Arrogant Man VS Unyielding Woman

Chapter 507 What Are You Going To Do

Jean heaved a big sigh of relief when she finally spotted Zed. When she got closer, her relief was replaced by hurt for him as he had disappeared without a trace. She thought she too will sneak up on him and take him by surprise.

Jean tiptoed towards him to give a start. After all she had got so worried when she couldn't find him.

Jean sneaked closer to him against his back as she slowed down her steps and lowered her breath.

As she was hardly within a hand's distance, Jean heard something that shook and jolted her at once.

"Do it tonight, at the top of the mountain. Stay down and be prepared to attack any time. I'll give you the order then."

Zed's low voice resounded in the quiet air. The sinister words sent a chill down her spine. Suddenly, she turned pale.

Regaining her senses, she took a step back in revulsion and felt miserable about the ominous meaning that lurked behind the word 'attack'. What did Zed mean?

Zed heard a twig crackle under his feet. He immediately turned around to see Jean standing behind him in utter shock. He too was caught off-guard for just a second but soon calmed down. "Who exactly are you? What are you going to do?"

Jean asked as if she was looking at a stranger.

Noticing Jean's unhappy face, Zed was caught in a complex mess of emotions.

"Jean, I tried to tell you my real identity earlier but you refused. I promise you that I'll tell you as soon as things are finished. Is that all right? Time's running out today."

"What do you mean 'Time's running out'?" Jean was dazed and she couldn't understand the reality at all at the moment.

Do it tonight? Stay down? Attack? Order?

How strange the words were! Jean was stunned by what scary meaning hid behind them.

Who was it that he was after? Whose life did he want?

No. They were all her friends. She could never allow him to hurt any one of them.

As least she wouldn't allow it before she figured out who he was exactly.

"We are about to go now." Seeing Jean's face turn darker, Zed struggled deeply in his heart. Eventually, he walked to Jean and stopped before her. Jean looked at him guarded.

Zed put on a pained smile and asked, "Jean, am I looking like a monster to you right now? Are you afraid of me?"

"Who are you then?" Jean cautiously asked him again, never taking off her eyes from Zed even for a second.

"I..." Zed bit his lip to hide his pain and explained, "I'm not a completely good man, but I'm definitely a law-abiding citizen. Jean, if I tell you that we are going to catch the person who planned the video incident, will you still look at me as if I'm the bad guy?" Zed peered into Jean's eyes searching for the truth as he lowered his voice.

The person who planned the video incident?

Jean trembled at once recalling the infamous instance that caused both of them so much of hurt. She scanned Zed's face to solve the riddles he was speaking in.

Zed nodded his head and said, "You need to trust me. I'm your husband. What I do is legal. But I can't tell you too much now since there are too many people here. It's not safe."

As he finished his words, he walked closer to Jean.

Jean was startled as she looked at Zed. She still couldn't accept this different reality in just a couple of minutes.

Seeing her bewildered, Zed shook his head and sighed. "I tried to tell you earlier but I was afraid that you might not accept it in a short time. If I had known that you were going to learn this way, I would have told you earlier any way. Now you have suddenly heard it. It's out of my control." Jean was dumbfounded. When she saw Zed looking as familiar and nice as usual, she couldn't help but close her eyes for a second and inhale deeply. Then, she asked, "Are you telling the truth?"

"Yeah. But I'm not sure if that person's going to do any action tonight." The plan was whirring in Zed's mind. For a moment, he frowned and said, "Since you are here, I have to make sure you are safe first. That's why I arranged those people to protect us at the top of the mountain tonight."

"Shh...stop it. I believe you." Jean covered his mouth at once and looked around as she was afraid someone else might hear them.

"Okay." Zed couldn't help but laugh out loud seeing Jean's attitude change so fast. "So you need to pretend that you don't know anything about it when we meet the others. Do you understand?"

"I really don't know anything about it actually," Jean said with a hint of complaint in her voice. "You had a suspect behind the incident all this while and you never told me anything."

"Alright. It's my fault. I'll make it up to you as soon as it's done, okay?" Seeing Zed being as caring and considerate as ever, Jean smiled at once.

"That's more like it. Hurry up. Let's go! They are waiting for you," Jean said and tapped on Zed's shoulder.

Zed who had been on the offence all this while, suddenly softened to see Jean's unconditional faith in him. 'My sweet wife is so thoughtful.

If I were not so narrow-minded sometimes, we would hardly quarrel and ever upset her.

It seems that I need to mind my temper from now on and avoid arguing with her.' Zed resolved internally.

As they joined the rest of the party, Zed studied the group to spot that particular figure who was his target for the night. His target seemed busy doing something. On spotting that person, Zed relaxed at once. "Where have you been?" Moore asked Jean and Zed as they walked towards the resort's entrance together.

"I was looking for Zed," Jean casually replied.

"Okay," said Moore.

Everyone seemed ready. Each of them was carrying a backpack and had hired some local people to help carry the heavy stuff like tents. They began their hike to the mountain.

Jean was walking beside Maranda. She looked at the whole group trekking up and felt excited about their adventure. Flashing a smile at Maranda, she said, "It'll be my first time camping on a mountain. I hope it is as interesting as it sounds to be."

"It's my first time as well." Maranda smiled back and added,"Though, it doesn't seem very adventurous as everything has been arranged for. I don't think our trek will be a pure thrilling experience."

On hearing this, Jean looked up at the golden sky.

"Maranda, it's also a kind of happiness to be taken care of." Soon Jean giggled and teased Maranda. "What adventure? You'll definitely being crying out by tomorrow."

"Why?" Maranda asked with curiosity in her voice.

"Because we hardly exercise. Though we aren't carrying proper rucksacks, climbing the mountain still needs strength and energy. By tomorrow, when we would have worked all those unused muscles, our bodies would be aching stiff. Trust me, it will get hard for us to just walk," Jean replied as she laughed out.

"You are bluffing." Maranda frowned at Jean trying to scare her and didn't buy her version of being in pain by tomorrow.

"You'll see it for yourself." Jean didn't explain more but leaned towards Maranda and whispered, "That's why Zed didn't want me to climb the mountain."

"If that's true, then how about we give up now?" Maranda hesitated at once since she finally believed that Jean wasn't joking.

"We are already here. Do you really want to give it up? Are you willing to miss the splendid sunset and sunrise at the top of the mountain?" Jean asked with a teasing look at Maranda.

Maranda felt torn between the two suggestions.

"Fine, fine. Let's slow down. We can bear it if we don't rush it." Noticing Maranda baffled, Jean intertwined her arm with Maranda's and added, "If you get tired later, you can always ask Ron to carry you on his back! After all, you are a couple now. We won't tease you!"

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