gary's eyes as he recounted for the sufferings Moore had to bear owing to him.

As Gary was busy with his longings, Zed felt quite startled to gaze at his despondent face for he could never have acknowledged his unfathomable love for his son until now.

"Mr. Bai... Since you don't want to explain now, I believe that there must be some grave reasons behind it. Don't feel too gloomy for I know you have always loved your son more than anything in your successful life," Zed comforted him yet again. "I often believe that Moore could understand the blissful relation between the two of you. Believe me, that boy has got a rigorous heart. It won't be hard for him to forgive you when you disclose the truth to him."

"Come on! Don't try to fool me." With those words, a trace of surprise flashed across Gary's face. However, his small moment of happiness could not withstand the gusty wind of hopelessness. He mourned yet again, "No, he won't forgive me." With those vague words, Gary beheld the deadlocks without letting the poor Zed knew the reason as to why Moore couldn't forgive him.

Zed knew it quite well that if a person tried to protect someone or shield something, there naturally tended to be a grave reason behind that. He thus refrained from balding Gary's wounds and avoided asking him the reason behind the skirmish. Originally, he didn't want to accompany Moore to meet Gary.

However, since he couldn't withstand Jean being upset about this matter, he convinced himself to accompany Moore.

'If we can somehow help Moore get out of the dilemma and uncover the truth that has been latent for so long, eventually leading to Moore forgiving Gary. Besides, that could definitely be a sigh of respite for this pathetic father.

But unfortunately, Gary has concealed the truth from Moore for so many years that it almost seems impossible for him to suddenly drop the blinds and come up with it. It can clearly be seen that the seriousness and complexity of this matter are beyond one's imagination,' Zed frowned as he thought about Moore and Gary.

Everyone had someone they felt precious enough to protect and everybody had something that was more than a treasure to guard. It was understandable to Zed.

Gary was in a dangerous snare that held his fragile mouth from telling the truth to Moore. He thus was bound to be misunderstood by Moore despite the fact that he craved for nothing but Moore's love.

'Now that he has made this choice, it's no doubt that Moore would be hurt. It's inevitable,' Zed thought while plodding along the doorway as he was about to bid farewell to Gary. "Sorry, Mr. Bai. I have to leave now!" Zed addressed Gary with politeness.

"OK. See you around next time." Gary raised his hand helplessly and waved feebly at Zed. The sadness on his face did not disappear all the time.

Zed looked back again to Gary as he crossed the doorway only to find him resting in the same old peculiar stance, but he seemed more despondent and desolated than ever before. Now, he finally understood the reason why Jean would persuade Moore to cradle with Gary today. Even though she didn't know Gary well, she was still willing to help the poor soul. 'Gary is indeed a poor man.

He must have suffered a great deal and may be too lonely to find himself a comrade to cradle with.

This poor man can't disclose the truth to his own biological son even though the truth has already rotten their relationship.

Man! It's too pathetic!' Zed thought to himself.

He then sighed and turned back to stride outside.

However, as he walked out of the Tea House, He saw Moore was helping Jean to sit in a car.

He thus walked up to them swiftly. However, as Moore was opening the door for Jean, he couldn't help turning back to look toward the window of the Tea House again.

He then noticed Gary standing in the front of the window beside the arcade with his eyes transfixed on the two. However, he was too distant for Zed to follow the expression on his face.

With a silent sigh, Zed got in and started the car.

"I feel quite disappointed in Gary. He should have mustered up the courage and told us the truth by now. He doesn't deserve my respect at all. I shouldn't have troubled my tender mind with him. He is nothing but a heartless beast!" Jean shouted in a fury.

"Stop complaining about him. It's you who persuaded Moore to come, and it's your fault that the bridge between the two has widened more than one could imagine," Zed sighed as he drove. "So just stop complaining, okay?"

Zed then stole a glance at Moore as he finished spitting his cruel word with an intention to hint Jean that she was stirring the long-dead wounds again.

Jean was stunned there for a short while, but she quickly realized what Zed wanted to say. She looked back at Moore on the passenger seat and apologized, "I'm sorry, Moore. I'm too angry, so I just can't help..."

"You don't need to apologize, Jean." Moore glanced at Jean with a feigning smile. "I've been through countless occasions like this, so I'm used to it. Don't worry about me. I'm okay."

Hearing Moore's words, Jean looked at him in astonishment and said, "I used to think that the reason why you can't forgive him is that you hate him so much, but I haven't expected that it's all Gary's problem. He is unwilling to tell you the truth. I shouldn't have blamed you. From now on, I'll never give him a chance to meet you again."

"No, honey. It's unnecessary to do that." As Zed heard this flaccid tone, he immediately refuted Jean with a bitter smile. "He must have something difficult to disclose. Even if we can't forgive him, there's still no need to slander him. Jean, Moore, listen up close. Everyone has his or her own way of dealing with people. We should at least respect him as Moore's father."

"Respect him? Never! He doesn't worth my respect!" Jean replied Zed angrily as he tried to intercede for Gary. "A man who could abandon his biological son is nothing but a fiend. He doesn't worth anyone's respect!"

"Jean..." Zed stopped her abruptly.

"Don't call my name!" Jean looked at him with her cold eyes and shouted. "What's the matter with you? Why are you always defending for him?" she asked Zed. "Where were you? And what took you so long to come here? Don't tell me you were hanging with that wretched man. Zed, I have to warn you no matter what he tells you, you should never believe it for he lies worse than a pleader,"

Jean added as she gazed at Zed with a serious expression.

"OK. Calm down, honey. I don't believe him. But he didn't tell me anything," Zed looked at Jean and sighed. "I feel that he is facing the worst tribulations of his life. He has sacrificed a lot to achieve what he is today."

"That's his own fault!" Jean sniffed bizarrely. "For achieving what he wants, he has played all kinds of tactics. Shame on him!" Jean felt a cinder burning inside her chest and she ended the conversation in the car with rather peculiar words. "A ruthless father like him doesn't need our sympathy. He should reap what he had sowed."000000000000

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