Alpha's Possession by Jessica Hall

Chapter 41

Chapter 41
Zara POV
Every fiber of my being burned and ached with heat, yet the lust-filled haze lifted gradually, and I was finally able to take in my
surroundings. The last thing I remember was seeing Thane standing over me. Yet stretching out like a cat, I yawned, my body
ached, and the fever was still there, my scent was potent, and I was still in the throes of heat.
However, that wasn’t what made me stiffen. It was the warm body pressed against my front and back as I moved. Their heat
made my eyes fly open, and I sat up startled, glancing around my surroundings to find Raidon crammed against my back and
Leon tugging me closer as he slept. Horror washed over me as I looked down at my bosses.
Oh, please tell me I didn’t fuck them? My eyes trailed over their clothed bodies before noticing how very damn naked I was. I
was as naked as the day I was born. Reaching over, I snatched a pillow, trying to cover up some of my nudity. I was near
tempted to strip Leon of his shirt just to cover up, yet the thought of waking him also made me cringe.
I swallowed my throat, feeling scratchy and raw, as I looked around, trying to figure out where I was. I wasn’t back at the shitty
apartment I was evicted from, and I wasn’t behind the dumpster at the plaza where I had been living. Or the loading docks at
work. Yet, by their overwhelming scents in the room, I had to be at their mansion. However, I don’t remember noticing a room like
this one.
When I managed to move out from between the two bodies that were pressed against me, pain washed over me, and I fought
the urge to drop back between them so that I could keep their skin pressed against mine. I wasn’t naïve. I knew Omegas needed
alphas to lessen their heat, yet I wasn’t about to snuggle with my bosses for it, especially these assholes who despised me like I
actually did kill Thane’s mother and his pet guinea pig when he was a boy. His hate for omegas was unwarranted and
unfathomable to me.
Yet as I glanced down at Leon, he instantly rolled toward his mate, and I stepped backward over Raidon, avoiding Leon’s rolling
body only to step on someone, their grunt and quick movement made me lose my footing and I stumbled backward before
landing on another person.
“Fuck’ Rhen wheezed, as I crashed on top of him. I quickly scrambled off, backing away, waiting for his attack, only to realize he
was clutching his family jewels, which I must have stood on.

Yet as he glared at me, I yelped, scrambling for cushions to cover my nakedness. “Kind of pointless, don’t you think?| have seen
you naked already. he groans, rubbing his crotch and sitting up. He looked over at his sleeping mates, and I glanced around,
wondering where Thane was. Usually, where one is, they all are, yet I couldn’t see him in the vast room anywhere.
“Where am I?” I stammered, moving closer to the outer edge of what appeared to be an enormous bed set into the floor.
“Our Den,” Rhen says before moving his hand above his head and tugging his shirt off. He tosses it to me, and I quickly pull it
on, turning as I do so, giving him only the sight of my ass.
This was embarrassing, damn embarrassing, and I reeked of them and them me. “What happened. We didn’t... um My eyes dart
to Raidon, who was in his briefs, and Leon was still fully dressed.
“No, and you would have felt if we did,” Rhen answered my question, I couldn’t finish with a shake of his head. I let out a breath
of relief That definitely would have made the workplace awkward. Thane definitely would have fired me if I fucked one of his
mates. Well, technically our mates they just weren’t aware of what or who I was supposed to be to them. Turning, I move to the
ledge and am about to climb out, when Rhen speaks again.
“Where are you going?”
“Home,” I answered. Though I would hardly call the loading docks home, my makeshift little den behind the shelves definitely
wasn’t as comfy as this place. However, with me climbing out I thought that was pretty self-explanatory with me trying to escape.
“Get back in bed. You’re still in heat,” he growls.
“I’m good. I feel okay. I tell him, climbing out, having to dig my feet into the walls to haul myself out yet every instinct was telling
me to go back to them, telling me I needed them, yet I couldn’t have them, they weren’t mine, Thane made that abundantly clear
Besides, I needed my job more than I needed an Alpha so I wouldn’t risk being fired by giving into temptation
Chapter 41
“Get back in the den!” Rhen commands and my body feels the jolt of his command instantly, making me freeze.
“The moment you step out those doors, you will have a target on you. Until your heat abates. You will remain here,” Rhen snarls
while I try to fight off his command when I feel his hand grip the back of his shirt. The air leaves my lungs in a whoosh as I am
ripped backward, falling onto the soft, cushioned bed with a soft thump.

“Thane said you are to stay here until your heat is over. Therefore, you remain here,” Rhen snaps at me glaring down at me. I
swallowed, so Thane knew I was here. I am sure he is plotting murder already. That is probably where he is digging my grave.
Rolling over, Rhen steps away from me and I look at Raidon. Who is stirring, and I knew he would wake soon. I can’t stay here. It
is one thing tolerating them at work. I didn’t want to spend more time than necessary around them that came with far too many
risks. Like them figuring out who I am. Them commanding me. Or me becoming Leon’s personal juice box or dead. Yeah, the
alternatives sounded really fucking appealing.
“Where is Thane?” I asked nervously, and Rhen growled.
“He left because you’re here,” he tells me, climbing out of the den, his words made me feel like an intruder and the harsh tone
made my stomach sink.
“Wait here,” he says, storming off and up the stairs, his feet sounded louder in the quiet room, yet when the door opened, I
welcomed the draft. Goosebumps raised on my flesh and their scents clouding my mind eased a little, although not much before
another wave of heat rushed through me.

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