Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 68

68: Failed
Shane and Jackie, I didn’t want to fucking believe it. I had failed them both... Kareena, Shane’s mate too... Her life was over too.
I could only imagine losing Azura. It would fucking destroy
me too.
I didn’t fear anything, save losing those that I loved.
The last conversation between Jackie and me that took place before we left yesterday flashed before my eyes, and I wish I had a
little more time with her... she was always worried about me.
How she would have been fucking happy to know that I would be ok. How fucking happy she would have been that I would be
healed. Little did we both know she’d die before me...
Fucking bastard.
Anger flared through me, my eyes blazing as I drove as fast as possible, sending orders through the phone.
“...possible breach, there was an explosion on the far left of the pack. Nothing was seen but-”
“I want a code red, fucking lockdown right now, have everyone on high alert.”
“Alpha Marcel’s got everyone on duty.” Ace replied.
“Good, get teams one, three and seven ready to set out. Tell Raj I want the best scouts now. Ace, Li Sheng, Jin, you three are to
follow. Dan, Jax I want you both ready to tell me what the fuck went down.”
“I want to know too.” Marcel’s voice came.
“Got it.” The men replied.
I knew Dad would have plenty of fucking questions, considering the Six weren’t those I hung with on pack premises, aside from
Jax. Yet they held power and individual squads at their disposal.

I couldn’t think about it right now. I had a bastard to catch. Azura reached over, placing her hand on top of mine. I could hear her
heart thumping, and could feel the pain and guilt she was feeling.
“This isn’t your fault.‘ I said through the link, and I fucking meant it.
‘He was here because of me.‘ She replied quietly.
I glanced at her beautiful face, she was wearing that blank expression she always did when her mind was in turmoil.
‘No, he should have been fully guarded and I will fucking find out how Jackie even got there.‘ I growled murderously. He wasn’t
on pack grounds so what the fuck happened?
She didn’t reply and I promised I would reassure her, but right now there were a few things I needed to make sure were done
I was pissed at the boys, why would they even let Jackie fucking go there?
“Don’t leave even an inch of the pack unscoured, if there was an explosion-”
I heard a sharp hiss of pain and some sound. “Dan here, Leo. He tried to break in but didn’t manage to, so he ran when we tried
to capture him. He was far too fucking fast.” Dan’s breathless voice came.
“Got it”
Frowning, I pondered over his words. So somehow, Judah knew exactly where the pack was... Did he know beforehand? Why
was he so fucking infatuated with Azura?
I looked up sharply seeing the fire that was coming from the trees in the distance. “Is anyone making sure that damage control is
taken care of? If the humans question it, shit will get harder.”
“I’m on it.” Marcel replied.
“Daddy? What’s happening?” Corrado’s sleepy voice came.
“Shush baby I’m here.” Azura soothed him, unbuckling herself.

“Careful.” I warned.
“I am.” She climbed into the back, and I heard the belt click as she comforted our son.
“Good I’ll be there soon.” I said through the phone coldly, putting them on hold. I needed to call Alejandro.
Hitting call, I waited for him to pick up.
“Missing me already?” His cold mocking voice came.
Furrowing my brow, I clenched my jaw. “No. We just dropped Song off at her house, however, the man who had her last time
wasn’t dead... I’ll explain later, but can you make sure the Coven takes her under their wing. She isn’t safe out there and watch
your girls – although I don’t think he’d make them his target.”
A low menacing growl left his lips. “Understood, I’ll contact the coven and have Song removed. If you need help Leo we’re here.”
“I’ll be in touch.” Ending the call, I turned to Azura. “Call her, fill her in on what’s happening.” “Got it, pass me my bag.” I grabbed
it, passing it to her and heard her rummaging in it, before she rang her.
My own eyes were fixed ahead on the fire that rose from the trees... slowing down as we neared pack grounds.
Two hours had passed, and I was finally satisfied that the pack was secure. Judah had managed to tamper with the electric
barriers on the far side of the pack borders, but he had failed to breach.
The bodies of Shane and Jackie were taken to the morgue, and I forced myself to command them to tie their bodies down. I still
hadn’t seen them... and I knew when I did, it would all feel so much more real.
The blood of more lives was on my hands...
When we had returned, I had made sure a whole squad was watching Azura as well as Corrado, who was now with Winona with
heightened security. Azura refused to stay home and wanted to help. She decided to go to Kareena’s who had felt her mate’s
death... she was someone I would have to face too, and I was grateful that Azura was with her. Sera was also with her as
well as the Beta female.
I had just filled Dad and Raj in regarding everything about Judah before the three of us headed to the hospital.

