Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 96 By Moonlight Muse

96. Owning up to the Truth
Leo exhales, and I know he isn’t happy
that I told Liam, but I am not going to keep hiding it. They need to know the
truth, and I will tell them today. I move away from Leo and hug Liam, who is still trying to get his head wrapped around
what I just said.
He looks down at me, frowning deeply. ”
Your ex?”
I don’t blame him for being confused. I
never really told anyone about Judah...
“How about we head inside, and we talk?
I need to tell Mama and Dad too...
Alejandro and Kiara will be here shortly as well...” I say turning to look at Leo, I had felt the sharp pain rip through me and knew
something had happened and
so I had ran to check on them. “I don’t
want two of the men that I love the most fighting... Please.”
Liam sighs softly, hugging me tightly and kisses my forehead, before he rests his chin on top of my head for a few moments. I
know why he’s hurting, he’s always spoiled me, always treated me well no matter what I did. That night,
when he found me, I saw the pain he was in, seeing me in that state. I get that... but I am also old enough to make my
I look up at him and he slowly lets go of me. I step back and smile slightly, despite how I’m feeling inside.

‘You ok?’ Leo asks through the link, his hand wraps around my upper arm before he draws me into his embrace.
‘Yeah.’ I whisper although I’m not.
I knew this was going to happen, but
seeing it... it hurt. I hate those whom I
love being at each other’s throats... I close
my eyes, inhaling his scent, seductive
and masculine mixed with the smell of
smoke. This is my home now; I have finally found where I belong.
I hear Liam walk off and pull away. Leo
places a kiss on my forehead before we
head back too, his arm safely around me. I glance up at him as he smokes his cigarette, his face cold and emotionless.
‘What’s wrong?’ I ask, that’s an
expression I haven’t seen on his face for a
‘You sure about this, Baby Girl? I can still
cover that shit up.’
‘No. This time I’m going to own up to my mistakes. There are a few things I
actually need to tackle before I take that
title of Luna.’
‘Luna... My Luna.’ He murmurs. Our eyes meet before he yanks me close, gripping

the side of my face and kissing me like there is no tomorrow. ‘Fuck, I love you.’
I smile against his lips, ‘I love you too.’
An hour later, the mansion is a full
house, and it feels like it is my wedding day, well the Alpha and Luna ceremony is
like a wedding. I suddenly feel so
nervous, and seeing all our families here
really makes me happy, but it’s more
Damon and Robyn are here, and Aunty
Monica, Channing, Zack, and Taylor too.
Alejandro and Kiara arrived here about half an hour ago. We are now heading to Marcel’s office, as Alejandro tells us that Dante
will be getting here a little later. 4
“I heard Rayhan’s on his way.” He
smirks, glancing at Leo. They walk side
by side, keeping pace with me and Kia by their sides. 3
“And your need to tell me is because?” Leo counters arrogantly. Alejandro
smirks, 3
“So, you invited him huh.?”
Leo raises an eyebrow, giving him a look. “Him being on his way over, doesn’t fucking answer that question for you?” He
remarks, making me suppress a smile. Why is everything he does so sexy? I don’t get to mull over that for long when the door
shuts behind Dad. We’re all in

here in Marcel’s office. Mom, Dad,
Alejandro, Kiara, Marcel, Liam, Raven, and then there is Leo and me. His arm
rests loosely on my shoulder, smoking his cigarette, and I can feel their eyes on
me, especially Liam’s.
I want him to understand, and I am grateful that he is patiently waiting for me to explain. Now that the time is here, I
don’t even know where to start. I have to
tell them about the person I killed... about what I did. The videos... Judah and
everything about him. I hated him.
‘Hey, you don’t need to do this, but if you
want to, and do need me to fucking take over, I will. And if not, I’m right here and I’ll fucking make sure that no one says
shit.’ Leo’s voice came through the mind
link. I nod before taking a deep breath. 3
“So, there is something that I want to tell you all... Judah Gallahan is my ex- boyfriend.” I don’t look up from where I’m
scrutinising Marcel’s fancy desk. I can feel the shock from those who didn’t
already know. Taking a breath, I continue. “I met him in my last year at
the Uni. He seemed to get me... with
everything that was going on in life, I felt like he was the only one who really
understood me...
I don’t want to hurt them, my family, when all they’ve done is keep an eye out for me and made sure no one upset me. Always
protecting me and being there for
“What do you mean, Zu?” Liam asks quietly. I tilt my head slowly, feeling guilt wash through me.

