Alpha's Possession by Jessica Hall

Chapter 136

Read Omega’s Possession by Jessica Hall Book 2 Chapter 34 – Thane POV
We had every person who was working for us, and even their friends, out scouting the city. No one was seen leaving the city, so
they had to be somewhere here, hiding right under our noses.
However, as hours passed, and we still had no sign of Harlow, I was starting to lose my mind. I wasn’t alone on that, my mates
were going crazy just as fast as I was.
I was getting ready to get out and door knock every house in the entire city when we got a hit from a speeding camera a town
over, on Vadum’s car.
Then another a service station where Vadum was caught entering it on the CCTV footage after filling his car up.-
We then retraced his footsteps to find where he parked initially was just a ploy to make it look like they hadn’t left the city.
Instead, they used the tunnels, and another car was waiting out near the old mine shafts, right outside the city border. That car
was stolen, and we had managed to track it out of the city via cameras yet that only got us so far.
But now, we had the make of the car and the model. No doubt, he most likely had already changed the plates a few times by
“Thane? Where are you going?” Raidon perked up
and questioned me as I walked outside and stood on the front porch. We were at Elaine’s house. The main reason we came
here was that we decided to drop Emily and Scarlet off, so they would stay safe while we went looking for Harlow.
Besides, I was planning to do bad, bad things to that asshole Vadum once I got my hands on him, and that definitely wasn’t
something kids should watch.
We all knew where Bree would be heading. She would take our mate to Corbin in exchange for Tal.
However, we were facing a major issue. We had no clue or any hints about his possible location. And we weren’t even partially
sure in which direction they went, to begin with.
That was only because not far from the service station where Vadum’s last picture was taken were crossroads, and there was no
footage on any of those highways.
“Thane!” Raidon raised his voice as he called out my name.

“Just leave him, Raidon. He has a lot on his mind. Let him be, he needs to think!” I heard Rhen snap at Raidon from a distance.
While my mates kept bickering in the background, I accepted that we were still short of people. We needed more help since we
weren’t able to check out all the highways yet. Besides, I wasn’t keen on trusting the authorities right now. So, since there was
no one else I could think of on the spot, I pulled my phone from my pocket and called Jake. I would tell him I needed him to sort
out a search party while we checked the most obvious place – the Mountain pack. Although, all of us still doubted Corbin would
be stupid enough to return back home. He was aware that his entire town was still under government surveillance.
I gripped the phone and pressed it tightly to my ear as it rang a few times before Jake groggily answered my call. I stared out at
the gardens as the sun slowly came up over the horizon and cast the sky in pink and orange hues. “Hello?” He grunted. “Jake,
it’s Thane. I need your help.” I started getting straight to the point. This wasn’t a moment to beat around the bush and exchange
pleasantries – every minute counted.
Jake perked up, and it sounded like he jumped out of the bed as he panted, “What do you need?”
“It’s Harlow. She is missing, and we believe she is being taken to Corbin somewhere, yet we have no idea where he is hiding
out.” I laid out everything. It wasn’t like I had more information to share.
We didn’t want Bree and Vadum to get Harlow close to Corbin. We hoped that our assumptions of where Bree was taking her
were right because then, we had at least one thread to follow them and get our mate back.
“Whatever you need,” Jake said as I heard him moving around. I let out a breath of relief once I heard him start waking his
mates. He had no idea how much we needed them.
“So, where do you want us?” Jake got straight to business. I appreciated that he didn’t want to waste any time and held onto the
no-bullshit policy.
“I have no idea – the highways might be a good guess. I will send you some photos of the car we are looking for. But that’s all we
have. We know who she is being taken to but no idea where he would be hiding.” I explained the most important details.
No part of me wanted to lie to Jake and tell him that we had found nothing. I trusted him and his mate’s abilities to track down
anyone, so leading him on would be the greatest mistake anyone could make.
“Yep, I can’t leave Zara unprotected. But I can leave three of us here with her, and the rest of us will help,” Jake said.
“Thanks. I will send you the details and locations we need checked out.”

“I’ll let you know once we are on the road,” he replies. I sucked in a breatlı, turning back toward the doors, where Elaine was
trying to calm Scarlet. She held Scarlet out to me, but I shook my head.
“Let Rhen take her.” I tried to take a step back.
She took one closer. “They are talking to detectives, can you just hold her while I make her a bottle,” Elaine pleaded with me, not
giving me any other option but to take her as she thrust my bundled-up daughter toward me. “Elaine!” I snapped at her. “Hold
your daughter Thane, she’ll help you think clearer,” Elaine said, walking off.
I stared after her, shaking my head before looking down at Scarlet, who was screaming her head off.“ Shh, shh,” I tucked her
closer, her head moving from side to side as she searched for her mother’s scent and breasts I don’t have.
I rocked her, walking back inside while I waited for Elaine to come back as Scarlet started crying louder. Adjusting her, I sat on
the couch and laid her on my chest, glancing around for Elaine.
I needed to be out looking for Harlow. Scarlet rubbed her face. My eyes instantly noticed how her little nails dug into the delicate
skin as she scratched up her face. I hadn’t noticed she was missing one of the mittens. It had to have fallen off somewhere.
But I couldn’t focus on the lost mitten saga as Scarlet’s screams grew louder. “Elaine?” I called out for help, getting no answer,
while I was slowly losing my mind over useless attempts to console the small bundle. I feared that I might break her any second
if I held her longer in my giant hands. “Hold on, Scar,” I. whispered as I kissed her little head. “Shh, shh,”I tried to hush her before
I purred.
Scarlet stopped crying instantly, as if I worked some sort of magic on her. Her tiny little brows furrowed as she yawned. Once I
understood the approach worked, I continued to purr until she finally fell asleep. I had managed to stop one disaster, just to face
another soon after. Because now I was too scared to move, in case I woke her up and she started screaming all over again.
Fuck, where is Rhen when I need him.

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