Alpha's Blind Luna

Chapter 14

Logan didn't come out of his office for the rest of the day. Bryan and I made lunch which he tried to share with Logan. Only to be kicked out of the office immediately. Bryan had to hold me back as I wanted to march my ass up there and tell him to be nice. But Bryan insisted Logan needed some time.

"He's lost a lot of family, Luna. He's just over-protective. When I told him you chased after the rogues, I'm sure he thought he might lose you.”

I rolled my eyes. “A couple of rogues can't take me down.”

“Yeah but your scars..."Bryan trailed off.

“I got them when I was four. I've had them my whole life. I'm not weak. If anything, I might even be able to beat Logan.” I mused.

Bryan laughed. “I'd like to see that Luna.”

He gave me a full tour of the mansion that was the packhouse. There were so many rooms, it made my head spin. A private theater, indoor pool, gaming rooms, multiple offices and meetings rooms with an extensive amount of bedrooms. Everything was furnished beautifully and fairly modern. It surprisingly still felt homey and lived in considering the large space and decor. There were pictures and paintings all around with different displays of items or nicknacks.

"Hector lives here as well but his mom's health hasn't been doing great.”

“Does she live in the area?”

He nodded. “Silvia lost her husband in the rogue attack. He was her mate and Hector's father. She pushed through it for Hector but lately, I think now that Hector is grown and became Gamma, she's giving up the fight.”

I nodded, not even being able to image the pain of having your mate torn from you. Even in his office, I could still feel Logan. I was acutely aware of what he was feeling at all times. While I understood his worry for me, the anger and frustration wounded my pride.

Bryan helped me bring in the ridiculous amount of bags filled with clothing Logan had bought for me. He had already been back at the packhouse when he got the notice of the rogues in the territory. He also had already moved the clothes in the closet to allow me half of the walk-in closet. I filled the closet with the dresses, shirts, pants, shorts, skirts and tops he had brought. It ranged from fancy to casual, getting me just about every type. He even purchased underwear and a few bra’s. I placed those on the shelf in the closet. I didn't even look in the five shoeboxes when I heard shouting from across the house.

"I said leave me the fuck alone! What don't you get?!” Logan's voice shook through the house. That was is. I stomped out of the room and down the stairs to the second floor. Bryan was walking down the hall and he put his hand out.

“No Luna, just leave him.”

“No! This is ridiculous!” I pushed past him. “He can't just sulk all day and treat you like shit.”

I slammed open the door and walked in. Logan was holding a drink in one hand, leaning his head against his other hand, elbow resting on the desk. He was looking down at a stack of paperwork.

“I thought I told you...”

“Told me what Logan?”

His eyes snapped up to me and I shut the door behind me. “Auri.”

“You have no right to treat your Beta like that. He didn't do anything wrong!”

Logan stood. “You're right, he didn’t do anything wrong. Other than fail to protect his Luna. But you did something far worse.” He put his drink down gently on the desk. “You risked your life for three inconsequential rogues that my men could have handled.”

“I did nothing wrong! I did what any warrior would do for their pack!”

He slammed his hands on the desk. Some of the paperwork fell to the floor, along with some pens from a knocked over holder. They clattered to the ground.

“You are not a warrior. You are my mate.” He growled.

"Why are those exclusive to each other? I thought my place was by your side?”

“Not while fighting. Not while I protect this pack. You will be their Luna but you will not be put at risk.” His eyes were flashing between the midnight blue and the ice.

“Calm Cato down Kai.’

“Logan, I'm not good at a lot of things. That comes with being blind and never actually being attached to the pack, being an outcast. I don’t know how it's run or the Luna's exact role. I don't know what you expected of me when I took the title. But the one thing I “can’ do. The one thing I'm 'good" at and I 'know' I can be of use to this pack is protecting it. Fighting for it.”

'I can't Auri. I'm sorry."

He stalked over to me, standing rigid, pulling his full height on me as he looked down. His Alpha presence not only suffocated me in the room but also through the mate bond.

“You will NEVER fight for this pack Auri.”

Tears started to spill over. “I'm not useless, Logan.”

“You are broken Auri. You are broken and weak and when you will take up your place as my Luna. You will take care of the matters with the women, children and elderly. Where you belong.”

