Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 30

30 – Was I Not Enough
I was ready to hit the gym with Emmet once I had Corrado fed. I was already dressed in grey sweatpants, a white tank top and
sneakers. He was still giving me those sad looks, and I wondered if he was just being stubborn or actually missing Azura What’s
to miss anyway? An image of her, came to my mind. Pretty much a lot.
F**k that.
“Want to have breakfast with Azura today?” I asked as I flipped the crepes over in the pan.
His eyes widened in excitement, and he nodded.
“Is she back! Yes! Let’s go!” He said, jumping off the worktop.
“Hold up fast guy, we need to get your breakfast made.”
“Oh yes, Azura can’t cook. We must make her breakfast too, Daddy.”
I frowned.
“She must have food at her place.”
“But you said I’ll have breakfast with her “I only cook for you.” I muttered, glancing down at him, only to see the sadness in his
“But this is for me.”
F**k, this kid was good at emotional blackmail.
“Fine.” I frowned and he smiled happily, : as if he hadn’t just been near tears a few seconds ago “Yes! Azura will love your
crepes, Daddy!”
“You get crepes for her on one condition. You don’t tell her that I made them, Deal?
“Deal!” He said very fast as he ran to get a tray. Great now I was cooking for her.

Once the two plates of crepes were done, complete with Nutella and strawberries, I placed two glasses on the tray and was
about to take the milk carton and a juice bottle out when Corrado grabbed the milk carton from me.
“Daddy no juice, Azura likes milk.” He said this while hurrying to the tray, and placing the milk on it.
I’m sure she f***king does.
I grabbed the tray, frowning down at it.
They sure looked f**king good. Guess I’m a better cook than her. Not that I’ve eaten anything she’s made, but then again, it
would be better not to, because who knows what she’d put into it.
At least she tasted f**king good.
Reaching Azura’s door, I knocked and passed the tray to Corrado; I didn’t want to be seen carrying it. I hoped she got here
quickly before he dropped it too.
I watched him. Seeing the excited smile on his face as he watched the door with avid anticipation made me smile slightly.
I’d do anything for him.
The door opened to a sleepy Azura. Her hair was as smooth as ever, but you could tell she had just woken up from the strands
that fell in front of her face. Her eyes were half open, her plump lips set in a pout. The oversize shirt she had pulled on last night
was hanging off her shoulder, barely covering those thighs of hers...
Totally f**kable.
Her eyes widened when she looked us both over, before she smiled brightly at Corrado.
“Hi, Azura! Daddy said I could have breakfast with you today.”
“Corrado! Oh, that would be amazing!
And pancakes with Nutella. Yummy!” She crouched down slightly and took the tray from him.

My gaze dipped to her a*s as she turned and took the tray to the table, Corrado following her excitedly.

I realised the shirt was inside out, meaning she had pulled it on before getting the door...
An image of her in nothing but her lingerie returned to me, and I had to force myself to look away from her a*s.
“No Azura we call these crepes! Daddy made them, but he said I can’t tell you.” He declared and I raised my eyebrow.
Well, he sure didn’t know how to keep a d*mn secret.
“Oh...” Azura for once seemed to not know what to say.
She turned to look at me and I raised an eyebrow.
“I’ll pick him up after an hour and a half, after training.” I said emotionlessly trying to keep my eyes locked with hers, and not over
that body of hers.
“Sure.” She replied with a nod, her gaze raked over me, and I felt something inside when her eyes lingered on the front of my
pants, before she bit her lip and turned her back on me smoothly.
We shouldn’t be in a room together.
I crossed the room to Corrado, who was already waiting with his fork and knife in hand, and ruffled his hair.
“I’ll see you soon kid.”
“Take your time Daddy. I’m ok with Azura.” He said giving me another bright smile.
I looked into his hazel eyes.
Someone he can live with, without me...
I pushed the thought away and turned. My eyes met hers as I walked past her, brushing my arm against hers. The tingles of
pleasure spread through my arm at the slight contact.
I left her apartment, mind linking Emmet to come out.
The door to his place opened and I saw him, Jackie, and Nikki.

