Arrogant Man VS Unyielding Woman

Chapter 549 The Fight

"Well, I came here for a commercial. It might take three to seven days. It depends," responded Avery. Soaking in her own world, her voice sounded tired.

Jean's eyes widened in delight. "For a commercial!" She exclaimed and looked at Avery with her bright eyes. "What kind of commercial is it? May I come? I really don't want to stay at home alone and have nothing to do. Please let me come," she begged. She gave Avery a sad puppy look and waited for her to respond.

Before Avery said a word, Moore interjected impatiently, "Jean! Don't rock the boat. Avery is going to work. She will not have time to play around with you."

Jean frowned at Moore. "What do you mean, Moore?" She hurled the question at Moore and continued, "I haven't gone out for some days, and I'm really restless. I just want to see how Avery shoots a commercial. Why can't I go?" "Don't get upset with me! I really don't have a say in this, but Zed will," Moore responded in frustration.

"Oh my god, Moore! What are you talking about? I am going there no matter what, and I don't see any reason why I can't go. Also, dragging Zed into this will not change my mind. Sure, Avery is your friend, and because of you, I knew her, but why would I need your permission to see how she advertises a product? And how am I going to rock the boat? Am I a trouble maker in your eyes? Are you hearing what you're saying?"

Jean threw several more questions at Moore. By now, she was clearly upset as she crossed her arms on her chest.

Before Moore could respond, Avery raised her voice. "Stop it, both of you!" She felt like she had to step in since the argument was getting even more tense. And taking a deep breath, she continued with a now calmer tone, "Fighting about a small thing isn't worth it. Jean just wants to see the commercial shoot, Moore. I don't think it's a big deal. Why are you so opposed to the idea?"

Moore sighed helplessly. He said, "It's difficult for me to explain to you right now."

"Mrs. Jean, please forgive me for interrupting, but I'm certain that Mr. Moore is just looking out for you," Toby, who was in the driver's seat, interjected, glancing at them for a second on the rear view mirror. The car fell silent after he said those words.

Avery furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. She gave both Jean and Moore a weird look as she thought. 'Mr. and Mrs.?

What does that mean?

Are they already married?

Is that the reason they denied their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend a while ago? That they are actually husband and wife?'

Jean couldn't help but feel more uncomfortable, so she turned to Toby angrily. "Toby, I'm pretty sure that you're wrong. Moore isn't looking out for me! It's just an excuse he came up with to stop me from seeing Avery's commercial shoot."

"For god sake, Jean, you're pregnant! The commercial site is not a setting for your own pleasure. It will be over crowded, and you have no idea how many people will be in there! What if something happens to you and the baby? You're not thinking about this very well!" Moore scolded Jean in a loud voice, raising his hands up in frustration.

Jean was now agitated and yelled, "Cut it out! Whatever you say, I am still going to see Avery's commercial shoot. No one is going to change my mind!"

Meanwhile, Avery had a hard time processing information inside her head. 'Pregnant? Is Jean pregnant with Moore's baby?'

She suddenly felt dizzy and found it difficult to breathe.

Avery took in a really deep breath and clenched her fists as she thought, 'I don't have a chance with Moore now. He is already married to Jean, and they are going to have a baby.'

She bit her lower lip, not feeling well, but she tried to compose herself despite the back and forth of Moore and Jean. She tried to form a smile and said softly, "Can you stop fighting please?"

Jean snorted at Moore. After hearing Avery coming in between them, she didn't open her mouth to argue at Moore anymore.

Instead, she turned to look at Avery, making her eyes widen in shock. Avery's face flushed white, and her lips turned pale. There were cold sweat trickling down her temples. "Avery, you don't look good. Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

"I am okay, Jean. I am just tired." Avery lowered her head and shook it slowly, forcing a smile that turned awkwardly. She was also trying to avoid eye contact with Moore.

She was afraid that the more she saw him, the more she wanted to be with him.

'No, no matter how much I desire being with him, I would never be the one to destroy their family.

But, it hurts to see him be with someone else,' thought Avery.

Her dream broke into pieces the moment she saw Moore with Jean, and she felt like her heart broke as well.

'I can't blame anyone but myself for this. I had so many opportunities to tell Moore how I felt about him, but I didn't take them. I was too afraid to be rejected like the belle in college who took her chance.

I kept missing the opportunity, denying and feeling afraid, so now I lost that chance.

And I would never have that chance anymore, ' thought Avery painfully.

"What's going on, Avery? Please tell us! You don't look good at all! Are you really okay?" Jean asked Avery in a hurry. Moore looked at Avery with concern and worry as well. Avery wasn't able to respond, so Jean turned to Toby and said in urgency, "Toby, take us to the hospital now!" Avery's situation really worried Jean, and she started to feel panic inside of her.

Meanwhile, Moore had completely forgotten his fight with Jean as soon as he had taken a good look at Avery.

His eyebrows furrowed in worry, placing his arm across Avery and asked, "Avery, how do you feel?"

"I'm really okay," Avery responded weakly. She unconsciously held her stomach, feeling a sharp pain.

'That's weird. I did feel upset, but why would my stomach hurt so bad?

Is it because the food I ate on the plane?'

She shook her head lightly. 'No, it can't be!

I only had an apple and some water...

Oh god! It hurts so much...'

Avery groaned in excruciating pain, and her thoughts stopped.

Moore and Jean exchanged looks. The only thing in their mind right now was Avery.

Eventually, Avery passed out, and Moore held her very carefully. Jean was shocked, covering her mouth with her hands. Moore looked at Jean and smiled weakly, "Don't worry. She will be fine."

Jean nodded reluctantly. Moore's words only took a little of her fear away.

They finally reached the hospital, and Avery was immediately placed into the emergency room. Jean and Moore had no choice but to stay outside the room. Jean leaned on the wall and frowned. It was obvious she still worried about Avery.

On the other hand, Moore was walking back and forth. He kept glancing at the emergency room. His worry was just as much as Jean's.

Jean felt extremely restless. She then turned to Moore and called out his name. She walked in front of Moore, stopping him from his trance, and calmly asked, "Why did you stop me from seeing the commercial shoot? Avery passed out because I fought with you, and I shouldn't have done it. If anything happened to Avery, I will never forgive myself."

Moore looked at Jean and sighed. "Jean, don't blame yourself. It has nothing to do with Avery's condition. It might due to her own health, but rest assured, she is tough girl, and she would be fine. So, don't blame yourself."

Jean looked at Moore and sighed as well. After a moment, she asked again, "Then, can you please tell me why we fought? Why did you stop me from going to the commercial shoot? Is it really because of my pregnancy? Or is there something else that you are not telling me about? Don't try to fool me, Moore. You know I won't buy any of your crap."

Moore took a good look at her and sighed. She was not going to let it go without an answer, but he couldn't really give her a reason.

"Just let it go. I don't really have anything to say,"

Moore responded, dejectedly.

"Huh. I knew it!" Jean sighed and continued, "You're aware that Avery has a feeling towards you, right? You also knew that she traveled hundreds of miles not just because of the commercial, but also because of you, right? Moore, she did all of this for you, and I don't understand why you're still trying to deny everything. Why can't you face it?"

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