And Then There Were Four (Lilith Carrie)

Chapter 144

Chapter 144: Questions & Hangovers
The moment I stepped out of Cassie’s room, my heart sank into
my stomach. For a moment, I had actually thought our bond was blossoming, but instead I was a fool to think I was anything mor
e than a quick lay for her. Mate or not, she was adamant to keep me away at every turn.
So of course, I showed her how much of an asshole I could be.
It wasn’t hard to hear her scream once I left her room. I had stayed for a moment trying to decide if I wanted to go
back in and apologize. Goddess knows every part of me wanted too, but my Lycan... he wasn’t pleased.
She doesn’t deserve our mark...
The dark, stormy whispers within my mind were loud, and as hard as I tried to shrug them off, they had gotten louder
since I came to this realm. I needed something, anything to quiet them, and as much as I wanted to sleep, I didn’t see it happeni
ng anytime soon.
Step by step, I stormed down the hallway with my room in sight, but even the thought of going there
right now didn’t seem comforting. The last thing I needed was to get into trouble with all of these people lingering around, but at t
he same time, all I really wanted was a drink.
A drink to clear my mind and perhaps the company of a woman who was actually worth talking to. Not that I could actually
do that. I had just laid with my mate, my fated chosen by the gods themselves, and in a way, I was rejected -
even if she didn’t say it.
Passing the threshold of my door, I exited the same way I had come in with Cassie and ventured outside into the
garden. The cool night air blew gently against my skin, and inhaling deeply, I tried to ignore the scent of my beautiful. mate still
lingering around the area.
She was everything I wanted in a mate, and yet pissed me off more than anything. How was I supposed to complete a
bond when she refused my mark? It was in our nature to want to be bonded–at least, that was what I was told.
Could I honestly have been wrong?

Was this not how the mate bond worked?
“Are you okay?” The sound of a woman’s voice caught my attention, and looking to my down the
shadowed path that led towards the school, a red–haired woman with glowing eyes stepped forth into my view.
I wasn’t sure who she was, but I remembered seeing her around campus. Her long red hair blew against the breeze as the glowi
ng greenish–blue eyes she had stared into the darkness like a cat stalking its prey.
I wasn’t sure why she was out here or, better yet, near the dorms but shaking my
head, I brushed her off and turned my attention back towards the moons above. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just getting some air.”
Turning away from the woman, I closed my eyes, and hoped she would take the hint to
walk away, but instead, she stepped closer to me, causing my body to stand on edge.
“You look like you could use a friend-” she said softly as if she was trying not to alert me in any way. “You’re Lucas, aren’t you?”
Snapping my gaze to where she was now, only standing feet away from me, I had the opportunity to really take her appearance i
nto account. Red hair, glowing eyes and a wicked smile on her face spoke of the trouble this woman was. She
was older, much older than me, but something about the look of her seemed so familiar.
“Who are you?” The snipped question caused her brows to raise impressively.
“The dean of your school for one,” she replied, causing a knot to
form in my stomach due to my rude stupidity. “But also someone who knows how to find something you want.”
Confusion filled my mind as my brows knitted together. “What do you mean, something that
I want? I don’t want anything, and I don’t have time for riddles, lady, no offense.”
A soft chuckle escaped her lips as the corners of her eyes crinkled in amusement. She may have been the dean of students, but
something about her seemed completely off. “Tell
you what... you answer a few of my questions and I will take you to him. Does that sound fair enough to you?”
“Take me to him?” Laughter escaped me as I shook my head. “There is nothing that you can tell me, and I
don’t have time for the games. I’m sure there are other students around here drunk that you can harass.”
The moment I tried to walk past her, she gripped my arm firmly and stopped me in my tracks. Shocked and irritated that she
would touch me, I ripped my arm from her hand and stared down at her.

