Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 93 By Moonlight Muse

93. Girls Night
“Just say hi, trust me.” I smirked, watching Leo observe Skyla sharply.
“I’ll fucking pass.” He replied cockily, making Malevolent hiss and I gently tug
Skyla back, feeling her aura growing.
“When did you get here?” I asked, trying to diffuse her rising temper.
She blinked and shook her head, her eyes returning to their vibrant green. “Not
long ago, it was supposed to be a surprise. Kat wanted to jump you, and go
surprise! But then when we were waiting for you guys to return and I saw you
two might just... you know, smooch- gross, so I decided to interrupt.” She said,
pulling me inside as I stroked Malevolent, who purred with approval.
“I see. Hey Malevolent, dare I ask what you have been up to?”
“Oh, the usual.” Skyla smirked just as Marcel and Kataleya came into the hall.
Unlike Skyla, who was in leather pants, high heels, and a crop top, Kat was
wearing a chiffon floral dress up to her knees with long flowing sleeves. She
was the opposite of Sky who was the slimmest of us, with washboard abs, Kat
was a lot curvier having gotten it from her Mama and I think the Rossi genes if
Raihana was anything to go by, with big breasts and an ample ass. And unlike
the two of us, she preferred to wear clothes that covered her up. She was
around the same height as Kia, or maybe even a little taller now. Her hair was

super long too, reaching below her waist. Our perfect, pure-hearted princess! 2
“Hey, Azura.” She smiled at me as she came over and I closed the gap between
us, hugging her tightly.
“Kat, how are you?”
She smiled softly and nodded. “I’m good.”
“Great.” I smirked as I stepped back, and she turned to Leo, confident that he’d
be nicer to her than he was to Skyla.
“Hello, Leo.” She greeted in her soft voice.
“Hey, good to see you.” He said coldly, holding his hand out to her.
Formal, but it was a start. She smiled, taking it and he gave it a quick shake,
glancing down at Malevolent who had jumped out of Sky’s arms, and was now
circling him.
“I can’t believe you two are here.” I said, not able to hide my happiness. It was
the first time since I got pregnant that I could just talk to them in person.
“Yeah, me too, never thought the Sangue pack would let me in... So, girls’
Skyla asked, raising an eyebrow as she looked at Leo. “Or will Weo here be too
scared to sleep alone?”
Leo clenched his jaw “Fucking no, but if I want my mate by my fucking side, I’ll
get her.” He shot back cockily, and I walked over to him, locking my arms

around his neck.
‘She’s got a mouth on her. Ignore her.’
He looked down at me, raising a brow. ‘I also have a fucking mouth that really
doesn’t give a fuck to reply.’ He replied arrogantly.
“This is so weird, but maybe in a good way, you two actually go well together.
Even though he’s an ass.” Skyla remarked, watching us.
“Yeah?” I asked, tugging Leo down and kissing his lips softly. He kissed me
back, making Marcel chuckle and I was sure it was because Kataleya probably
got embarrassed, but I was far too consumed by the taste of Leo’s mouth and
his touch, to focus. I moved back slowly, looking
into the eyes of my handsome mate.’ Mind if I crash with the girls tonight?’
‘Do I fucking mind? Yeah, I fucking do, but go ahead, you ain’t fucking seen
them in a while, I’ll be fine. Maybe I’ll’go hang with the boys. We could use a
‘Sounds like a plan.’ I replied. Leaning up, I kissed his jaw, hearing the light
patter of a child’s footsteps.
“Mommy! Daddy!” A not-so-happy Corrado’s voice came.
I moved away from Leo as I looked at our son standing there, hands on hips
and a frown on his little face. “What’s wrong, baby?” I asked, going over to him
and crouching down. I kissed his cheek.

“You have spent all day with Daddy, but you come home and kiss again. What
about me?” He said, making me feel a sliver of guilt rush through me.
“Of course, you’re number one! I needed to kiss Daddy because he will be
going out tonight whilst we will be having a sleepover with your... aunties?”
“Daddy huh...” Sky smirked, earning a glare from me, as Marcel cleared
his throat. “Oh, and the little minion can call me Sky. I’m too young to be an
I nodded. “Understood, from my side. You two work out as cousins, anyway.”
Corrado looked confused, and I couldn’t
deny that it was pretty confusing. We were all just somehow linked.
“I like aunty.” Kataleya said, smiling at him. Corrado smiled back shyly.
“She’s so pretty Mommy.” He whispered, making Kataleya blush and Leo raise
an eyebrow.
“Yeah, she’s your dad’s cousin.” He said pointedly as Marcel chuckled.
“Well, let’s get to dinner.” He said before saying something to the twins, but I
was too busy staring at my mate. I couldn’t help but smile. After all, he had just
called her his cousin. Our eyes met, and he raised a brow, and all I wanted to
do was kiss him all over again...
It was pretty late, and we were in the guest room that held two double beds.
Corrado was fast asleep whilst we three girls were in our pyjamas, an oversize