Our eyes met and her eyes filled with hurt before I looked away. Jackie gave her a gentle smile. I guess she knew, which meant
so did Emmet.
“Morning bro.” Emmet said, fist bumping me.
I entertained him, but the urge to crush his fist was tempting. I glanced over at the women, smoothly observing Jackie’s face.
She was wearing a shirt, with her collar buttoned, so I couldn’t see her neck, but if it happened last night, those bruises would be
gone just like Azura’s had.
“Hey Leo.” Nikki said softly.
Was it bad that not once had she crossed my mind since we broke up?
Sure she had messaged a few times, but I hadn’t bothered with them. We were done.
“Hey.” I replied before glancing at Emmet. “Shall we get going?”
He nodded and we both left, leaving the women behind.
It was twenty minutes later, and we were now sparring after warming up, and an intense twenty minutes of cardio. Both of us
were exchanging blows, and I knew Emmet would bring it up any minute now “So that chick Azura, when is she going back,
man? She’s f***king trouble.” He said shaking his head.
“Yeah?” I asked, blocking and aiming a punch at his shoulder. He stepped back before aiming another punch.
“Yeah, she’s trouble. Last night we had a bit of a run in, and she was acting like she was this thing above the rest of us.” He
shook his head as he threw a punch and I blocked, throwing an uppercut at him.
Weird. Emmet was acting completely normal...
It was almost as if I had already made up my mind that Azura was telling the truth and Emmet was probably hiding a lot of sh*t
from me.
“Was she? She didn’t really seem the type to get into other’s business.” I replied.

Emmet was a friend, one I trusted with almost everything... The only thing I had kept from him was Azura being my mate and
what was between Jackie and I... I
know the reason I didn’t tell him about Azura being my mate was because, just like me he hated the Elite.
Emmet’s and Eric’s father was killed by Rayhan Rossi, for the crimes committed against Delsanra under Endora’s reign. In turn,
their mother passed away less than six months later. Leaving two more orphans in a pack that was created from broken families.
Rogues. Although we were all just rogues gathered together, there were many different reasons we had become rogues. Some
of our ancestors were thrown from their packs for different reasons. Some were for disrespect or betraying their alphas, and
there were many who didn’t deserve to be thrown out. Then there were some who left for their own safety from abusive leaders.
I remember there was one old man back. in the cavern who was kicked out of his pack, because his mate was the woman the
alpha wanted and saw him as a threat... He was killed when I was around eight.
Emmet’s hatred ran as deep as mine, and what we often hoped would become a better place... never did. We were the happiest
duo when we learnt we were going to be a real pack... Until that was all taken away and the fear that we would never truly be
safe if we opened up, became embedded deep within us.
Deep down I wished there was a misunderstanding about all of this... but I couldn’t see how.
“Na she was getting a bit iffy. It’s obvious her mate doesn’t want her bro. Send her packing.” “You seem in a rush to get her out of
the picture. I heard what went down from Eric. Really curious why would she f**king accuse you of hurting Jackie though.” I
remarked, knocking his fist aside and catching his jaw.
He swore and frowned, stepping back.
“You played dirty.”
“Hm did I?” I asked running my fingers through my sweat-soaked hair.
Our eyes met, and he shook his head.
“You know, I don’t hide anything from you man... I lost my cool over some sh*t and she was trying to calm me down. In my anger
I grabbed her neck. I left the apartment to calm down.” He said looking disappointed in himself.

I was good at reading people, but right : now I didn’t know if he was telling the truth or lying... Although I wasn’t officially Alpha, I
could still use my Alpha command, but I hated using it...
Forcing people to do something by force. Because if I end up being wrong, I’m the one who would have f**ked up, and would
only create that hostility within my people. However, I also knew Emmet knew me well and he knew how my brain worked. He
would have been ready for this questioning...
I’ll ask Jackie, she was far easier to read.
“So you hurt her.” I said, instead.
He looked disgusted in himself as he nodded.
“Yeah... I messed up, but you know how it can get sometimes, right when you lose control?”
I frowned, feeling a sliver of guilt wash through me.
I had hurt Azura when I lost it over Corrado.
Sh*t, now I felt like a f**king hypocrite.
“Make sure it never f**king happens again.” I warned him seriously. My eyes flashed. “And never hurt her again. You’re meant to
be her protector, not her f**king abuser.”
He looked surprised at the aura that was raging around me, but that anger was half directed towards myself.
I had hurt Azura too.
“Got it.” He said curtly.
I nodded and we continued sparring in silence until Emmet spoke up.
“You dumped Nikki.”
He let out a whistle.
“That’s some crazy shit. She’s hot, come on, she got you. Plus she’s smart, mature and a good match. Why man?”