“Please refrain from touching me.”
She wasn’t in the slightest phased by the Lycan aura
surrounding me. In fact, she seemed almost thrilled she was able to bring forth this part of me as if she was almost hoping she c
ould. “My apologies. I simply wanted to help you.”
“As I said, I don’t have time for this. No please leave me alone.” My reply was short, but
when I turned away from her once more, her words stopped me.
“Even if it’s about your father and those remarkable gifts you have?”
Stunned in silence, I turned once
more to face her. I wasn’t sure if she was messing with me. Yet staring at her, she showed no signs of deception.
I didn’t know my father, and as far as I was told, he abandoned my mother and I when I was two. Part of me wanted to tell her
to fuck off, because honestly, I didn’t want to know the piece of shit who left me. The
ache it brought my mother was something unbearable, and when she died two months ago, I hated him more for leaving.
The other part of me, though... was intrigued.
“What about him?”
“Dude, you look like crap. Hungover from last night?” Sansa‘ s question caused me to roll my eyes as I grumbled underneath my
breath. I had hardly slept after what
happened with Lucas, and actually had been searching for him all morning to see where he had gone.
I wanted to confront him, ask him what the hell his problem was. Yet, everywhere I looked, he wasn’t there. Even his bed had
looked untouched as if he hadn’t even slept there last night.
“No, just slept like shit,” I finally replied as I grabbed a cup of coffee from the barista and turned, heading towards our usual table
on the far left wall of the room. I hadn’t seen Trixie at all this morning, and while I had expected her to come bounding towards m
e with endless amounts of rainbows and sunshine, I was pleased she hadn’t.
There was too much confusion in my mind right now to deal with another one
of her many lectures on my appearances and also what we were supposed to be doing in

magic class. Not that I needed it. Most of the students there could barely use their magic.
Yet the teacher told me it’s about me being able to control it... and I could, mostly.
“So, are you going to just act like you didn’t sneak off with Lucas last night?” Sansa stated in a matter–of–
factly. My eyes quickly darted to where she sat as I tried to understand how she even knew that.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Rolling her eyes, she opened her
mouth to speak, but a smooth, sultry voice perked my ears to attention instead. “Hey gorgeous, still dancing this morning, I see?”
It was Silas, and god, did he look absolutely delicious.
Running his hand through his dark chocolate brown hair, he gave me that signature white smile, flexing his arms as
he leaned over the table. The conversation with him from the night before had
been enchanting, to say the least, but of course, it quickly died when Lucas made an appearance and went all high and mighty.
“You don’t look too happy to see me,” he replied, his smile forming into a playful frown.
“I’m tired and have a headache,” I mumbled, trying not to seem
as annoyed as I was. It wasn’t that he was annoying me. I simply just had no interest in that particular moment to be entertained b
absolutely delicious to look at.
There was a twinkle in his eyes as his smile grew again. “Hangovers are never any fun.”
“I’m not hungover-”
“Yes, you are,” Sansa replied, causing me to shoot her a daggered glare that made her smile. “Don’t look at me like that, it’s the
Maybe I was slightly hungover, but I didn’t need people pointing it out. Turning my gaze back to Silas, I sighed. “Did you need som
Hesitation twinkled behind gaze. He did want something, and the fact he did made me nervous. He didn’t seem like the
kind of man who calmly asked for things. At least not to someone like me.

“Actually, I wanted to see if you would have dinner with me.”
Sansa went into a coughing fit, drawing both mine and Silas‘ attention as well as a few people sitting near us. Patting
on her chest, her eyes wide she quickly took a sip of her drink and gave me a sheepish grin. “Sorry, that went down wrong.”
I wasn’t stupid. The only reason why she choked was because Silas asked me out, and looking at him now, I
could see he was dead serious with his question. “Didn’t last night warn you about being around me?”
Laughter left him as he shook his head. “You mean the overgrown dog with a territory issue? I’m not worried about him.”
It was my turn to laugh as I thought of Lucas as an overgrown
dog. I couldn’t get upset at Silas cracking a joke. Lucas did act a little crazy last night, but it didn’t make accepting Silas‘ offer easi
Silas seemed genuinely taken back by my question of whether or not I could think
about going out with him. Which meant he more or less was used to
people accepting right away. Too bad for him, I wasn’t easily swayed, and as he went to open his mouth, Pollux
decided to join in on our conversation.
His egotistical smirk bounded up right next to
my table as he clasped a hand on Silas‘ shoulder with a smile. “Hey, we‘ re getting ready to head out... are you coming?”
Not surprised by the fact Pollux had made friends with Silas or any of the other Alpha males around this place, I rolled my eyes
and laughed. “Looks like you better get going. My brother has plans with you.”
“Am I missing something?” Pollux snapped as he glared at me.
“Nope, nothing at all.” My reply was more than sarcastic, and my brother knew it. He stared at me for a moment longer before
Silas straightened himself and turned. The
tension in the air was strong, and as Silas said a few whispered words to my brother, I watched them both quickly disappear.
Whatever it was Silas said was enough to make my brother ease up, but I knew the conversation wasn’t
over. At least not for now. Pollux had a way of making things difficult, and if he knew
I slept with Lucas or that Silas was asking me out, well, we can just say he would flip his shit.
Because no matter the issues we had, he was damn sure not happy about me having a mate before him–
let alone a friend with benefits.

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