Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 79

The Rare Kind
That night Leo didn’t sleep well, tossing and turning and simply lying awake. When he did sleep, his dreams were full of
bloodshed, drugs, guns, screams, and dead bodies.
Every time he got up, I didn’t mention that I was getting them too, carefully keeping my walls up and keeping him close. When
the first rays of the morning light crept through the crack in the curtain, Leo sat up running a hand through his hair and exhaling
I placed a hand on his back, slowly sitting up.
“What’s wrong, Blue–Eyes?” I asked, “You haven’t slept well all night.”
He turned to me, tangling his hand into my hair and kissing my jaw. “And I fucking ruined your sleep too.”
“Far from it, want to talk about it?” I asked softly, getting on my knees, and wrapping my arms around him from behind.
My heart skipped a beat, and for a moment it felt surreal, knowing that this man was mine. All mine. I tightened my arms around
his shoulders and kissed his neck softly. “It might make you feel lighter, and if you need me to make any voodoo dolls, I’m all for
it, I think I can find an actual witch dark enough to spell them.” I added lightly. He smirked, glancing at me but remained silent as
I placed soft kisses along his bare shoulder and neck, waiting for him to start. I knew he was pondering over whether or not to
say something.
He took a deep breath, exhaling slowly before he began. “I created the Heimtückische Wölfe Cartel when we had nothing. Back
then the only money we had was shares given by the Rossi Empire. I always feared that someday they would be gone... Dad
didn’t have the luxury of education or any experience with the real world. Everything was run by Rafael... and then, when he
died, it went onto Rayhan...” He leaned his head against me, looking towards the faint light through the crack in the curtains.
“After what happened, I just was so sure that someday we’d be left with nothing, that it would all just be taken from us, and so I
did my best. In the beginning, I only knew how to read a little. Back in the caverns, some of us kids were sometimes taught by
mom, or one of the other adults, but it was limited since there were no resources. Mom did her best though, her life changed
drastically after she found Dad, and it started taking a toll on her. Unlike us... she wasn’t born a rogue... Endora never liked her
and only kept her around for Dad... That was until she learned how to break the bond.” My heart clenched thinking he had been
through so much...

“Anyway, it was what pushed me to study harder, become smarter, and play wiser. So, I started off with games such as chess,
cards, and pool, staking a cash prize if I won. Until it came to the point everyone knew I’d win. Then, I moved on to racing and
fighting illegal underground matches. But it wasn’t enough, there was just too much we needed to do, and I didn’t want to be
indebted to anyone. Spending my time in the human cities, I realised that poverty existed there too...”
He reached over, taking me by my arm, tugging me in front of him, and wrapping his strong arms around me as he cradled me in
his lap before continuing.
“Have you seen the state of the care homes, the orphanages? It fucking made me sick how so many vulnerable children were
fucking abused in so–called foster homes. Yeah, not all are like that but there was still far more than there should have been.
The government and the care homes just weren’t equipped enough financially to keep children there long enough, and instead
were forced to place them with foster carers even when the situations weren’t the best. “He looked down into my eyes and I
could see the raw emotions in his.
“In every city... I saw the Sangue Pack in them, those orphans, are the rogues of the human world and I realised my work was
far bigger than I thought. I had a pack to take care of – larger than what was just within these premises. I needed to do more.”
Leo was far more complex than I could ever imagine, every time he simply impressed me a little more, with his heart made of
something far more priceless than gold. He was the rarest of jewels or something, without me sounding mushy!
“That’s when I first gathered a few of the boys, the Six, to be precise, and Emmet. I began planning... developing, and soon I
was gaining power fast.” He sighed heavily, planting a kiss on my forehead before he carried on.
“I was getting richer, and I was able to provide support for many... From simply providing, I set the goal higher, I didn’t want them
to just get by, I wanted to see them thrive. For every Rayhan Rossi born with a silver spoon in his fucking mouth, I wanted to
show the world that ten Leo Rossi’s were born and would prove to the world that they deserved a chance too.” The pain and the
determination in his voice made me far more emotional than I was used to. Damn these pregnancy hormones...
But who was I kidding? Leo had a heart of gold, and although the path he chose wasn’t the best, his intentions were good.
“I began branching out, businesses, clubs, shares. I was growing faster than anyone else had from the shadows. I’m the
youngest Cartel Boss around, and I hold the most power. But with that shit, came the clear reality that this world was as dark as
it was beneficial. So, I began enforcing laws and rules, because there was scum who targeted the vulnerable, and I realised if I
truly wanted to protect them all, my eyes in the underworld must always be on alert. Drugs and weapons... it brought in the

