And Then There Were Four by Lilith Carrie

Chapter 80

Chapter 80: Starting a New Adventure

They say that when you die, there are no second chances. That no matter what life has thrown at you, the end is the end. That fate was supposed to be predetermined, and no matter how hard people work, it won't matter if the gods decided for you.

I refused to believe that, though.

There was no way I was going to let anyone determine who I was going to be, even if I was something that no one had ever seen before.

The elder council sat before with confusion on their face, and fear in their eyes. They feared me, as most of those in the room were scared of me.

"All those in favor of letting Luna and her mates go. Raise your hand."

It was a unanimous vote amongst the terrified people in front of me made my heart swell. They were more than happy to let us go, but glancing at Damian, I couldn't ignore the worried look in his eyes. "Thank you." As I let my eyes drift towards the council again, I said with confidence, "I hope for nothing but peace between us. I simply want to live my life with my mates."

"Then go." The elder in the front spoke up. "Go live with your mates as the shifter you have become. The rest will be dealt with accordingly."

I wasn't sure what he meant by that, but Hale and Talon gently nudged me towards the double doors of the room to live.

It wasn't until we made it outside and safely back into the car that Damian spoke up. "We have a problem."

"Damian, not now," Hale interjected, trying to change the subject. I hated how they constantly tried not to speak about business around me. There were things I needed to know if I was going to be their luna, and one of those was if there was to be an issue.

"Do you think they are going to come after me?"

They all recognized my whispered response, and with a heavy sigh, Damian nodded. "Perhaps. You didn't shift like before, but you showed them you were gifted far more than regular shifters.

"I was trying to control myself." I mumbled, slouching into the seat as the car sped from the driveway headed back towards the pack house.

All of this was hard for me. I wasn't meant for this kind of life, and on more than one occasion, I should have shut up and listen to what was being said to me.

"Do you think I went too far?" The question was one that brought silence throughout the car, and with the silence, I had my answer.

There was a way for me to act, and there was a way for me not to.

All of which was shit I still had to learn, and it was what would help me grow to be who I was supposed to be. I just wish I didn't have to wait so long for that to happen.

"In time, things will get easier, Ivy." James smiled from the front seat. "When we get home, we can relax, and then we need to figure things out. That is only going to work if you're completely honest with us. Honesty.

The idea of telling the guys everything that has been going on made me feel crazy. How was I supposed to tell them about goddesses, and the heavens, or anything like that?

How was I supposed to admit even though I seemed calm and collective, I was terrified of what was happening to me?

There were so many questions and not enough time to find out the truth. At least not enough time, in my opinion.


Chapter 80: Starting a New Adventure


By the time we arrived back at the house, we were all exhausted from everything that had happened. The guys, now healed from their wounds, trudged through the front door and made their way upstairs.

All but Damian.

Instead, he lingered towards his office and, biting my bottom lip; I followed him. I didn't know what to say about everything, but I felt in that moment I disappointed him. "I'm sorry, Damian."

His eyes met mine briefly, and shaking his head, he turned his attention away again. "There is no need to apologize, Ivy. You were following your instincts."

"I was, but I also wasn't," I replied, watching as he furrowed his brows and stared at me again. "What do you mean?" He asked.

Letting out a heavy breath, I sighed. "I wasn't just protecting you. I was trying to strike fear in the others. I didn't want them to think they could hurt us and get away with it." Damian stared at me blankly for a moment before a smile crossed his face.

"More and more every day, you impress me, Ivy. I'm sorry that I don't show you enough how amazing you are. You deserve better than what I have given you."

I was shocked at his admission, because he had never really said anything to me like that before. Thank you." I whispered, watching him with curiosity.

"No, thanks are needed. I mean it when I say you deserve better." He replied.

"Well, fate has paired me with you and the boys, so here is where I will spend the rest of my life and you know what?" I said with a smile.

"What's that?" He asked, stepping closer to me.

"I don't regret a thing." I smirked as he wrapped his arms around my waist, "except maybe I should have smacked you around in the beginning and made you realize how silly you were acting."

A deep chuckle left his throat as he leaned down and kissed me gently. "You know what there is left to do now, right?"