I now entered the hospital where Dan and Jax were being treated. Eric was walking towards us, his eyes bloodshot.
“Leo, you’re back.”
“Yeah, how is Emmet doing?” I asked quietly.
He looked down, shaking his head. “He’s in shock or... something.”
I nodded, unable to say anything and instead motioned him to follow me to the ward. I opened the door, and only one doctor was
there, he was busy wrapping Jax’s chest up.
My eyes flashed as I tried to control my anger. “Why was Jackie there?” I asked quietly. Jax glanced toward Dad as if uncertain
of what he should mention, and I frowned. “Continue, he knows about Judah.”
Dad nodded, his face serious.
Dan sighed heavily; his eyes ridden with remorse. Making us all turn to him. “I was showing her some of the results that were
really confusing me, I felt like I was having a breakthrough... I should have waited for you... I never should have asked her, but I
The pain in his voice was so strong I could feel it. It was a mistake; this wasn’t his fault. He took a deep breath, before
continuing. “After I showed her the reports she was intrigued and wanted to see him, saying it was something she’s never seen
before, and I agreed. Ace said not to... he fucking said not to!” He kicked the bed in frustration, his eyes blazing, and I saw the
blood spreading from his bandage. “It’s my fault she’s dead!”
Lowering his head, he held it in his hands and I looked away. A painful silence fell in the room. There was no denying that he
made a mistake and above all, I knew he’d feel it most.
After all... he had been in love with Jackie before she found Emmet... they had dated for a while too. I had hoped he was the
one she would be mated to but life had other plans... When she found her mate... they ended it.
When I had mentioned Jackie would probably end it with Emmet, I had seen the glimmer of hope in his eyes that he had tried to
hide. But I know my friends well enough.
He held hope and once more it was taken from him.

The doctor excused himself and Jax sat up and swung his legs off the bed that he was sitting on. “I agreed to it too... he’s been
dead for a while... I didn’t think anything would go wrong and then... When Jackie went close, he instantly got up and held her
hostage. She said not to care about her... and to kill him by any means.”
He sighed heavily, running his hands through his hair irritably. “We tried to save her, but
when we just about got her safe, she was already severely wounded. Shane bought us some time and he died in the process.
When he attacked, she said we can’t let him go. He was fast and he vowed we were all dead, that he knew where the pack was.
That’s when she tried to sedate him, she refused to sit back...” His voice cracked and he refused to continue.
The pain inside was far too intense... breathing felt hard, like I was drowning underwater but still I tried to remain emotionless
and strong.
Dan turned to me. “Her last words were; ‘I’m the delta female and I am not going to let him hurt anyone else.‘ She prioritised this
pack’s safety and sacrificed her life.”
The painful silence that fell over the room was somehow deafening and I turned away.
I needed to see them.
Stepping out of the hospital ward I headed to the morgue.
Her voice made me stop, my hand on the lift door to the lower floor. I wanted to tell her I would be fine, that I can handle this shit,
but I needed her. Our eyes met and she broke into a run, closing the gap between us and locked her arms around me.
I sighed heavily, inhaling her hair deeply. “How is she?” I murmured quietly.
“Devastated. She has been sedated so she can get some rest.” She whispered back, pain clear in her voice. “Where are you
“To see them.” I replied when she looked up at me. “You don’t need to come.”
Our eyes met, both of us unable to hide our emotions and she reached up cupping my face. “So I should just let you go alone?
You don’t need to hide your feelings from me, Leo... We are one.”