money that we needed, and I’ve secured every child in this pack with a future, enough money to buy a home, invest in studies or
open a business if they want. I’ve funded orphanages and care homes as a secret benefactor, making it easier for them to cope.”
He shook his head. “That was it, I felt like I had done what I could. I had found out I was dying, and it all should have been
fucking wrapped up, this shipment was meant to be my last... but nah, life had other shit planned. This was meant to be the final
deal, and then I was done with that shit. Trying to fucking do right, I fucking messed up... again.”
“You didn’t mess up. Emmet the bastard did.” I frowned. “Your reasoning, your mentality, and your heart were all in the right
place. You are incredible, Leo. Heck, I know people will be like, oh he deals drugs, he’s a horrible person but we all know there
are so many men in suits pretending to care for this country when really it’s just a game of power and corruption. Don’t blame
yourself for this, talk to him today. Oh, wait! Can I come with? I’ll bring a staple gun?” *| He cocked an eyebrow, and my heart
fluttered when he chuckled lightly. “I think that’s not a bad idea, as long as you don’t plan to use it on me.”
“Absolutely not, unless you piss me off.” I replied, yanking his head down and kissing him hard.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” He murmured as he held me tightly, his hands caressing my back as he deepened the kiss before lying
back down and pulling the duvet over us both. I bit my lip, before I slowly flicked my tongue over his nipple, smirking when I felt
his hard cock throb. As much as I want to fuck you, I know I kept you up all night... so sleep, but don’t fucking think I’ve forgotten
the reward you promised me for taking you with me last night.”
I smirked running my tongue over his nipple again. “Oh, don’t worry it’s going to be good...” I winked at him suggestively and he
squeezed my ass kissing my lips roughly but before things got further, he forced himself back, making me displeased.
“I appreciate you listening.” He said quietly, running his fingers through my hair.
“Anytime... but just a thought, have you ever considered going into things like pharmaceuticals for the supernatural, I mean
those injections you gave me saved our baby. Kiara can’t be everywhere, and I will be able to heal only twelve times a year for a
very short amount of time? Those injections are impressive, and I’m sure all packs will want to get their hands on them...” I
suggested, trying not to focus on that cock that was begging for some attention, which I really wanted to give it. 1
Blowjobs were never something that I was keen on, but that was an entirely different situation with Leo, I just couldn’t get
“Hmm.” Leo frowned slightly, but I knew he was taking it in.

guess you didn’t consider that, not wanting to work with any pack, right?” I whispered softly.
He nodded. “Pretty much... I guess that is something that I could look into... those who can’t afford it-”
Leaning up, I pressed my lips to his. “Stop playing Robin Hood, these packs can afford it. Also with your smart–ass brain, it’s
time to roll out your web browser and internet. Not to mention the security company that can also become an entire tech
“Do you actually think people will buy from someone like me?”
He believed that, he really did. He needed to realise he was so damn incredible.
“Oh absolutely...” I murmured, pushing him onto his back and climbing on top of him “I mean ... I’d pay plenty to fuck you.”
He chuckled but didn’t fight me as I began placing kisses down his chest. “Do I look like a fucking hooker to you?” His hand
tangled in my hair, tightening as I went lower.
“You can be my hooker.” I teased back, biting my lip when my breasts brushed his cock as I placed slow kisses down his abs. I
reached the band of his sweatpants, slowly pulling them down, and letting his cock out. 1
Oh fuck he was so fucking hot and perfect.
A soft moan left my lips as I wrapped my hand around his cock, making him
“Fuck.” He swore.
I was just about to lick that delicious mega–size popsicle, my pussy clenching, when there was
suddenly a loud banging on the door.

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