Apocalypse Gachapon

Chapter 78: Treasures flying everywhere

Chapter 78: Treasures flying everywhere

Black Soul Swallow was a skill but it could only be used once.

Ye Zhongming didn’t see such a skill before but he heard that there was a special black card. There wasn’t a recorded method of use and only just the picture of a skull.

After using this card, there was only one ability which was to swallow a life form of a similar level and obtain an evolution level.

In other words, if a one star evolved swallowed a level one mutated being, then he would become two star. If two star swallowed a two star then he would become three star evolved.

But there was a huge negative effect that people confirmed would greatly reduce lifespan. After use one might have less than ten years to live. Apart from that, at some moments one would suffer from intense pain.

There were some rumors about this card like losing the ability to have children, and becoming cold and heartless. Strength fluctuated etc which made it hard for people to know if it was real or not.

Anyways, one thing was for sure. One had to pay a huge price that might not even be worth it.

Of course, there was a restriction. Three star and above if they used this card, their souls would be swallowed and they would die right away. This card could at most be used by two star evolved.

A black skull tattoo would appear on a certain part of their bodies which represented that they used it before. Moreover, it represented that they accept the negative side effects of Black Soul Swallow.

No wonder he could reach level two in just 30 hours, he used this card!

This helped Ye Zhongming recover some confidence.

“Put the bag down and I will let you go.”

Wang Ding’s wound didn’t bleed anymore but there was some dried blood there that made him look scary. If normal people suffered from such injuries they wouldn’t be able to stand back up. But for a two star evolved, it wasn’t much.

Ye Zhongming looked at the Chain Prisoner that was still wanting to come over and smiled, “You are a surprise but that doesn’t mean that I am giving up everything.”

Wang Ding frowned. He saw Captain Ye rushing close. He hoped to delay some time so he didn’t attack right away. Moreover, he was a little worried with Ye Zhongming and was afraid he had things up his sleeve.

But for some reason, after hearing Ye Zhongming’s words, he felt like his trap was set and was just waiting for people to jump in.

A giant stone flew over which Wang Ding shattered and stone shrapnel fell all over the ground.

“No matter what, in front of absolute strength all plans are useless.” That gave Wang Ding confidence. He believed that he was the highest evolved person now! No one could stop him!

Ye Zhongming shook his head and nodded in a direction. Wang Ding turned his head and saw groups of zombies running behind 20 people. That Zombie Ape was behind them.

“Chief Liu?”

Wang Ding knew the leading person but he didn’t know why they were running over.

“And also there.”

Ye Zhongming pointed at another side. Wang Ding looked over and saw that the trio was there too. Although they were injured but they were more terrifying like this.

“Seems like everyone alive is coming here.” Ye Zhongming laughed but then his expression became serious, “Do you know, I heard your men call your name? You are Wang Ding, you were someone I respected. But now I hate you.”

Wang Ding was stunned. He had some fame in the army but it didn’t reach a level where outsiders knew him.

“Soldiers are deserving of respect even in the apocalypse they still insist on their honor but that doesn’t include you. It doesn’t include your Captain Ye. Your hearts changed when the apocalypse came. Everything you are doing today is for your personal greed.”

“Nonsense!” Wang Ding shouted, he didn’t allow this kid to insult his captain and himself.

“Did I say something wrong?” he laughed, “When the apocalypse started, as the only power here, what did you do? Did you save people? Did you clear out the zombies?”

“No, you didn’t do anything. You only killed zombies for the demon crystals and not to save people. You didn’t save normal people and even used the evolved to serve you and defend four areas. You chose them as cannon fodder!”

“Captain ye and you did so to get stronger.” Ye Zhongming shouted loudly and pointed at those blood covered normal soldiers, “They are the true soldiers who follow orders. They gave up on their worries of their families and fight valiantly. But you and also those with the ranks, your souls have been corrupted!”

“You want the treasure? Sure, come. Let me see how many treasures you can get!”

After saying that, Ye Zhongming ran towards the Chain Prisoner, stepping on the ruins of half the apartment.

The few groups of people that gathered here started to make a move. contemporary romance

Captain Ye, Chief Liu, Wang Ding, even the three men team all chased Ye Zhongming and even attacked.

“Come and snatch!”

Ye Zhongming shouted. He suddenly ripped the golden bag and the items flew into the sky. Each of them gave off an attractive light.

Everyone who saw that instinctively swallowed their saliva. Why were they fighting? Wasn’t it just because of these treasures? Seeing all these in front of their eyes, they all couldn’t resist!

Captain Ye who had been calmly commanding charged out. The strength he revealed was shocking. He was not a normal one star evolved.

Wang Ding moved too. He was closest to Ye Zhongming and was the fastest. He was a touch away from those treasures.

The injured trio moved too. They forgot about the pain of their bodies and were only looking at those shining treasures.

Chief Liu moved too, he couldn’t watch as others took these treasures.

Apart from them, a group of people charged out from a dark corner of the ruins that actually reached before everyone else!

Seeing those scenes, everyone’s expression changed!


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