We were one but two halves... and one could be lost.
I never want to lose you.
I pressed my forehead to hers, wrapping my arms around her tightly. She tilted her head up and softly pressed her lips against
mine. I closed my eyes, kissing her back deeply. The sizzling sparks rushed through me, calming me, and giving me the strength
I didn’t know she had to give.
I’d never get enough of this... of her.
She was now my
We broke apart, and exhaling, I entered the code, letting us in. We stepped into the large lift, designed to wheel down bodies,
and I pressed the button to the only other floor it led to.
The morgue.
The doors opened and I saw several men standing to attention, these were my orders too.
“This room – Alpha, Luna.” One said, motioning to the door he was guarding. He lowered his head, clearly knowing why we were
This time I had made sure to keep it in place, just in case something unexpected happened.
After Judah came back from the dead, I wasn’t going to risk him changing Shane and Jackie into something. Until we knew what
he was, we couldn’t take risks.
They opened the door and I stepped in, seeing the two tables that held the bodies, each covered with a white cloth. Metal chains
were binding them to the tables, outlining the two distinct body shapes. One male, one female.
A man I considered my brother, and a woman I considered my sister...
Guilt rushed through me at my treatment of their bodies being bound but until I was sure Judah didn’t have a hold on them, I was
going to have to keep them in place... Right now I couldn’t afford to make any more mistakes than we already had.

The pain was crushing, my heart thundering, as I slowly walked over to Shane’s body. I slowly moved the sheet back and Azura
gasped, turning away. I realised that there was no need to bind him... He was missing limbs and his entire chest was a gaping
hole. ↑
How was I going to present this body to Kareena? I placed my hand on his forehead, slowly caressing his hair.
Shane – one of my closest friends.
Fuck I’m sorry.
This shouldn’t have fucking happened. I looked him over, Judah hadn’t held back, his entire body was ripped apart. It was
obvious that this was all they had been able to salvage...
I’m sorry man, I owe you...
I lifted his arm, the only one that was left hanging from his shoulder, bending down I held it to my forehead.
How many more do I need to lose for it to be enough?
I felt Azura’s touch, as she wrapped her arms around me from behind.
I hope you’re in a better place... this wasn’t just one death... I knew Kareena would follow...
In heaven, they would reunite...
Placing his hand down slowly I pulled the sheet over him before turning to the other table. The body was visibly smaller.
“You don’t need to see her today.” She whispered softly.
“I can’t delay it.” My voice was hoarse as I walked over to the table.
These steps were as hard as it was when I had walked to my mother’s body...
How I fucking wished this was just a prank. Maybe she’ll wake up. My heart was beating so violently it hurt and I looked at Azura
seeing the tears silently streaming down her cheeks.
I caressed her cheek before I took hold of the white sheet.

The moment I moved the sheet back, it felt like time suddenly stopped as I stared down at her. Her face was pale, her neck was
completely ripped to shreds and it was clear he had torn out her jugular vein. There were dried tear stains down her cheeks and
the top of her head was sticky with blood. They truly were gone.
“Fuck!” I swore, he was fucking dead.
I quickly undid the chains, the sound of the metal clanging echoing in the empty room, when they dropped. My hands were
shaking as I wrapped the white sheet around her body gently and pulled her close.
And for the first time in years, I was unable to stop myself from breaking down. 3
I dropped to my knees, holding her tight to my chest. My eyes stung, burying my nose in her hair, her faint scent reached my
nose through the blood. A scent I would never smell again...
I had been like a big brother to her, but I hadn’t done the one most important thing a brother should be able to do for his sister.
Time and time again, I wasn’t able to protect her. I failed her. 12

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