Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Chapter 9

9. A Painful Surprise
“One month it‘s all I‘m asking for, and then I‘ll be a good little she–wolf and walk away without unleashing hell.” I replied, trying
not to let the mockery in my voice show.
I gripped his wrist, forcing him to let go of me.
He released me, taking out a cigarette and lit it.
An image of Judah smoking his joint came to my mind, and the vast difference between both of them hit me hard.
Leo oozed power and danger, yet, despite the pain, I don‘t know if it was the mate bond, but I felt better around him.
Sure the pain he had caused me still hurt, and that emptiness that had grown inside of me was still there, but...
I knew I would be safer here until I found a way to deal with Judah.
“You will behave, and you will not tell anyone why you‘re here.
Marcel won‘t be back for a few weeks, and I want you gone before then.
Deal?” Marcel? Something about him using his Dad‘s first name told me things weren‘t great between them.
“Fine, I will be gone before your dad is back.” Our eyes met, before he turned and walked out, slamming the door behind him.
I let out a breath, not realising how overwhelming it was to have him here.
I placed a hand on my stomach, with Leo agreeing, it brought me enough time to think of a plan and maybe I could ask the
doctor to do a check.
But would she be truth–worthy enough not to tell Leo? Her Alpha? the doctor re–entered, holding a tray of food.
The door opened and
Her gaze instantly went to my neck.
“Are you ok?” She asked, coming over with fear in her eyes.

“I‘m fine, relax.” I gave her a wink, walking over to the small sink basin where a mirror hung above it.
He had left a mark on my neck.
“He just has a shitty attitude but it‘s fine, my family knows him, so I‘m staying here for a bit.” I shrugged.
I should have asked Leo what we were going to say, but staying any longer than necessary in his presence was hard too.
“Oh, I‘m glad everything is ok.
Please get some rest, I‘ll ask the Alpha and have an apartment arranged for you.
I have got some food for you to eat for now.”
She was so adorable.
“Doctor Demiko, right?” “Yes, you can call me Jackie, what‘s your name?”
“Azura.” I winked, flashing her a small smile.
“There‘s something you could help me with, but I don‘t want Alpha Leo finding out because I don‘t want my family to know.” Her
smile faltered.
“I‘m sorry but if it is something that can compromise–” “It‘s nothing that could possibly affect the Alpha, it‘s something personal.” I
said with the best dramatic sigh I could muster, as I shook my head and sat down on the bed trying to look pitiful, and turned my
big eyes on her.
She hesitated, then sighed and nodded.
Thank you goddess for these eyes.
They always worked.
“Oh, of course if it‘s something I can help with, I will do my best to.” She offered gently.
“It‘s because you‘re a doctor I‘m asking for your help.” I answered quietly, keeping my eyes sorrowful.

The moment she placed her hand on my shoulder, concern filling her eyes, I knew she had brought it.
Hook, line, and sinker.
On this poor angel.
But honestly, I did need help.
I was nineteen, pregnant and injured.
Surely she‘d feel for me.
“I‘m pregnant but I don‘t want anyone to know...
I just...I just need to know if my baby is ok since I‘ve been poisoned.” I explained, hoping she understood.
Her face drained of all colour as she jumped to her feet.
“I‘ll run some additional tests.
We didn‘t realise–” “Is there a chance the poison harmed my baby?” I whispered, real fear filling me.
Her heart was thumping as she struggled to calm herself down.
“I...I can‘t say, I will run some further tests and we will do a scan, I will check–” I need you to promise you won‘t tell anyone.” I cut
She nodded as she looked at me and tilted her head.
“What about your mate?” She looked at my neck and I placed my hand over my mark.
What do I say? I needed her to understand that this had to be a secret.
Feeling horrible.
I decided to weave a story.
“My ex...he isn‘t a good person, if he finds out...things won‘t be good.” It wasn‘t an entire lie, Judah was a psychotic dick.

