Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 89

89. This Fire
I was raging. There was not a bone in my entire damn body that was not
burning with fury.
I glared at the damn sexy dick of an Alpha in the seat beside me, who was
acting like he owned the entire fucking world, although his pain still echoed in
my body.
How? How was he even able to bear it when his body was screaming in
He now turned those sexy ice-blue eyes, that always seemed to ask me if I
wanted t o fuck, on me.
I squashed the thoughts, my eyes blazing as he stared at me, as damn arrogant
as ever with that ‘I don’t give a shit’ expression.
“Do not look at me like that.” I growled.
His eyebrow raised, and I clenched my jaw, my hands gripping my thighs as
I tried to control myself. I swear to the goddess if I hit him now, we would have a
damn accident. Plus, he was driving crazy fast.
“I’m not even looking at you in any specific way.” Came his husky, deep voice. I
hated that I still found him so damn hot when I was so fucking pissed. “If this is
about locking you in the car-”

“If this is about that?! Fuck yes, it is! I could have helped!”
“Yeah, maybe, or he could have grabbed you and ran.” He shot back coldly.
I exhaled sharply, slamming my hand into the dashboard in frustration. “So, it
was ok for you to risk yourself?! Why? Because you’re a fucking Alpha male?!”
“I ain’t doing this shit with you right now.”
“Oh, we fucking are.” I reached for the gear stick, only for Leo to grab my hand,
forcefully lacing his fingers through mine and bringing them to his lips.
Fuck don’t!
I tried to yank free but failed. He was still damn stronger physically.
My heart skipped a beat as the arrogant dick, kissed my knuckles before I
pulled free. “You can kiss my ass, do not try to ignore this conversation!”
“I already have countless times. I wouldn’t mind doing so again.” He smirked.
“Leo! I’m serious! You were hurt! You locked me up and what if something
happened to you? How would you feel if I was the one out there and you were
locked up!” I shouted, trying to suppress my aura that was beginning to glow
around me.
Leo’s eyes met mine, and he instantly pulled up to the side, the car screeching t
o a stop, and with one swift movement, h e had his seat pushed back as he
yanked m e into his lap at the same time, making me gasp.
“Answer me!” I shouted, feeling my frustration rising dangerously.

“I did it because I fucking need you and our pup safe, alright!” He growled, his
eyes flashing a steely blue.
I shook my head; I couldn’t believe how damn hypocritical he was. “Do you
know how terrified I was, knowing you’re dying, Leo! Knowing your body is in
pain! What if something happened to you!”
I could feel and see my aura shimmering around me.
“I can handle myself, Baby Girl, can we not do this shit? You need to control
your powers, no matter how fucking hot you look right now. I’m not fucking sure
this car can survive an explosion from within.” He growled huskily, gripping
my face in both his hands.
“No. If I was in your place, you wouldn’t just let it slide, you would be so damn
pissed!” I said, trying to calm my anger, drawing from his touch.
“Yeah, I would be and I know that, but I also know I’m a fucking hypocrite like
that.” He responded arrogantly.
I didn’t know if I should cry, scream, or hit him. So, I did what I did best,
and resorted to violence. 1
I smacked his shoulder, but I could still feel his pain inside of me. I didn’t want to
hurt him more. “When I heal you, I’m going to hurt you. Bad.” I
promised menacingly.
To my irritation he simply smirked, his hand twisting into my hair, well wig, but

since it was clipped in so damn tight, I could feel it yanking at my head. “Good.
Now hear me the fuck out... You know I’m fucking right no matter how fucking
pissed you are.
His scent was already messing me over, the warmth of his breath fanning my
neck while his free hand was under my dress, squeezing my ass. I shook my
head; he wasn’t getting it. “Leo, you’ve got to realise... It’s a two-way thing.
Women can protect their partners too.”
“Yeah, but you aren’t just a woman. I needed to protect our pup and the
mother of my kids. I ain’t fucking losing you,
I ain’t risking shit until I know what the fuck he is. I’m not apologising for doing
the right thing, or what I think is right. Now stop glaring at me like you’re damn
Scarlett, ’cause I ain’t no fucking Elijah who will bend to your goddamn will.”
I stared at him, my mouth hanging open in disbelief as I scoffed, the cheek of
this ass....
“You did not just insult Dad! There is nothing wrong with listening to your mate!”
“Yeah, take your own advice, Sexy Mama, and sit that booty down.” He said,
jerking his head arrogantly towards the passenger seat.
“You are such an Ass! Besides, I didn’t want to be in your lap. You pulled me
over!” I smacked his shoulder again, about to climb back into my seat, only

for him to pull me close, his hand leaving my hair and grabbing my neck
“You like a fucking bad boy remember, now deal with it.” Came his husky reply.
Our eyes were locked, and suddenly the sexual tension in this car hit the
roof, suffocating me.
Our hearts were pounding, my own thumping violently, his hair a sexy mess,
and the expression on his face confused m y emotions. Do I kiss him, or do I
bite him?
“Do both?” He suggested huskily. His grip tightening, and I gasped when he cut
off most of my oxygen, his lips crashing against mine in a smouldering kiss
that made my pussy wet. 1
His lips moulded against mine in a bruising passionate kiss, one that consumed
me whole. He dominated me entirely, and even when I fought back, I was
unable to overpower him. I bit down o n his lip, drawing blood, but neither of us
stopped kissing the other.
I hated that he was so dominating, and how I was unable to overpower him, but
a t the same time, I damn well loved it. I tried to grab his hair only for him to
grab my wrists, pinning them behind me, as his hard cock throbbed against my
‘Fuck you.’ I murmured through the link, sounding far too soft and breathless for

