And Then There Were Four (Lilith Carrie)

Chapter 204

Chapter 204: Trixies Plea for Help
All night I stayed up thinking about everything Anna had warned me about. I wasn't sure what I was going to do, but I knew that
my warning was clear. Ashley was poisoning my brother's mind, and it didn't matter what anybody else said... I was going to be
the one to have to stop it.
The only problem was trying to figure out what she was. Anna had told me to open my mind to my powers, and let it come to me.
So, that was what I was going to have to do. I was going to have to get to the bottom of what was going on at any cost.
First though, was breakfast with my mother. A way I hoped could shed light on why Ashley had such influence over my brother.
Or if she even knew he was still seeing her.
The sun shone brightly in the sky as I made my way across the grass towards the veranda where I was meeting my mother. This
time of year was beautiful in my opinion. It wasn't cold outside, but it wasn't hot. Instead, the breeze blew gently through the air
creating a peaceful environment, which was what I desperately needed for the conversation about to take place.
Step by step, I made my way towards her. Her eyes gazed up to meet mine as a smile spread from ear to ear as she lifted her
delicate hand to wave at me. I had never seen her so happy, so carefree. I had always remembered her being this stressed out,
strict woman, trying to raise all her children, while still trying to be the Luna of the pack.
I had never seen any other side to her before, but I was glad that I could now.
“Good morning, sweetie. I'm glad that you could make it," my mother said softly as she stood to greet me, wrapping her arms
around my body as she pulled me into a hug before I sat down.
“I wouldn't miss this with you, mom." Taking a seat across from her, I lifted the glass of orange juice to my lips and gazed down at
the array of fruits and pastries she had provided. It reminded me of when I was a kid and her and James would make Sunday
morning breakfast this special.
Except it usually had tons of protein for all the growing men she was feeding.
“How did you sleep?"

I hesitated for a moment as I reached for a strawberry, bringing it to my lips as I took a bite. “I slept okay. Can't say it was as well
as the night before though."
“Yeah, I'm sure," she muttered softly. “I didn't get to talk to your brother properly about everything yet. He was so angry last night,
Damien said I should just let him calm down, but I promise I'll talk to him about it today."
A scoff of laughter escaped me as I glanced at her with a smile. “It's okay, Mom, honestly. I'll make do in the guest house."
“Yes, I suppose you will," she replied with her own soft laughter. “Thankfully, we put in a brand new extra large bed in there for
you, so it's big enough for the three of you temporarily."
Laughter erupted from my throat at the thought of them actually sharing a bed with me, or that my mother thought that they
would. “The bed was very comfortable, however, I don't know if the guys would say the same thing. They didn't sleep in it."
“What?" she muttered softly as she bit into a pastry covered in chocolate, staring at me in utter confusion. “What do you mean
they didn't share a bed with you? They're your mates."
“No, that's where you're wrong. They are not mated to me. They're two men that I like and, well, one of them says he's fated to
me, but it's not official. Not to mention, I'm not sure I actually believe it. Therefore, they got to enjoy the sofa bed."
My mother did not find amusement like I did at what I said, and though I laughed, she stared at me, absolutely shocked with her
eyes wide as a dumbfounded expression across her face. She couldn't believe I had allowed them to sleep on a pull out sofa.
Granted, they may have came with me and we may have f****d around a little bit in the past, but there was no way in hell I was
going to allow them to share my bed... at least not until they earned it. I mean, there were a few things I wouldn't mind them
doing for me, one situation in particular involved them both being on their knees, but that's besides the point.
“Sweetheart, please don't give them a hard time. They both seem to be very sweet, caring young men. I want you to be happy."
She sighed running her hand through her hair as she stared at me with the same motherly look she had given me for years when
she was trying to get me to understand what she was talking about.
I wanted to agree with her, but this was my life and my s*x life had to be put on the back burner. I couldn't focus on that right now
when my brother needed desperate guidance.
“I'll take it into consideration, but for now let's talk about something else."
Rolling her eyes, a smirk crossed her lips as she shrugged her shoulders. “Fine, fine. What would you like to talk about?"

