Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 36

36. A Battle of Wills AZURA.
I had looked in the mirror ten times before convincing myself that the shorts and sports bra were totally ok to go out in. I put on
Kiara‘s strappy black heels, not wanting to rummage in the bag that had been retrieved from my apartment, in case Kia got
disturbed. 1
Damn, I loved this woman‘s heel collection... Last year I had liked a pair of snakeskin knee high boots of hers, and she had told
me I could keep them.
Selfless as always.
After zipping them up, I made my way to the door, just when I saw my phone screen light up.
I was sure it was from Sky, she was the only one up at this time, but I wasn‘t going to cross the room when I had just reached the
door. I‘ll get back to her later. 2
I slipped out of the room silently, making my way down the dimly lit hallway, tip–toeing down the stairs. I could see the light in the
lounge was still on. Were Marcel and Al still awake?
Ok... I don‘t want them to hear me leaving. Wait, Al has like supersonic hearing; he‘ll know either way, and I had nothing to hide.
Right? Right I still opened the door super quietly and slipped out, only to catch sight of the glowing tip of Leo‘s cigarette. He was
standing in the shadows across the huge front lawn, leaning against a tree to the side.
His eyes fixed on me.
And when I walked towards him, I felt very conscious that my tiny shorts barely covered my ass. Maybe I should have come out
barefoot, I don‘t think the heels helped. What was I going to talk to him about? Why did I even ask if we could meet?
His eyes were no longer on my face, but rather skimming over my legs, a look of hunger flashed in his eyes before he looked
away smoothly.
My heart thundered and the moment his scent hit me full force, I wanted to close my eyes and
inhale it.
“Were you awake?” I asked.

Dumb question, obviously he was, because there was no block or force preventing me when I mind–linked him.
At least he didn‘t mock me.
He was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a t–shirt that clung to his body, emphasising his every ridge and groove. I forced
myself to stop staring and looked into his piercing blue eyes.
“What did you want to talk about?” He asked, his voice was so ice–cold, that it took me aback.
He meant business.
“What happens from here, like what Emmet did. I know you suspended him but he ”
“Is in prison awaiting trial. I was a witness to what happened to you, and Jackie will talk.” His voice was murderous, and the way
he said ‘will talk‘ made a shiver run down my spine.
“So you believe that he did beat her?”
“I believed you before, but now he has several more crimes added to that fucking list. Don‘t worry, Emmet will not be getting
away with this. Although I won‘t kill him... I will make sure he can never hurt anyone ever again.”
“Great.” I ran my fingers through my hair. A silence fell between us, and the nightmare returned to me. I wondered if he had been
dreaming about it... It wasn‘t really my place to ask, but I wouldn‘t deny that I wasn‘t tempted to.
“Why didn‘t you tell me?” He asked quietly.
I knew what he meant, about the baby.
I looked him square in the eye, frowning. “Why should I have? You left me, remember? rejected me too?”
“If I knew you were pregnant, I would have made sure.”
“Of what? That the baby is ok? I was taking perfect care of it, heck if it wasn‘t for this baby, I wouldn‘t have even agreed to stay in
this pack of yours.” I cut in, sounding colder than I wanted to. “I never thought your Delta would have attacked me in your

presence... I let my guard down...”
My anger faded and I placed my hand on my stomach, making Leo‘s gaze dip down to it. Something in his eyes softened, and I
could tell he wanted to say something.
“I didn‘t think he would either... I‘m glad you‘re both ok.”
My heart skipped a beat but yeah... I needed to be ok for the baby right? “Thank you for saving our pup and for calling Kia,
although I know you never wanted to have them here.”
“Yeah. I didn‘t.” He replied, his eyes hardening once again. I was hurt somewhat, but that memory of his kept replaying in my
mind... There was more to Leo than met the eye. But I shouldn‘t care... right? I hated how the moment he was in my presence,
my senses became clouded. “I had a nightmare just before I mind – linked you.” I said hesitantly. He tensed, his cigarette to his
lips, but he didn‘t take a puff, as if waiting for what I was about
to say. His heart was racing, and I knew now that I had started, I needed to end this.
“I saw what she was doing to your mother, how you were begging your father.” “Don‘t.” His eyes blazed as he looked up at me
His anger was raging off him.
“Leo... Does your father know what you‘ve witnessed and been through?” His silence gave me the answer I really wished wasn‘t
true. “You need to let it out, you need to tell him or talk to someone, anyone. I mean have you talked to anyone about your
childhood? We learned about Endora at the academy, her heinous crimes against the wolves in her hold. But... even from what
my family were told, there was no mention of you... does anyone know what you have been through and witnessed Leo?”
He was a greater mystery than I had thought.
“Leo? I‘ll take that as a no.”
“I‘m not having this conversation with you.”
“Well, you are because what I saw.”