Even if the baby wasn‘t his, he would harm it.
She seemed to understand and nodded.
“I will have everything set up, I will return soon.” She said before she hurried to the door.
“Your secret is safe with me.” Her words were like a wave of relief, and something told me she would keep her promise.
She just had that vibe about her.
Three hours later, I felt entirely at ease.
The baby was fine.
Strong and growing perfectly.
I was now just waiting for someone to come show me to a place to stay.
Jackie said no one would learn of my pregnancy, and she would be here to take care of me.
Now all I needed to do was find a way to deal with Judah and leave as soon as it was safe to do so.
A knock on the door made me look up, and Jackie stepped inside.
She was no longer in her white coat, in jeans and a powder pink top, she looked more carefree and younger.
With her was a gorgeous woman with black hair, wearing a lace bodysuit and black flared pants.
“Hi, Azura, isn‘t it?” She smiled slightly.
“Yeah, hey.” “I‘m Nikki, Jackie‘s sister, and Leo told me you need a place to stay.
I‘ve got a great apartment all ready for you, stocked with snacks, streaming services, and everything else you will need.
Come on, leave your luggage.
One of the boys will come to get it soon.
“Thanks, that would be great.” I said standing up, my injuries were getting better.

The pain had eased as time passed, but I still wasn‘t one hundred percent.
The three of us left the room and walked down the halls, which were very modern, clean, and stylish for a hospital.
If it wasn‘t for the occasional doctor or patient, I would have thought we were in a hotel.
We left the building and stepped out onto the paved streets.
“Where is she being housed?” “Floor below mine.” Nikki replied, their eyes met, and I knew they were mind–linking.
“Lucky! We will be neighbours.” Jackie smiled.
I didn‘t really care where it was going to be like as long as I had a place to stay for a bit without Judah getting through to me.
I know I didn‘t have long because he would lose his shit fast, and in about two weeks, unless I found a way to hide my
pregnancy, Leo may hear the heartbeat if I was near him.
Although I planned to stay far away from him, I knew it would be unrealistic to think we will never cross paths.
After five minutes of walking, we finally reached a luxurious block of apartments.
The mirrored walls of the entire building stood out and it was the largest building around.
We entered and Nikki led the way to the lift, keying in a code and the lift doors shut.
She wasn‘t mated, unlike her sister, her neck was bare from any mark.
“So what pack are you from?” She asked me.
“That‘s a secret.” “Oh please, tell me, I can keep a secret.” She rolled her eyes.
“Hmm, but if I tell you, I‘ll have to silence you.” I joked, crossing my arms.
It‘s just that we don‘t really have visitors from other packs.
Like ever.” “Yeah, I know.

Sorry, I just can‘t say.” I responded, but I didn‘t engage her, not wanting her to pry any further.
The doors opened and we stepped out onto a lavish hall.
Four doors went off from here, and a curved staircase to the side led to a higher floor.
“That one is mine and my mate‘s.” Jackie smiled, “If you ever need anything, you are welcome to call me.” “Emmet won‘t like
that.” Nikki murmured in a sing–song voice, walking off towards a door next to the stairs.
“He‘ll be fine.” Jackie replied with a small smile.
We had just reached the door when I heard the sound of footsteps and laughter, turning just in time to see a little boy running
down the stairs.
“I won! I won!” “Careful.” Leo‘s deep voice came just as a young boy, no older than six, came into view, looking over his shoulder
as he ran dangerously fast.
He was obviously not paying attention to the fact that he had already reached the bottom step, stumbling and falling face
I rushed over, catching him before his face hit the marble.
“Easy there kiddo.” I said, finding myself staring into a pair of hazel eyes.
He smiled up at me sheepishly.
“Thank you!” “Corrado.
I have told you to be careful countless times.” Leo‘s cold voice made me look up, my heart thumping when our eyes met.
He looked away first, coming down the rest of the steps.
“Don‘t worry Daddy, she saved me.” The young boy said, pointing at me as he rushed over to Leo.
I stared in shock as Leo lifted the boy into his arms.
Our eyes met, and despite the fact we were nothing to one another, I couldn‘t deny that the one word burned in my mind.

My heart thundered as I tried to make sense of it, and looked away, ready to escape into the apartment when Nikki stepped out
into the hall again.
“Oh hey Babe, I was showing Azura the apartment.” She said walking over to Leo, reaching up she kissed his cheek, before
turning and smiling at me.
Leo didn‘t speak, and neither did I, but the crushing pain in my chest made me simply stare blankly at them.
He had a family and he had slept with me...
I hated people who cheated, and somehow, I had become the other woman in this sick situation.
Things just couldn‘t get fucking worse; he had rejected me and had a family before me.

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