And Then There Were Four (Lilith Carrie)

Chapter 81

Chapter 81
Book Two: And Then There Were Five.
Three months after the claim
Three months. That‘s all it had been, and yet life couldn‘ t get any better. Sure, things were different now, but that was to be expe
cted, right? Wrong. God, how stupid could I be to think everything was normal?
One moment I‘m a normal college student expecting to go to a new place and finish my degree. Next, I‘m some fucking goddess
shifter thingy, and my life is being turned upside down by four amazing men who are also very fuck ing annoying.
“Damn it, James!” | screamed from the kitchen as ! stood with the refrigerator door opened, searching for the Snickers I knew I h
ad hidden in there. “Did you eat my fuck ing candy bar?”
Laughter erupted from the living room, and I had no doubt it was the twins finding my hormonal cravings to be the center of their
Did I find it funny, though? Of course, I didn‘t, and if one of them didn‘t produce a fucking Snickers bar in
the next five seconds, someone was going to get their ass beat.
“Calm down,” James sighed, rushing into the kitchen with a smile on his face. “I just put it in a safe place, so it didn‘t get lost behi
nd all the groceries I went and got.”
Watching, he reached into the fridge and pulled out a small pink container with the words ‘Ivy‘s shit‘ on top of it. The small sentim
ent was enough to bring tears to my eyes James quickly hugged me.
“Please don‘t cry,” he whispered, not wanting to get yelled at by Damian again for bringing me to tears.

Since I found out I was pregnant, I had started going through weird changes. One minute I was happy, and the next, I was crying
. You would think it was only me that would be going through these changes, right? Wrong again.
It seemed my mates were each having their own ver sion of sympathy pregnancy symptoms, and on more
than one occasion, Damian had to feel the wrath of my sadness.
Which in turn made him start crying, and we all know... Damian isn‘t that kind of man.
“It‘s just sweet,” | said, forcing back the tears as he opened the container and handed me the Snickers. “Just next time, tell me.”
“Of course, sweetie. How are you feeling today?” he asked, and a sigh escaped me.
“Like a freakish monster carrying children who could potentially destroy the world.”
Rolling his eyes, he shook his head, “I don‘t know why you keep saying that.”.
“Uh– maybe because that‘s what everyone thinks.” | shrugged my shoulders.
“Not everyone thinks that,” he groaned. “All that was said is we have no idea what traits will be passed down.”
“Uh–and that you‘re worried about what could happen. Come on now, I‘m not stupid, and I can read between the lines, James.”
He couldn‘t argue with me there. The more and more they tried to sugarcoat shit with me, the more annoyed i became. I just wan
ted the truth when it came to shit, and over the past few months, they had gotten better at telling me things.
Yet, part of me still couldn‘t help but wonder if what | was doing was right.
I was the Luna of the pack. The matriarch and mother to all... or so I was told.
Yet, everyone seemed afraid of me in a way, and I couldn‘t understand why.
I had never given them a reason to fear me, and with everything that was going on now with the pregnancy, I didn‘t want to be lo
oked at differently.
“Look, you just have to give things time. I mean, look at Rosa. At first, she was a little unsure of you, but now you guys are
like BFFs,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest.
“James, she is the midwife. Of course, we fucking get along.” | turned from the kitchen and made my way toward the living room.

I knew he was just trying to be helpful, but in all hon esty–he fucking wasn‘t.
Thad to face facts. I‘m a freak with unknown supposed powers, and every day I sit
here, I find myself to the point of losing my mind. “I need a hobby.”
“You have one, gorgeous,” Hale commented, putting down his book as he made room for me next to him on the
“Oh yeah, what‘s that?” | said flatly while stuffing into the delicious chocolate treat I had been craving for the past few days.
“Us, of course.”
Smacking him on the leg, he, James, and Talon broke out into a fit of laughter. “Just because my sex drive is through the roof do
esn‘t mean it‘s a hobby.”
“True, but it‘s a great way to stay in shape.” Talon point ed out as he scrolled through his phone. “I mean, look at me... I haven‘t
been in better shape in a long time.”
“I‘m being serious, guys,” | groaned in frustration. “ think I want to start going back
to school. I need something to focus on, and I can‘t just sit around here forever.”
All three of them fell silent at my statement. Damian and I had spoken about it before, but he always shot it
down every time we did.
Not long after I went to enroll again, people started asking questions about Caleb. The guys
had formulated something that made it look like he just moved out of town, but the friends he left behind questioned it all.
They were humans, and it wasn‘t like we could tell them what really happened. Humans weren‘t supposed to know our kind exist
“You know what Damian said,” Hale sighed, shaking his head. “He isn‘t going to allow it... at least not right now.”
“That isn‘t fair, Hale. I
want something to do, and there is only so much learning I can take with Priscilla. I love her to death, but if I have to sit through o
ne more meditation session with her, I‘m going to scream.”