“She just didn’t do it for me anymore. Did she tell you herself, or Jackie?” I asked, wondering what Nikki had said, I was certain
she wouldn’t mention Azura but still... if she had, I’m sure Emmet would have mentioned it.
“Na Jackie told me, she said she was really upset, Jackie felt super bad for her too. She gave you her all, you know?”
“It was over weeks before I ended it.” I
replied with finality, and he didn’t push it.
I couldn’t get into it after meeting Azura, no matter how much I had fucking tried. Sure, we fucked, but it was to get it out of my
system, and it began to leave a bitter taste in my mouth after it was over with.
We ended our training session. Usually, we head back to shower and stuff, but I planned to stop to see Jackie at the hospital. I
told him I’d be going for a jog.
I had just knocked on Jackie’s office door when she called me in. I stepped inside,
shutting the door behind me. That distinct hospital smell lingered, despite the lavender air freshener.
“Leo.” She sounded surprised, as she stood up looking nervous.
That’s new, Jackie never got nervous if I showed up.
“You just finished your training session... with Emmet.”
“I do hope you aren’t mind linking him right now Jackie.” I replied, walking over to the desk.
She shook her head, her heart racing as I looked her square in the eyes.
“No of course not. Why would I?”
“Good. I have a question or two, and I do hope you answer them correctly.”
She nodded.
“Emmet told me what happened last night, so did Eric. I want you to answer my questions with a simple yes or no.”
“Did Emmet hurt you last night?”

Her heart was thumping, and she nodded hesitantly.
“Yes, but it wasn’t-”
I raised my finger in warning and she fell silent.
That was a truth.
I braced my hands on her desk, leaning closer, my eyes meeting hers that now held fear.
What’s to be afraid of if you have nothing to hide?
Emmet must have told her our conversation, and they would stick to the same story.
“Is this the first time it has happened?”
That was a lie.
She was nowhere as good at lying as Emmet...
Which meant Emmet was abusing her...
I nodded.
“L-Leo, he just- it was just a one-off, he didn’t mean to hurt me.”
“If it happens again, you are to tell me immediately,” I stated, my voice overlayed with my wolves, my alpha command resonating
through my words.
Fear filled her eyes, and it fucking irritated me that this was someone I did thought could share anything with me.
“I’m still the Leo you grew up with Jackie, you can share your problems with me. I may not be the official alpha... but I will have
your back.” I replied quietly.
She nodded looking away, and I turned and left the office.
The moment I left the hospital, I broke into a run, my mind a storm of emotions and thoughts.

Emmet would be removed from his position as Delta until I see how things go. Even if he said it was a one-time thing, that would
have been enough to remove him from a position of power...
The wind rushed through my hair as I sped up, pushing myself to my limits, moving faster and faster. The urge to
shift was intense, but I refused.
I thought I was doing a good job, and I had always remained approachable to the pack members. Was this it?
Did no one see me as someone they could
confide in?
Why had it taken someone who had only been here for a mere few days to point this out to me?
Had Nikki never seen the signs?
Had I never seen them?
Would this pack continue to support one another when I was no longer around?
Sharp pains ripped through my stomach and I gritted my teeth, pushing onwards. I saw black spots blur my vision, but I wasn’t
going to let it get to me.
I could taste blood in my mouth and swore internally.
What will happen to this pack when I’m gone?
What about Corrado?
I kept going, hearing my heart pounding, the rush of my blood loud in my ears as my body screamed with the flaring pain that
now rushed through it.
The lasting effects of Endora’s torture had left me with unhealable internal damage... and it was catching up on me...
I know I don’t have much time left.

Thank you for reading.

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