"What's that, Damian?" I smirked thinking that the situation was going to head towards a more sexually natured situation.

"You need to have your Luna ceremony."

The words that left his lips took me by surprise. I had read about what a Luna ceremony was, but never had I considered having my own. Things had been so chaotic lately that a Luna's ceremony never even crossed my mind.

"I can have one of those?" I asked, not thinking about what I was saying. My question causing him to laugh as he nodded.

"Yes, of course you can. James has actually been talking about it for a while, and he wanted to help plan it out for you. Not sure why, but he does have a better smile than anyone else I know."

"Are you talking about me again?" James groaned fresh from the shower as he plopped down on the seat in Damian's office,

"He said you want to plan my Luna Ceremony..." I replied, looking at James with a smile who blushed at the statement

"I mean

if you want me to. Of course, I'm sure you know what you want."

"James, stop." I laughed before pulling away from Damian and crawling onto James' lap. "I would love for you to plan it. I honestly know nothing about it, and it would seem so much more special if you put your heart and soul into making it special for me."

Leaning down, I kissed him gently, making him smile.

"You're amazing, Ivy." He whispered against my lips, "I'm so proud of you for what you did at the sanctum. How did you know?" Staring at him for a moment, I shrugged my shoulders, "I felt you. Your pain and your fear I felt all of you."

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Chapter 80: Starting a New Adventure


Damian and James looked at each other with furrowed brows before turning their gaze back to me. I wasn't sure why it was weird considering we already established I was like them, or at least was sort of like them. "Is that bad?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"No, not at all. It's just we still don't know much about you and what you can do. So until we figure it out, we will just be surprised." Damian replied, easing my worry.

"So, when do we do this ceremony?" I asked, changing the subject. "Do we have to wait for a special time or something?"

James' chuckled, kissing the side of my face. "Don't you worry about that. I will take care of everything."


Two weeks passed without any issues. I was surprised at how easily we fell into step with each other, and how normal it felt. Normal wasn't something that I thought I would ever feel again, and yet here I was having the most normal relationship I had ever


"Are you sure about this?" I asked Kate as I stared at myself in the mirror.

My hair was curled to perfection and hung in loose curls over my shoulders. My iridescent eyes were highlighted in a smoky styled makeup and, to accent the look, Kate insisted on the deep blood red lipstick I had stashed away for seductive situations.

I wasn't sure this was what a Luna would wear to her Luna ceremony, but Kate assured me I wasn't any kind of Luna.

The tight white corset top dress was seen through and held left nothing to the imagination. Even the high slit that went up to my hip made everything about my appearance scream sex, and in the end, that was what I was hoping for.

To be ravished by four men all at once and fall into absolute bliss.

"Are you nervous? Kate asked, breaking me from my dirty thoughts, and back towards the present where the clock was ticking closer to the hour, I would be crowned.

"Surprisingly, no. I thought I would be nervous, but in all honesty, I'm not. I feel empowered, and I'm not sure if that's because of what's going to happen or the full moon rising in the sky. Either way, I'm ready."

Kate smirked as she stepped towards me with a black velvet box with a red bow. "Speaking on crowns here. An early gift."

Looking down at the box, I shook my head, "Kate, you didn't have to."

"Oh, it's not from me. It's actually from your mother."

"My mother?" I asked hesitantly as I opened the box and peeled back the tissue paper to reveal the most beautiful piece of jewelry I had ever laid my eyes on. "Oh, wow."

"No kidding," Kate exclaimed as I pulled it out, admiring the crown.

It was as silver as the moon with crystal teardrop jewels hanging against the metal that moved gently. Within the middle of the crown, though, was a round stone that shimmered in the light. I had never seen a stone like it in my life, and when I touched it I felt something.

"What kind of stone is this?" I asked Kate, her eyes furrowing before she shrugged her shoulders.

"Who knows, but let's get it on because we have to get going soon."

Nodding my head, I shook the thought of the stone from my mind and turned back to the mirror, watching Kate place it upon my head. "It's beautiful.”

"It is... but time is up. We have to get going," she laughed as she walked towards the door, and I let out a deep breath of


Step after step, I walked down the flower trail James had made for me. Candles lined the dark walkway as the moon shone brightly in the sky. Every pack member was present, and even some who weren't a part of our pack.