At first, I was shocked. But then I felt my heart shatter in my chest as the words he just said embedded themselves in me. I knew fear and worry wove through the anger and frustration he was feeling. But his words hurt. Dug a knife into my heart and left me gasping for air in his Alpha aura. I backed away, shaking my head. My whole body shook with a despair of how my mate really saw me. Wrenching the door open, I flew out of the room and down the stairs. Somewhere, Kai had shrunk back into my mind, whining at the pain I was feeling. I stumbled as I tripped over the step outside the kitchen door but I kept running. Feeling the forest shade me but I continued to run. I cried out into the forest but only the silence answered. I fell to my knees, wrapping my hands around my waist, rocking back and forth.

It was too much to feel. I did my best to cut off the connection to Logan. To stop feeling his emotions, so I could only feel my own pain. I cried for the despair of being told by the mate who had told me not even 24 hours ago that I was survivor, to now actually being broken. I cried at his betrayal. I cried for the lack of understanding where I even belonged in this pack. Where I would fit in and be happy.

“Auri.’ Kai tried to comfort me.

“No! Leave me alone Kai!" I shouted at her, throwing her into the back of my mind.

I cried until the sun set and the different type of quiet settled into the forest as darkness blanketed the trees. I picked myself off the spot I had fallen and nestled myself into some roots of a large tree. Smelling the forest as the wind passed through it, I felt it prickle and kiss my skin as I pulled my knees up to my chest.

I knew it was too good. I knew that the pack mentality ran deep. I was only ever looked upon as weak in the pack. I was only ever looked down on in the pack. Logan acted different, said differently. But at the end of the day, he was still the Alpha of a pack. And in his eyes, even though he saw three dead rogues without a scratch on me, he looked at my eyes and scars and saw weakness.

“Luna...” Bryan crunched through the forest, settling down next to me.

I just buried my head in my knees. “He's just like everyone else.” Tears filling my eyes again.

“Well, he's an asshole. A scared, selfish, overprotective asshole.”

“This is why I hate packs.” My distain coming through and I heard him sigh next to me.

“Well, Logan left. Not without breaking three pieces of furniture and a door on his way out. But he drove off a couple hours ago. I'm not sure if he'll be back tonight. So why not come in?” Bryan put his hand on my shoulder. It was warm as my skin had cooled down from the night air. “I haven't made dinner yet, so we could have something to eat.”

I nodded, knowing that I couldn't stay out here all night. No matter how much I wanted to, I didn’t know the area well enough. Letting Bryan help me up, we walked back to the house.

“I'll make something for you.” I said as we walked into the house.

Kai gave me her eyes but I could feel her starting to say something and I snapped at her.

“Don’t Kai. Save it. I don’t want to hear it."

I dug through the kitchen as Bryan put on a kettle for hot water. Pulling out pasta, milk, flour, butter, bread crumbs, and the entire deli drawer of the refrigerator, I got to work. Bryan sat at the island as I worked over a pan, making a rue with the flour, butter, and milk. He only got up to pour the hot water into two mugs.

“Tea or hot chocolate?” He asked as he poured a powdered hot chocolate packet into one of the mugs.

“Tea please.”

He nodded and held out a box to me. “We don't have a lot of choices of tea. No one really drinks it in the house.”

“The apple spice one sounds fun.”

“Done!” He opened it and tossed it in.

He went back to the chair and sipped his hot chocolate. I started shredding the six different kinds of cheese I had found in the refrigerator. As I did, I smiled absentmindedly. Max used to tell me that I was at my best when singing when I felt down. Taking a deep breath, I let Max's playing play in my mind and I started to sing along with it.

Bryan froze mid-sip and watched me as I sang. I dipped with the words and swayed, throwing the now grated cheese into the pan with the rue. Just as we did with a set, I went from the first song smoothly into the second as I put the casserole dish into the oven. I turned the broiler on and crouched down, watching the bread crumbs darken. I was finishing up the third song when I finally pulled the macaroni and cheese out of the oven and set it on the counter.

Taking out a serving spoon, two plates and some spoons, I walked over and plopped next to Bryan. He was still staring at me. I handed him his plate and spoon.

“Honestly, I thought they were lying.”


“That you could charm a Fey with your voice.”

I laughed as I scooped him a double portion. “They are exaggerating.”

“No, they aren't.” He was looking at me very seriously. Bryan took his spoon and scooped some of the food off his plate, while still staring me down. Putting it in his mouth, he finally broke eye contact with me, moaning with the spoon still in his mouth. “Holy shit, Luna.”

“Is it okay? I don't normally use those cheeses but it's what you had.”

“Is it okay? I would have expected something that tasted this good come from the moon goddess.” I rolled my eyes. “Oh hush and eat.”

“Yes, Luna.”

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