And Then There Were Four (Lilith Carrie)

Chapter 131

Chapter 131: Birthday Surprises Cassie.
Days passed and when Saturday finally came, I
was prepared to have the night of my life, considering I had been unable to see Melissa for
the last few days. Cooped up in the house was absolutely aggravating. I finished my final exams Thursday, a day ahead of sched
ule thanks to James and I was ready to be done with that part of my life and look forward to finding a way to leave
this God awful pack and make a new life with Melissa on the West Coast.
Standing in front of my mirror, I tried on multiple different outfits, trying to figure a way to make myself look absolutely irresistible t
onight, and ended up settling for a short black miniskirt and a black crop top that shimmered every time I moved.
It was gorgeous,
and I felt absolutely gorgeous in it. I fluffed my purple, pink hair behind my back, smiling at the overall effect the entire outfit and
my makeup had on me.
“Damn girl, you look absolutely delicious,” Melissa chuckled. from
my door, causing me to look over my shoulder at her. I knew she had been on her way, but I hadn’t realized that she had already
“Thank you. It took me a few days to decide what I was going to actually wear, but I think I’m pretty pleased with the overall outfit.

Turning from the mirror, I walked
over towards her and wrapped my arms around her. She looked super cute in her dark skinny jeans and yellow tank top. She wa
sn’t a girly girl per se, like I could typically be, but she did do a very good job at making herself look absolutely ravishing.
The last few days I had thought more and more about the future I was going to have, and regardless
of what my parents had thought and what other people thought I was going to end up doing, I had made the choice I would make
my future what I wanted it to be.
Which included me telling Melissa tonight I wanted to be more than just friends with her. I wasn’t sure how
she was going to react to that, but I had hoped everything would go the way I had dreamt it.
“It’s already starting to get dark, and I saw your dad’s out there going ahead and
lighting the bonfire. If you’re done, why don’t we go ahead and head down?”

I couldn’t agree with her more. I was ready for the clock to strike 8:00 PM, which was the hour we were born the moment my mot
her had given birth during the battle. It would be the moment I would be able to finally find out if Melissa could be my mate, and e
ven if she wasn’t... Well, I still wanted to be with her.
I never really gave thought to mates, and I didn’t particularly take advantage of it like my brother did. But the idea of being able to
have someone to spend my life with, to love and care for me, no matter what kind of person I was, was enticing.
Even if it was someone who I wanted mated to.
Looping my arm into hers, we quickly made our way from my bedroom, heading down the stairs to mingle with the rest of the gue
sts still arriving as time ticked by. There had to have been at least fifty people meandering around my house.
My mother was in the kitchen with her friends as my dad‘s wandered around the house, coming in and out, lighting the grill, prep
aring the bonfire, the same as they did every single year. The only difference being this year Lux and I were finally adults.
No more being forced to do things we didn‘t want to do.
No more curfews, and having to stay in the pack. I was going to be free, and I was excited about it. My entire life had been caged
, and now I would be an adult. I could do what I wanted.
The moment Melissa and I made our way outside, music and chaos consumed me. Everybody was dancing, laughing, having a
good time, and for some reason, the turn out this year was larger than it ever had been.
My eyes quickly found my brother Pollocks, and as he stared
at me, his gaze narrowed and he frowned. He obviously wasn‘t pleased with my outfit, but considering the attitude he had toward
s me since the day his truck tires got slashed, I could honestly give two fucks.
It wasn‘t even me that had done it, but yet he and even my parents thought it was.
Go figure. I’m the rebellious teenager, the one who doesn‘t ever listen and beats to her own tunes, so of course, I‘m the one who
did it. Fucking stereotyping assholes, if you ask me.
“So what do you wanna do first? Shall we get a drink?”
Taking a moment to think about Melissa’s offer, a grin slid across my face. “Sure. But if we’re going to get a drink, we’re going to
get a real drink.”