“What‘s going to make you scream?” Damian said as his voice drifted in from the front door.
Jumping from my seat, 1 skipped toward him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He had been gone for the past week, and I
was glad to see him home.
Business overseas hadn‘t been going how he liked, and now that the drama was over, he had taken his roll back within the comp
any on a more serious note.
“You‘re back,” | smiled, kissing him gently. “Welcome home.”
He smiled down at me, pulling me into his arms before letting his hand rub against my stomach. Things between Damian and I h
ad improved since my Luna ceremony and
finding out that I was pregnant.
Instead of the cold, demanding, and asshole–ish per son who he was–he became an Alpha everyone respected.
We had all agreed after the ceremony, he would still
be Alpha. With him taking that position, Talon and James took over training and making sure the borders were protected.
Hale, on the other hand, worked more with me. He helped out tremendously in the pack hospital, and on more than one occasion
, I told him he should have become a doctor. It just wasn‘t what he wanted to do, though.
Instead, he managed the pack hospital and oversaw the pack school.
There was an intelligence about him that stumped even me, and with everything else
going on, I was glad to know | had them close.
“I want to go back to school, Damian,” I whispered. “The guys even agree.. don‘t you?” The glare I gave them had their eyes wid
e and their mouths parted.
“I mean,”
“I didn‘t say shit,” Talon finally piped up as a gasp left
my lips.

“Talon, seriously?” | asked in disbelief.
Standing to his feet, he shook his head, “look; honestly, I don‘t think it‘s safe. Especially considering you‘re preg nant. Outside of t
I knew he was right, but I couldn‘t believe he would
be so against it. It was like even though my life had become amazing. I was a prisoner.
Fear enveloped those who didn‘t understand some thing, and with me, there was so much people didn‘t under stand. Every day, t
It just wasn‘t always possible.
“I will be safe,” | begged, looking at Damian with the biggest puppy dog eyes I could put on. “Please let me... I mean, technically,
be supportive.”
“Look,” Damian sighed. “I will agree that you can go
back to school, but I would prefer it be after the baby is born. Can you at least agree with that?”
It wasn‘t the answer I was hoping for, but understand ing his concerns, I smiled.
“Okay, deal,” I replied, leaning up to kiss him.
In the end, I won the situation somewhat. Now the only thing left
to happen was to get through the rest of this pregnancy in one piece and pray nothing crazy happens with my pregnancy.
The last thing I wanted was to turn into a Godzilla wife because, honestly, that would be my luck. I would have something insane h
Like the last piece of pizza that always seemed to dis appear when I try to save it.
Life wasn‘t easy, that was for sure, but as long as I had my guys, anything was possible.
“Ivy!” Priscilla called from the front door as she walked in behind Damian. “Oh, Damian, you‘re back!”
“Yes, it‘s lovely to see you again, Priscilla. I hope those classes for Ivy are coming along well?”
“Yes, they are, but she still has a long way to go.” She turned her gaze to me and smiled. “Are you ready?”
“Yeah, as long as this baby lets me actually get some peace.” | giggled, rubbing my hand over my small protrud ing bump.

“Don‘t you mean babies?” Priscilla said with a grin, causing my eyes to widen.
“You‘re fucking joking...”
“Twins!” Hale laughed. “I fucking knew it!”
“You don‘t know shit, Hale.” | scolded as I watched –
James and Talon fork money from their wallets and hand it to Hale. “I haven‘t even gotten the ultrasound done yet. Don‘t count yo
I knew what Priscilla said was true. Over the past month, I wondered if it was two, and something inside me told me it was. I just
had been avoiding the ultrasound for this particular reason.
How the hell was I going to deal with Twins?
Oh, wait. I have two grown–ass ones standing in the living room. Goddess, help me.

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