Alpha's Possession by Jessica Hall

Chapter 148 Book 2 Chapter 46

Omega’s Possession Chapter 46
Thane POV
My heart nearly stopped as I turned and saw Harlow stagger toward me. She was drenched in blood. It
was spurting out of her as she clutched her
neck. Her lips parted as she tried to speak when I watched her body turn limp. Her hand drops from her neck, and I see the huge
gaping wound. My eyes widen, and I feel the blood
drain from my body as I force myself to shift back. Her body falls in a heap, spilling her blood across the floor as she hits the grou
nd with a thud.
I ran toward her collapsed body. Her neck spurted blood, and I clamped my hand down on the wound, trying to
stem the bleeding as she stared up at me almost dazedly. Her blinking slows, and I try to get her to stay
awake, yet the light is fading from her eyes as she continues to stare. It sounded like she tried to speak, yet the words were lost
over the frantic beating of my heart as fear, so cold, moved through every atom in my body. “I’m right here. Stay with me, Lowe.”
I plead with her before looking for my mates.
“Leon!” I scream, the sounds
broken as she begins to gasp, her eyes widening, and each thud of her heart sounds thick, and forced. The length between each
one stretches out
further. “Leon!” I scream, seeing her face drain of life, she was dying in my hands when Leon smashed through one of the few re
maining windows along with the others.
“No!” Rhen gasps, my eyes dart to him as he collapses on his knees
just as her heartbeat stops, the sound is deafening, as I wait for it to come, but it doesn’t. So I
start CPR. How could she die not once but twice on us? What were our chances of
pulling her back from a fate that seemed relentless to take her from us?
A snarl rips out behind me, yet I can’t force my attention
away from whoever it is, but I see Rhen and Raidon take off to finish off whoever it is. Leon is forcing his
blood down her throat while I try to pump what little
blood she has left around her body. Her wounds on her neck painfully slowly closing, yet she felt dead beneath my hands, yet my
mark wasn’t burning, and I wasn’t in agony, so I knew she was still here.

She had to be. I couldn’t lose her. I needed her. Scarlet needed her. We all did, and this couldn’t be the end
for us. I wouldn’t accept it. Leon slaps her face gently. “Come on baby, wake up for me.” He murmurs his
pain coursing through me as if he failed her, as if he blamed himself. But this was all my fault, it got to this because I failed to kee
p her safe from everyone else, including myself.
A loud howl rips through the air, the sound soul–
crushing, and I know it’s Leo because he made the same sound when I killed Corbin. The sound is exactly what it feels like to los
e a mate. It screams despair, agony, and coldness that floods through you. Yet, that feeling I refused to let settle on me. Harlow
would not die, for if she did, I know I would lay down and die beside her.
Leon’s mouth covers hers as he breathes for her between each set, each time we wait a few half seconds, listening for signs of li
fe before I continue. Raidon drops down next to me, his shoulders sagged, and he is drenched in blood. Not seeing Rhen, I glan
ce over my shoulder to spot him
where he sits next to Slater’s dead body, his head in his hands as he rocked back and forth, wailing for our mate. It was all for no
thing, we
were too late, and they all feel it.
Yet my hands refused to stop, and I refused to give up hope. If anyone could tempt fate, refuse it twice
in one lifetime, it was Harlow. Leon slaps my hands away, his ear tilted toward her chest. Listening
intently. I go to shove him away to continue when I feel it, the zing through my bloodstream. Then one soft thud. Thump......
Thump... Thump.. Thump. My heart jolts in my chest as hers picks up in tempo. Gradually growing stronger and I break. My bod
y collapses onto hers and I clutch her to me, smoothing her hair back, her limp body
crushed to my chest as I pull her onto my lap. I sink my teeth into her neck, rocking her as I feel my bond force into place, strengt
hening her, and it picks up more.
Rhen collides with my back as he
tugs her head back. Her eyes flutter and roll into the back of her head, and she mumbles but crashes again as her body absorbs
the bond, letting it heal her. Taking the strength it can give her. The others were eager
to mark her too, but we couldn’t risk her losing more blood while her body tries to regenerate itself.

“Good girl,” I whisper, rocking her and clutching her tighter, my heartbeat falling in sync with hers as the warmth of her body retur
ns. “We’ve got you, you’re safe,” I tell her, kissing the side of her head and fingers tangling in
her hair. I could smell them all over her, wanted to rid their scents, reclaim what was mine, show her how much we need and lov
e her.
Ambulances sound in the distance as they come up the driveway, and Leon darts out to flag them down. Within
minutes the entire mansion is flooded with officials and law enforcement. Paramedics tend to her and Leo, who when I glanced ba
He must have felt my gaze on him because his eyes move from his dead mate to mine. I nod my head to him, and he nods back.
he was still alive was beyond me. It must be torture feeling the pain he was going through, but he kept
his promise, so for that, I owe him.
So I would do as promised and keep his daughter safe, knowing I would never be able to make it up to him. Leo and I have too m
if she was left in Corbin‘ s hands.
As much as
he has done and despite the fact I forgive him, he was old enough to be my father, not one of my mates. He also would not accep
I also would never share her with anyone else. She was ours. He knew that and knew what he signed up for when he gave her m

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