Kate had explained to me that when the blood bond was completed in ritual with my mates, I would be linked to the rest of the pack. I wasn't sure what that meant, but I did know that I would be able to mind link them


As exciting as that sounded, I was worried. Would they also be linked to me in other ways? If they were, would that affect them? I wasn't a normal shifter, after all.


Chapter 80: Starting a New Adventure


*Welcome everyone!" Damian said loudly, his voice echoing through the night as I stepped before the stage that had been built. "Tonight we bring in a new era. One with the Luna of this pack who is the goddess proclaimed fated mate to me and my brothers. Would you please join us, Ivy?"

Four sets of eyes looked down at me, and with a smile, I took his outstretched hand and walked up the steps. Their eyes looked at me with lust, and as I turned to face the pack members that scattered about in the hundreds, I felt pride in this moment.

I would be a proclaimed mother to them all, and with it came great honor.

Even if I was still new to this and had a lot to learn.

A high priest stepped forward without hesitation, holding a silver blade dripping with blue and yellow jewels. Gesturing for my hand, I held it out, and in a swift motion, he cut my palm and those of my mates. "With the blood, we combine the souls of the mates with the souls of the pack."

His words were a blur as we dropped our blood into a chalice and then were instructed to drink from it. Each of the guys went first, and as the chalice was handed to me, I hesitated.

It was now or never. Lifting it to my lips, I drained the rest of the contents, and a flicker of power surged through me, causing my eyes to shoot open and the cup to drop from my hands.

Every wolf in front of me howled out as if in pain. My heart raced as I looked at the guy who was just as confused. The only problem was there was no sign of pain on their faces, but instead one of adrenaline. "What's going on?" I asked softly, staring at the pack members who celebrated the event. Their howls of delight and glee for their new Luna echoed through the air.

"It seems that whatever power you possess, Luna has energized that of your pack." The priest said softly, causing me to look at my mates again.

"Is this a bad thing?"

The guys laughed as Talon pulled me close and kissed the side of my head.

"Only for anyone who tries to go against us. It seems sealing you, as our Luna has made us more powerful than anyone could have imagined."

"He's right." A voice called from below where I stood.

Looking down, I spotted Priscilla, whose smile spread across her face in delight.

"Priscilla.. what are you doing here?" i didn't understand how she kept popping up at the oddest of times, but I was thankful to see her. There were still so many questions I wanted to ask.

"I came because you need me, my dear. She smiled as I stepped down from the stage and took her hand.

"I'm ready to listen to what they have to say. I should have before-"

"Now, now. There is no need for that." She chuckled, looking at the men who followed behind me. "There is plenty of time to learn what you must. That is why I'm here. The gods have shown me a path, and over the next year, my guidance will be everything."

"What's going to happen?" I asked curiously, trying to understand the never-ending riddles that this woman constantly spewed.

"Well, for one-" she said, casting her gaze down at my stomach. "Would you like to know why you're always hungry?"

Furrowing my brows, I tried to understand what she meant, but Hale beat me to it.

"Oh, shit," he gasped. Turning to face him, I saw his wide-eyed expression as his gaze traveled to my stomach. "It makes so much more sense now."

"What does?" I asked curiously, "What makes sense?"

"Ivy, you're pregnant," Hale replied, causing the others to go silent.

Spinning to face Priscilla, I laughed, shaking my head. "No, I'm not. That's not-I mean we-"

Thinking over it, I could formulate words to come up with a reason for the way I had been acting. The uncontrollable hunger. The immense sexual urges. My personality flips at the drop of a dime and I'm always crying. "Oh, fuck me..." I murmured. "I'm fucking pregnant."

There was no telling where our future would go, but this was definitely a new adventure. One that I was happy to take as long as I had my mates by my side. Anything was possible with them, and no matter what the future threw at us, I had confidence we could beat it all.

I, Ivy Thorne, may have started out as a simple college girl from Georgia. But now, I was a Luna descendent from an ancient pack that hailed from the celestials. A goddess among men, and a protector of my people. Fate be damned, I would show the world who I was to protect the ones I love.

The end.

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