hoodie and Kataleya was in her satin pink pyjamas. She was now braiding her
long hair as we chatted. We hadn’t been able to speak about much when
Corrado was awake, but now that he was asleep, the conversation got deeper.
Just then there was a knock on the door, and I called enter. Winona stood there,
holding a tray of snacks and hot drinks.
“Oh thanks, Winona, you didn’t need to.
Guys, this is Winona, Corrado’s Nanny and a dear friend. Winona, Marcel’s
nieces, Skyla, and Kataleya.” I introduced them as she put the tray down.
“Nice to meet you.” Winona said, smiling at them both.
“Nice to meet you too. Thank you for these.” Kataleya replied, as Skyla simply
smirked slightly.
“You should join us.” I offered but she shook her head, casting a glance at
“No, you girls talk. Is he ok here?” She asked.
I nodded, patting the blanket over the boy next to me. “He’s fine.” I replied,
smiling down at him.
“Ok, goodnight, if you need anything let me know, I’ll still be awake.” She offered
before leaving the room and closing the door after her.
Skyla let out a low whistle once she was gone. “Damn, she’s hot.” She said,
making me smirk. 1

“Yup, she is,” I replied back as Kataleya shook her head.
“Sky, you can’t keep eyeing up everyone.” She whispers as if someone might
“How old is she?” Skyla asked, raising her eyebrows suggestively, making me
“Too old for you. Turn eighteen first. Plus, I don’t think she’s into girls.” I pointed
out. Skyla shrugged, dropping onto her stomach.
“Well, I like a blond.” Skyla didn’t really label herself but I would say she was
pansexual and had dated both genders over the years. And was probably one
of the most experimental people I know.
However, thanks to her own control issues, she didn’t really stick to a serious
I know she was struggling more than she’d ever expressed, but she didn’t really
let anyone in either, always saying she was fine. Which, in turn, got her into shit
at the academy.
“So, how’s the pregnancy going?”
Kataleya asked, standing up, “Can I listen to the heartbeat?”
“Sure.” I replied, relaxing back as she hurried over and placed her hand on my
stomach, smiling happily.
“I can’t believe you are going to be a

Mommy,” She whispered in awe, placing her ear against my stomach.
She would make a good Mama too. She loved kids.
“Make sure it’s a little devil.” Skyla added, rolling onto her back and staring at
the ceiling.
“And how do you expect me to do that?” I raised an eyebrow. “Besides, it’s mine
and Leo’s. It is bound to be crazy.”
“Well technically, that’s not how it works.” Skyla said, sliding her head off the
bed, so it was hanging upside down. Do you know the gender yet?”
“No, and we don’t plan to find out.” I replied, caressing my stomach.
“I think that’s beautiful; a surprise is always nice.” Kataleya replied, picking up a
truffle from the tray as she settled on the floor between the two beds, leaning
against my bed, her ankles crossed in front of her. Trust Kat to wear toe rings
too. The girl loved her jewellery and stuff.
Skyla nodded, “Mm... so tell me, it’s been rough, right? With everything with the
fucking dipshit?”
“Yeah, he’s really fucked stuff up. He even killed two of Leo’s closest friends.” I
sighed heavily. “I can’t wait for the day when he’s gone. I just... I hate him. I
want him dead. Is that so wrong to think like that?”
“Not at all Zu, after everything he’s been doing... I’d want him dead, too.” Her
voice darkened, her eyes flashing. Does Grandad know? Or Mama Red? About

him and everything?” Skyla asked, now flipping onto her stomach.
“No, but I plan to tell them tomorrow.
They’re going to be here early tomorrow.” I exhaled. “I fucked up.”
Skyla didn’t respond, her eyes shadowing as she became lost in thought. “We
all mess up Azura, but the main thing is trying to do the right thing, and you are
doing that.”
Plus, admitting to your mistakes.”
Kataleya said, tilting her head up and giving me a gentle smile.
I nodded, my eyes falling to the necklace that she still wore to this day.
She saw me looking and leaned forward, taking a mug of hot chocolate,
smoothly arranging her hair in front of her shoulder, hiding it from view.
“Yeah... I guess... Doesn’t make it easier... but you know that feeling I had
inside of me... like not belonging... that rage... I mean you know when I just lost
my shit. Leo, he can deal with that. It’s so damn weird that he can diffuse me so
“The mate bond. Guess I need my mate to show the hell up and help me. If they
don’t end up rejecting me, that is, or I don’t end up killing them accidentally...”
Sky muttered, pulling a face.
I watched her, concerned, “Still struggling to control it?”
She sighed. “Yeah, I mean, it isn’t easy”

“I know Dante never really figured it out but how are you even possible?” I
up at her and our eyes met. “Like there’s only ever supposed to be one at a time
alive and even then centuries apart.” 2
She shook her head. “Yeah, but who knows, especially since there’s no record
of a female.”
Kataleya nodded. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re the first female Lycan,
Sky, the very first one.”4

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