m y liking.
‘If that’s what you want.’ His rough reply came and the next thing I knew he was
pushing me back entirely against the steering wheel, one-handed, the other
going to his pants.
My eyes widened in surprise, knowing we weren’t that far from the venue. If the
police did a search, which they would- Fuck!” I cried out, my mind going blank
when he ripped my panties off me. I looked down to see his dick was hard
and ready for me.
“Now ride that cock like a good little girl.” He smirked arrogantly, slamming me
down onto his dick. I gasped, feeling him stretch me out. He released my
arms, and I grabbed his shoulders, sinking my teeth into his mate mark. The
soft groan that escaped him only made me feel better.
“And why the fuck should I behave like a good girl when I’m pissed as hell.” I
murmured, trying not to moan as pleasure coursed through me.
He yanked my dress down, freeing my breasts as he squeezed them. I ran my
tongue up his neck before nibbling on his ear, realising that just like me he had
three piercings on the bottom of his ear.
He was fucking me hard and fast, one
hand now around my neck, the other grabbing my breasts. I met his thrust with
my own, both of us in perfect sync.

“I prefer you better when you’re pissed, anyway.” He whispered seductively.
Damn Rossi, how the fuck do you stay mad at him when he was so slick with
his words?
Our lips met once more, hunger, anger and passion fuelling me. This was my
heaven, even when the entire world could be chaotic, in this hell, this was
my heaven...
Fucking in a car is damn hot, yet no one mentions the bruising to your back
thanks to the steering wheel, or how cleaning up kinda sucks unless you are
prepared in advance!
But it was still so damn hot, and I’d do it a hundred times over!
Well, we weren’t prepared, but luckily Leo’s private underground garage was
directly linked to his cave. I was able to clean up before we both just decided to
stay here for the night, despite the fact that Leo was still working via the mind
link and on his laptop.
I took some selfies of my hair and makeup for Mama and the others. Was it
weird that I actually liked the red? I mean, I wouldn’t dye my entire head red, but
I wouldn’t mind a wig on some days... Hmm, it would be great for undercover
nights out with Leo.
I hit send, sending my photo to the group chat, smiling when Mama came

‘Wow, you look gorgeous, baby girl.’ She texted as Kia and Raven both sent a
string of emojis.
‘She looks like you did with the red,
Mom!” Kia added
‘Oh damn fine, I’m sure Leo is loving that colour on you.’ Raven added with
some winking emojis.
I smirked, my stomach fluttering, well he had complicated me before we had
left, and the way he looked at me like always a s if I was the most beautiful thing
on the planet...
‘Oh yeah, he loves me.’ I text.
‘Care to explain why you have a bruise around your neck?’ Liam added.
I froze, going back to the image.
Oh, fuck!
‘Liam, isn’t that obvious? LOL.’ Kiara text.
‘Fuckers dense.’ Alejandro added.
My poor brother... dense as always. Guess his mind didn’t even go in that
‘Right.’ Liam’s not-so-cheerful response came.
I guess dad was busy.
‘I didn’t realise it was still noticeable... but I’m fine, don’t worry, Leo is the

last person who would hurt me. Besides, I’m the one who tends to hit him a
lot....’ I trailed off, suddenly feeling sick to my stomach. An alarming thought
came to mind.
Was my violence something I got from the dick, Fred?
No longer able to join the conversation, I answered Raven, asking if the baby
was o k and if I was going to find out the gender. I greeted dad when he entered
the chat, and he complimented my red hair before I slowly put the phone down.
Was I abusive?
“Azura?” I looked up, noticing Leo had just stepped out of the bathroom freshly
showered. “Hey...” He instantly realised something was wrong, coming over to
m e and crouching before me.
“I’m fine.” I said, forcing a smile.
“You’re not.” He stated, frowning. “What is it?”
This was going to sound stupid... I looked down at the red wig that I now
suddenly grabbed from the bed to keep my hands. busy, trying not to pay
attention to Leo’s hand on my thighs. “I just... I hit you a lot do you think I’m
like... you know... like ...” I couldn’t say it.
He understood instantly, though, and I knew my walls were definitely up. “No.
Not in any fucking way. You have a strong tendency for violence, but you
aren’t abusive. There’s a difference.” He ran his fingers through my black locks,

his piercing eyes softening. “You’re nothing like him, Azura. Remember that. As
for hitting me.... hit away. They don’t do shit anyway. Maybe work on your
My eyes flashed and I smacked the cocky shit’s shoulder, as he snickered. But I
couldn’t deny that he made me feel better. He always did.
I locked my arms around his shoulders, resting my forehead against his.
“I love you... although... I don’t think this is love... it’s something so much
more... You’re my addiction, my oxygen, my damn all.”
His hands caressed my waist, and his lips met mine in a slow, deep kiss. ‘Same
Love, that word doesn’t come anywhere near covering whatever this shit is...’
It truly didn’t.
We kissed for a few moments, relishing i
In the feel of the other’s caress and touch, until Leo’s phone rang and he
moved. back slowly, answering it.
“Hello Leo, I just wanted to let you know that Emmet Garrons’ trial is set
for tomorrow morning at ten.” Raj, the Beta’s voice came.
“Thanks for letting me know,” Leo replied, before hanging up.
Our eyes met, and the mood suddenly became serious. After all, this was going
t o be a big day. Not only will Emmet be held accountable, but Leo’s truth will be

told to the Pack. Although when he told m e about letting the Pack know about
Cartel, deep down I had a feeling he wasn’t sure how they’d take it... but I was
certain they would support him fully. Because Leo was a true leader and king.

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