Alpha of Nightmares

Chapter 5 - Alec

Yet another day of Chesed doing as he pleases. I don't know why he bothered giving Beatrice the time of day. She’s not even our type, and she sure the hell isn't our mate. I hate this. I hate how many women he's slept with. I would have preferred we waited for our mate. I only made the exception for Liliana.

She was a good woman, and she loved us very much. She wasn't our mate, but we could have lived a happy life with her at our side. But sadly, it was not meant to be. The Moon Goddess took her from us the same day Liliana gave us André and Katrina. The twins have been a light in my life.

I have so few reasons to push forward and wrestle with Chesed for control. But when they were young, he let me. He at least knew he wasn’t capable of taking care of young. But he only let me have control when it was about them. For pack business and his sexual conquests, he always took back control.

I was okay with not fully being present during the sex, especially with the likes of Beatrice. I knew she was not going to be able to handle what Chesed had in mind. Few women can. Most that he invites into his darkroom leave quickly, not able to take the pain that goes with his games. We'd just finished cleaning up when André came rushing in.

"Oh gross.” André wrinkled his nose as he looked at the bed, then at me or rather Chesed. We hadn't pulled off the sheets to throw in the wash to rid it of her scent. “You know what happens in this room, so I don’t know why you always have that reaction.” Chesed rolled his eyes. “Because it's disgusting to know that his father beds random pack skanks." I sighed.

“Because she’s trash, and you can do better, Alpha. Plus, your fly is unzipped. Now make yourself presentable we have visitors.” our son grinned. Chesed rolled his eyes and fixed his fly. “What do you mean visitors? I thought you went to investigate the border after hearing Nebrodi was attacked.” Chesed questioned gruffly, following André out of the room.

"Yes, Alpha. I did. And I found Santi trying to pass judgment on three trespassers.” André smiled. Chesed growled, and I found myself paying more attention. What kind of judgment did Santi want to pass? “Speak.” Chesed commanded. André sighed, straightening at the use of the Alpha command

“Three she-wolves had crossed the border. They are the daughters of Beta Christopher Fayte of Nebrodi. He, along with their mother and others, was killed in the attack. The little darlings witnessed Ignazio kill their parents in cold blood. The eldest, Crista, had carried her sisters on her back, running in wolf form to get them to safety. The younger ones, Persephone and Delilah, arent old enough to shift.” André outlined.

That's horrible. I know what it's like to watch your parents die. “That was different, Alec. We killed our unforgivable parents.’ Chesed countered my thought. I know, and that makes it worse. I'm sure those girls loved their parents and were loved by them. I shrugged. “I take it Papa has something to say on the subject?” André arched an eyebrow.

Of course, he noticed we had an internal dialogue. “Don’t worry about him. Now, what did Santi think should be done with these trespassers?” Chesed questioned. “As you wish, Alpha. Santi wanted to kill the little ones and rape the elder sister. I intervened and advised him you would decide what happens not only to the girls but to him for thinking he gets to decide how to handle anyone that violates Incubi laws.” André grinned as Chesed growled.

As much of an asshole wolf Chesed is, there are two things he won't tolerate. First, of course, anyone thinking they can overstep their authority and make decisions he feels should be his to make. The second is that you never force someone into your bed. So despite the string of women we've had sex with, they were at least always consensual interactions.

"Where is Santi?” Chesed questioned. “At his home awaiting punishment.” André shrugged. Chesed nodded. “And the girls?” he arched an eyebrow. “Waiting in the library. They've had a rough night, Alpha. Icky Ignazio attacked during a big event welcoming home their next Alpha. The little ones are still wearing dirty, torn party dresses. The eldest is wearing some athletic clothes that I tossed her from one of the stashes when I made her shift. I could take them up to one of the guest suites. Let them shower and see if Kat could loan them some clothes.” André offered.

'We should give them shelter. We've never had issues with their pack, and if they are the only survivors of the ranked bloodlines, their pack will need them.” I commented. “Not to mention if they are the only ranked wolves left, that dumb pup Ignazio will come for them.’ Chesed agreed. “Take me to them, and I will decide what to do with the little beta females.” Chesed nodded.

André nodded and led the way to the front of the house and stopped unlocking the library doors. I paused as a delicious scent hung in the air. It was the most aromatic tiramisu I've ever smelled. Rich espresso, sweet vanilla, and cocoa. I felt my mouth watering at the scent. Chesed hesitated as he reached for the handle.

“Why are we hesitating? I want to know where that smell is coming from. Even Nonna couldn't make a tiramisu so fragrant.” I questioned him. “That's because it's not tiramisu. It's our mate.’ Chesed rolled his eyes. “Our mate!? After all these years! Go in, dumbass! She's waiting for us!’ I shouted, trying to shove forward. For a moment, I managed to take control.

I pushed the door open, and my heart skipped a beat. My eyes went directly to the source of the delicious aroma. Crista Fayte. My mate. The one I've waited decades to find. She's gorgeous. Even in the borrowed clothes, barefoot, with some twigs in her hair and smudges of dirt on her face, arms, and legs, she’s the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

Of course, my moment of control was quickly over. Chesed had shoved me into the recesses of my own mind. “She is attractive, a bit dirty but attractive. She also looks younger than I'd like. he commented as he stared at her. By the way she looked at us, I could tell she knows we're her mate, but she’s scared of us and confused by Chesed's indifference.