“Well, actually, since I can't properly talk to Trixie right now, I was hoping you could tell me what happened with the entire Ashley
situation. Last time I saw Trixie in Asgard, she was upset about Ashley trying to take Pollux, but now it seems everything is
The ghostly look that crossed my mothers face as her smile fell let me know that things in fact were not fine. There was definitely
something going on, and as much as I wanted to force her to tell me everything, I couldn't. She was my mother and it was clear
this topic was upsetting for her.
“Oh, goodness," she said with an uncomfortable laugh. “I don't even know where to start with that topic. The girl was always so
troubled. You remember how she used to fawn all over your brother when you guys were in school."
“Yes, I do." I nodded as I leaned back in my chair watching her with a raised brow as she seemed to stumble over her words in
an unusual manner. “So, what's going on?"
“It's hard to explain, Cassie. Ashley was trying to push her way in, and I could tell something was different about her. I mean,
after you guys left she disappeared for months. Her parents were worried, and no one knew where she went."
“She disappeared?" I questioned, “did she ever say where she went?"
Shaking her head, my mother's frown deepened. “No, but I spoke to her mother not long after she returned, and they thought
maybe she went to find her birth parents."
“Whoa whoa, birth parents? Those aren't her real parents?"
“No... did you not know that Ashley was adopted?" my mother asked me quite surprised. Not that I was sure why she was. If that
was public knowledge back in the day, everyone would have known. She was the popular girl.
“No, Mom. I had no idea, and I don't think that most people knew that," I replied with a bit of shock to my tone. It made sense
now how Ashley would have powers. If she wasn't a purebred wolf and perhaps a half breed, then maybe there was more I
needed to figure out then I thought.
“Yeah, the poor girl was adopted when she was a baby. I was there when her parents brought her home. Of course they had to
have mine and your fathers permission to do so because we were the leaders of the pack—"
“So, do you know what she is then?" My question cut her off and seemed to catch her completely off guard as her open mouth
slowly closed.

“If you mean do I know that she is a halfling, then yes, I do. She isn't a pure wolf but she is pack no matter what. Even if she
doesn't live here anymore."
Hearing that Ashley was no longer in our pack surprised me as well. Then again, if her grasp wasn't that strong on my brother
before, I could see her being cast out since she had caused issues for Trixie, who was the rightful new Luna of the pack. “Where
did she go?"
Before my mother could answer, a soft voice caught my attention and looking back over my left shoulder, I saw Trixie standing
there staring at me with a sense of desperation on her face. “Trixie... what are you doing here?" I glanced around to see if I
could see my brother.
The last thing I wanted was more drama and with the way he had been acting I'm sure I'd get it.
“Can we talk? It's important," she replied, glancing around herself.
“Uh, yeah, sure."
An uncomfortable expression crossed her face as she gestured with her head for me to follow her. “Not here. Let's take a walk."
Glancing at my mother, I watched her nod for me to go, and quickly I stood making my way down a small path from the veranda
following Trixie further into her garden where the bushes stood far above my head providing the protection we needed from
prying eyes.
The moment she spun around to face me, I could see the panic in her eyes as she fidgeted for a moment with her hands. “I need
your help."
“Oh–okay," I replied, slightly caught off guard. “What do you need help with?"
“I know you have seen that something is going on with your brother, Cassie. Don't pretend you didn't notice it the morning that
you guys got into it."
Her stating the obvious wasn't something I had expected, but slowly I nodded my head admitting that yes, I had noticed
something was going on. “That morning wasn't the most pleasant. I mean, I am shocked though that he went off on me the other

“Exactly!" she gasped running her hand through her hair. “He is losing it. It's been going on for the past year now. I don't know
what's going on with him, and as soon as I think he starts to get better something happens, and he is—"
“Losing himself again?" I said finishing her sentence as she sighed in defeat.
“Yes, exactly." Tears filled her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Cassie, I don't know what to do. I thought I could
handle this, but I can't..."
“Have you tried using your powers—"
“Oh, God no!" she exclaimed, shaking her head. “I couldn't do that... plus... my magic hasn't been exactly normal lately."
The last part of her words were muttered softly, and I couldn't believe what she was saying. “How is that even possible? What do
you mean it's not normal?"
Trixie looked sad for a moment before she straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin up in the air. She was the Luna of the
pack after all, and she couldn't be seen having moments of weakness, or at least I knew that's what she would end up saying.
She wasn't someone to just break down and lose control. I had known Trixie for a little while now, and she always seemed so
composed, carefree, and happy.
Yet, right now she wasn't.
“Since I came to earth, I have been slowly losing parts of myself. I have been talking to Finn about it, and he wants me to go to
the Fae realm to recharge, but—"
“But what?" I asked with confusion not understanding why she wasn't accepting the offer to go. “You should take his offer and
“I can't, Cassie. I can't ever go home. I can't leave my family."
It wasn't a matter of losing her family, and the fact that she thought that angered me even more. Something was seriously going
on, and I knew deep down who was behind it. The problem was figuring out what to do to stop it, and right now, the only two
people who could help me were Finn and Silas.
“Look, I can help you. Let me figure this out okay," I replied, watching as she nodded.

“Okay, but we have to do something soon, Cassie. The Silvermoon pack is coming for the gathering, and we have to be
Frowning, I tried to understand why she had such a sense of urgency about getting this done quickly. “What's with the
Silvermoon pack? Why do they matter?"
“Because it's Ashley's new home, and that means she will be attending."

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