Her eyes widened in surprise as she giggled and looked around to see if anybody had heard. “Aren’t your parents going to notice
Shrugging my shoulders, I tipped my head to the side and gestured for her to follow me. “Who cares if they notice I’m eighteen n
ow? Well, at least I will be
in two hours, so I can make my own choices. Plus, a friend owed me a favor and this happened to be it.”
Melissa was still seventeen and would be for another month, but that was okay. Her birthday being at the start of summer just me
ant when she did turn eighteen and we had our apartment on the West Coast, we would be able to have a lot more fun than we c
urrently were having.
As we walked around the bonfire, heading for my secret spot that sat
off to the side, I stepped around the bushes, revealing a dark navy blue cooler with
a white top, I quickly popped open. Inside of it was a bag of ice, a couple cans of soda, and a very large bottle of whiskey.
It didn’t take me but a second to make Melissa and I a drink, and as we chug down our first glass, we quickly prepared for a seco
nd. “Shall we go find trouble?” I asked her with a mischievous smile, she nodded.
“Shit, trouble is your middle name.”
Wandering around, the last person I expected to see at my party was Lucas Vega, but there he stood on the other side of the bo
nfire, watching me. The flickering light of the fire cast shadows across his face as the moon rose high in the sky.
I didn’t think he was going to come, and I hadn’t seen him since that day after school. But it was obvious Melissa had seen
I had noticed him, and as she nudged me, I glanced over towards her. She smiled and gestured with her head for me to go spea
k to him. “What are you waiting for?”
“Dude, absolutely not. Lucas Vega is completely off limits. Not to mention Lux would fucking kill us both if anything happened. He
isn’t even my type.”
“Not your type?” she laughed hysterically. “Oh, come on. I have known you for years. He is SOOOO your type, Cassie.”
“Well... still, I can’t. It’s just asking for drama.”
Rolling her eyes, she smiled at me. “Cassie, you deserve to be happy. You can’t keep putting
off everything because of what Lux may say. He

isn’t going to have anything to do with your life once we leave, so don’t miss out on opportunities like this. Lucas Vega may be a
bad boy, but he’s completely fucking hot.”
Something about the way she spoke about Lucas made my heart ache. She was right. I did need to make a move, but the move
I currently wanted to make was not on him, it was on her.
“Melissa, actually, I was wondering if I could talk to you about something.”
She gazed at me with a waiting glance, but the moment | opened my mouth, the crowds began to sing happy birthday and my att
ention was taken from Melissa towards my parents, who were bringing out a very large birthday cake.
Realizing duty called, I gave her a sympathetic look and quickly walked over to where my parents were waiting so Lux and I coul
d blow out our candles together.
The time had finally come. We were about to be eighteen and as
the moment struck, I would be sent into a frenzy if my mate was near or at least that‘s what I was told.
I just hoped whoever it was
wouldn‘t be disappointed when I told them my heart belonged to somebody else. That even though Melissa was my best friend, I
had to have her in my life as well.
“Happy birthday, guys,” My mother cooed as she stared at us with misty eyes, my father Damian wrapping his arm around her sh
oulder as James came up behind her and snuggled in close.
I couldn‘t help but admire the love my parents had, and hoped one day I would have that, too. No matter how much they pissed
me off, they had a bond that couldn‘t be matched and I secretly longed for the day to understand what they felt about each other.
I longed for the day to have my mate look at me the way my fathers looked at my mom.
With a one...two... three... Lux and I blew out our candles and,
as we did, I felt an unfamiliar shiver run across my spine. I wasn‘t sure what it was, but as Lux turned to me, furrowing
his brows in confusion, my nose went up into the air and I inhaled deeply.
The smell was erotic and intoxicating. Almost like fresh rain on a summer day.

It was hard to explain what I was feeling, considering it wasn’t really a scent per se that attracted me, but almost like a pull to follo
My mother must have sensed what was going on, because as I looked at her, hope filled her eyes and she nodded her head as if
My father’s each glanced between them, seemingly uncertain if they were ready for this moment and, as for Lux, he held nothing
As if he did not feel what I was feeling, but I already knew he wouldn’t. I had seen his mate, and she didn’t belong to this pack. Ev
by this point, she would have moved here.
Unable to control the pull, I turned and walked, following this invisible tether pulling me in a direction towards my future.
Towards someone who I was meant to be with.
As I passed around by the bonfire. I came to a halt for a moment at the place where I had last seen Melissa and my heart swelled
Step by step. I was enveloped in darkness until a small
clearing up a head caught my gaze and I spotted a figure that stood there, waiting. The only problem was when I stepped through
Instead, it was a familiar figure I would never forget.
One that had made me feel complicated in more ways than one.
As Lucas Vega turned to face me, his eyes flashed gold with recognition. He
was my mate, and if he knew, that meant he had known for months.
Because if memory serves me right, he turned eighteen four months ago.
And the prick never said a fucking thing.

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