“I’m different. I could never control my
temper. I was born differently. I was
meant to die but I didn’t. There were
people who always reminded me that I was nothing more than a freak.”
“Azura. You are not a freak.” Mama says,
her eyes flashing silver as her anger rises.
I nod slowly. “Yeah, I get that now, but not everyone will, and you can’t force
them into silence. Anyway, back to Judah,
we met, and things moved fast and soon I was so taken by his bad boy attitude, and
the exhilaration of life that I thought he
lived that I never even realised when it
took over.”
Alejandro scoffs, “He’s a Fucker.” 7
“Yeah, he was, but then things got worse
when he wanted me to kill someone,
something his stupid gang thought would be funny. Like an initiation to become
one of them.” The room becomes quieter,
the tension rises, and I power on. “And
he kept pushing, I was tempted, so tempted, to turn around and kill him
instead! But someone knocked into me,

and I accidentally pulled the trigger,
killing an innocent person...”
I close my eyes, not wanting to look at anyone, the memory fresh in my mind. Remembering how Judah had treated me,
the mental abuse... the physical abuse. Leo’s arms wrap around me tightly, and he pulls me against him as he takes over, filling
them in on how Judah was blackmailing me. He left out what exactly he blackmailed me with, and about the explicit content
about the other girls, instead just saying he threatened to hurt them. I appreciate how Leo is watching out for me, the way even
now, he’s shielding me. 2
I love you.
‘Same.’ Came his reply and I almost roll
my eyes.
Damn these walls.
“And that about covers it. She was
leaving for Sweden when he asked her to
meet him and that’s when I found her.
Judah got his hands on those bullets, sending our two worlds colliding... that wasn’t something he was banking on. I
know she says he’s her enemy, but he’s also mine, because he’s abusing a weapon
I created.” Leo finishes, looking down at
me and kissing my shoulder sensually.
They’re all silent, and Dad looks pissed,
Mama is frowning and Liam, he looks
even more upset than before.

“I’m not going to lie. I am angry, Azura.
This isn’t a small matter; you should
have reported Judah to us instantly. Whatever he was holding against you, we as a family could have handled it.” Mama says
sharply, her eyes still silver as she
crosses her arms, trying to calm her
anger. Dad rubs her arms, trying to calm
“You did kill someone, but at the same
time, you were forced into it and was
ultimately an accident. That isn’t on you, but your mother is right. You needed to
tell us. As for trying to leave, you were
pregnant too. It would have been reckless if you were going to just take off alone when you knew someone like him was after
you. You would have been safer in
the Blood Moon pack than out there. Alone.” Dad adds curtly. 2
Alejandro nods in agreement, as Kiara and Raven give me sympathetic looks.
Marcel sighs, combing his fingers through his beard.
“That shit is true, but she’s still a pup.”
Alejandro says, lighting his own
cigarette. “They make mistakes,
although they seem old enough for pretty much every other shit.” He smirks in our
direction, and Leo counters it with a glare

of his own.
“Yeah, although you made a shitload of mistakes in your thirties too,” Dad
remarks, but I knew he understood
“Never said I was fucking innocent.”
Alejandro shrugs.
“Regardless of age, we all make mistakes. If Alejandro made many in his fucking thirties, then it’s not, fair to blame Azura for
something she did, keeping in mind she’s a teen.” Leo remarks.
“Painting her a teen won’t let her off the hook. I mean, did you consider that before getting her pregnant?” Dad asks
“Dad.” I frown as Leo simply raises his
“I marked her with full intention to make
her my Luna.” Leo replies icily. “I fucked up big time and that is my fault. I was wrong about her.”
“Leo...” I say but it’s obvious he isn’t
planning to step down.
“You’re throwing yourself under the bus?” Alejandro asks Leo as he pulls
Kiara close and kisses her.
“Na just being man enough to admit it. I
know when I fuck up, and I’m owning up
to it.” Leo shoots back as Alejandro

“Point taken.” He says and then looks at
Kiara. “Amore Mio, you’re quiet.”
She shakes her head and gives me a small
smile. “Azura is my sister, but I often
think of her as my daughter too... Just like
I’ll tell my girls, I want to say that I do wish you came to us, but it’s done now. We’re always going to be there for you, Azura.”
She says softly.
“Although, I think this worked out. I
mean, she thawed Leo’s, cold heart.
Raven whispers, making Kiara smile and
nod her agreement.
“I’m not fucking deaf.” Leo states, casting her a look.
Dad sighs “But Kiara is right, if you’re not able to handle something, you know you should have come to us.” He looks
serious as he frowns, looking at us, but I can tell something is still bothering him. “We’ve always been open with you, and if
there was so much going on... I would
have expected our daughter to tell us.”
My heart squeezes when I realise what he means. He’s upset, and I really can’t
blame him.
“Dad...” I walk over to him, but I don’t hug him, not wanting him to think I was trying to guilt trip him. I didn’t even use ‘ the face’,
instead, I looked down. “I am sorry... I handled it all wrong. I fucked up,

and if it wasn’t for Leo...
“It’s fine, just don’t do that again.” He
says softly, pulling me into his arms and hugging me tightly.
There’s something special about a father’s embrace. He’s the one man that
you know will never hurt you... Well, if he’s a dad like mine; anyway. I hug him tightly. “I love you, Dad, and I’m sorry.” I say,
inhaling his scent. 5
“You’ve grown up firework.” He whispers, kissing the side of my head.
“I’m going to kill that bastard myself.” Mama’s sharp voice draws me from
Dad’s chest, and I look at her to see her eyes simmering silver, her claws are out and her breasts are heaving with anger as she
stares at the open file that sits on Marcel’s desk, a file that contains Judah’s
picture. 6
Her aura swirls around her as she looks up at me, the same fire that burns inside
of me clear in her eyes. 8
Next Chapter Coming Soon...

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