“Don‘t try to fucking get into my head.” He hissed, tossing the cigarette to the ground and crushing it under his foot.
“It‘s obvious you don‘t want to talk about it but you really need to–” “No, I fucking don‘t. So as I said, stay the fuck out of my
head.” He growled. My own eyes flashed, and I stepped closer, glaring up at him. Even with these heels, I was much shorter
than him.
“Out of your head?! I was asleep! I didn‘t go prowling around in there!” I snapped.
“Listen to me Azura, what you saw better stay the fuck between us.” He threatened. “Oh? Or what? What will you do?” I
challenged, knowing that this baby was my ultimate shield from Leo.
His hands were clenched and on any other occasion, he would have grabbed my chin or neck by now. He didn‘t reply, simply
glaring back at me. “I‘m warning you... tell anyone about that dream... and I will fucking do the same about your
I felt as if I had been slapped, the icy cold look in his eyes told me he would do it too... my heart thudded as I realised, he was
blackmailing me. Like Judah... I don‘t know why it just... it left a sour taste in my mouth.
“Wow... I never thought you‘d go so low.”
“Then don‘t fucking try me.” He shot back arrogantly.
“I told you that in confidence. You were the one who wanted to know and wanted me to stay, remember? I was going to tell
Alejandro, actually, since he‘s here, how about I just go and tell him! I don‘t fucking need you. And since they are here, I‘ll go
back with them to their pack. Yeah, maybe that‘s better. I‘m fucking done.” I turned, ready to storm inside, when Leo
grabbed my arm, pulling me back. I gasped when he yanked me close, glaring down at me. An intense wave of sparks rushed
through me, sending a delicious jolt to my core.
“Calm the fuck down.” He growled.
“No, why should i! You can get pissed whenever the fuck you want, but I can‘t?” I growled, trying to break free, only for him to
turn us and pushed me up against the tree. He let go of me, but before I could even push him away, he caged me between his
arms, his legs trapping mine.

What the fuck was this guy made of? No matter how much I struggled he refused to let me go, instead, he simply watched me.
“Keep struggling, I‘m not complaining about the view.” He growled threateningly and I froze, realising his gaze was on my
“Stop perving.” I growled.
“Stop struggling.” He countered arrogantly.
My heart was thundering as our eyes met, trying not to pay attention to the way his chest was almost touching mine or the way
his strong thighs had mine wedged between his.
“You can‘t stop me.” I hissed.
“Don‘t challenge me because I don‘t like to lose.” His piercing eyes flashed and my heart skipped a beat at how close he was...
It was suddenly hard to breathe and a part of me wanted to act up to see what he would actually do, whilst another part of me
was trying to remember what we were discussing...
This tension between us... This closeness...
His eyes dipped to my lips and he licked his own. His ball piercing glinted under the moonlight and the intense urge to play with
his tongue tempted me.
Fuck he had such good lips...
Focus girl.
‘I can hear your thoughts.‘ His animalistic voice came through the link and in my haze.
I slammed up my walls trying to come back to reality.
“Don‘t deviate from the topic... You expected me to share my problems... but you can‘t share your own?” I asked quietly. He
remained silent, his steel blue eyes looking into mine. “Not even with your friends?”
Talk to me Leo.
Look deeper... Dante‘s words returned to me, and I looked at the man before me intently.

Leo had so much more to him than one would think. So many had things to say about him, at the academy especially. He was
known to be ruthless and cold–hearted. The Rogue Alpha... That was the name they called him. Some who loved Alejandro so
deeply even went as far as saying they hated him because he didn‘t accept the way of the King and his council. But how could
he accept it when he didn‘t grow up the way those who made comments had? People were so blinded that they judged others
without even listening or trying to learn the
full story...
“There is no one that I trust in this world.”
Those words squeezed my heart even though he spoke like he didn‘t care...
I know that he didn‘t want me because of who I was... but he wanted this child. I also knew he was physically attracted to me,
just as I was to him...
The choice of the path ahead was in my hands...

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