“Chesed! You need to say something! Claim her! She'll think we don’t want her!" I shouted at him. He, of course, ignored me, glancing at the two girls that our mate was trying to protect. Without a word, the bastard walked out of the room and locked our mate and her sisters in.

He turned to look at our son, who had a hopeful look on his face. He's a smart boy, always had been, so I won't be surprised if he figured it out. “So she’s it.” André’s voice was a mix of worry, teasing, and hope. “Take the girl to the darkroom.” Chesed commanded. "WHAT!? You cannot be serious, Chesed! She's our MATE! She just witnessed her parents’ death and possibly the demise of her pack. Not to mention Santi, who is a dead man, threatened to rape her not that long ago. We CANNOT send her into that room! She will think we intend to hurt her.’ I shook my head.

I can't believe he would do this. That he would want that to be our mate's impression of us. “It's best she knows our preferences upfront.’ Chesed shrugged. “No. No, it's not. That's something we would discuss when the time was right. And trust me, after losing her pack, this is NOT the time!" I groaned. I can't believe we are even having this argument.

“She's our mate. We should be treating her with love. We should be treating her like the Luna she is. Like a Queen.’ I sighed. “And the little ones?” André questioned, pulling Chesed out of our internal argument. “I don't care. Do whatever you like with them.” Chesed shrugged, and I groaned. He can't be serious. She obviously cares deeply for her sisters, so we should treat them with kindness.

“Yes, Alpha.” André curtly answered. “See, even our son thinks you are a fucking idiot." I grumbled as we walked away. “Il will not change my mind. But for the sake of argument and to shut you up, what do you want to do about her?’ Chesed asked as he took the stairs to our master suite. I don't trust him, but I'm going to give my opinion anyway.

“Well, for one, we should be offering her a shower or, better yet, drawing her a bath. If she had to escape in wolf carrying both her sister from the packhouse of Nebrodi, she must be exhausted. And our tub is jetted. I bet she'd enjoy that. Then we should ask Katrina to bring her some comfortable pajamas. After that, we should bring her something light to eat and finally let her SLEEP!" I outlined. To my surprise, Chesed turned right after entering our suite and headed for the jacuzzi soaking tub that sat centered in a sodalite blue marble surround between the two doors that opened to a large shower with one-way glass windows that allowed me to see out but no one else to see in. I remember when we remodeled the master suite after taking over and choosing this tub. It's large enough for two. I'd hoped to one day share it with my mate.

“Are you... actually doing something sweet and considerate?’ I gasped as he started filling the tub with warm water. “Shut up, Alec.” he growled as he dug through the cabinets setting out a fluffy white bath sheet setting it on the tub surround. I snickered as I watched him set out a loofah, soap, shampoo, and conditioner for her. He even set out a new toothbrush and toothpaste for her on the unused “hers’ counter.

“Look at you being considerate. Though you still sent our mate to that room." I sighed. Chesed rolled his eyes headed into our closet, taking out one of our black tees and a pair of boxers. “I'm not asking Katrina to lend her clothes. She will wear clothes with our scent or nothing at all.” Chesed snorted, putting the clothes on the end of the bed.

“She would probably be more comfortable sleeping in whatever room her sisters are in.’ I suggested. “She sleeps in our bed or in the darkroom. Those are the only choices.’ Chesed snorted, heading back to the stairs. We paused, looking across the loft, hearing whispered voices and soft giggles “André must have asked Katrina to help with the younger ones.’ I commented.

Chesed shrugged and started back down the stairs. “Alpha, she is waiting for you as you commanded.” André nodded as we passed him on the stairs. “Will you require anything further?” he paused. “Have someone collect Santi. I want him in silver chains and in the dungeon for punishment after breakfast.” Chesed commanded.

André smirked a sparkle in his eyes. “As you command, Alpha.” he bowed and hurried back down the stairs and out the door. “He is certainly eager for Santi to be hurt.’ Chesed noted. “André wants him punished for threatening our Luna. And Santi has taunted our son for years about his sexuality. I shrugged, not finding it weird at all. We made our way through the house back to the darkroom.

I could smell her before we even entered the room, and lord, does she smell good. Quietly Chesed opened the door, smirking as he saw our mate inspecting the four-post free standing swing. “See, she’s into it.” Chesed smirked. “Or she’s terrified at this room because it looks like a torture chamber.’ I rolled my eyes.

“Oh, don't be a prude. You enjoy this stuff as much as me." he scoffed. “Not with anyone that wasn't Liliana." I grumbled. Yes, well, you'll enjoy it again when we get our mate in here for some fun.’ he smirked, sneaking up on her. “What the hell is that for?” Crista questioned, reaching out to touch the leather bindings. “To suspend you from while I tease every inch of you till you are so overloaded with pleasure you are begging for my cock.” Chesed teased.

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