Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 103 By Moonlight Muse

103. The Heart of Fire
The sound and chatter from the Pack Hall
soon fade away as Azura and I walk down the silent paths. It’s late and most
families with children left earlier, but many were still there. The Five are right
behind us, but they keep their distance, letting Azura and I have some space. I
run my hand down her waist and ass before threading her fingers with mine,
and I kiss her hand softly.
She looks stunning as she gazes at the sky. “You’re calm.” I say quietly,
observing the Goddess next to me.
She looks away from the moon and smiles at me. “I was just thinking about two
moons ago... It’s crazy how much life has changed in the last two months.” She
murmurs, leaning her head against my shoulder.
“Yeah... I never saw any of this coming. I’m fucking blessed.” I murmur.
‘Oh baby, you’re definitely blessed.’ She smirks, giving me a wink. I lean down,
kissing her.
‘Obviously.’ I respond arrogantly. She pull’s me down, kissing me harder and we
share a quick moment before my watch beeps. A reminder that we have only
five minutes until the peak of the moon.
“Let’s get this over with.” Azura murmurs, taking a deep breath.

“No pressure. What did Dante say?” I ask as we reach the park. I don’t know
why exactly I chose this location, but it was open, empty, and currently isolated.
“Not much, he’s confident that I can manage this and you will be ok.” She
replies as I glance back at the Five.
“Good luck, guys.” Ace says seriously, and I nod before we walk away.
“Did he say anything more? I mean Kiara lacks night vision in return for her
gift... what are you lacking? Aside from the lack of capability at keeping your
walls up?” I mock, making her glare at me with those gorgeous eyes of hers. 3
“You do not want to piss me off right before I heal you, because the moment I
heal you, I’ll get to work on making another voodoo doll of you.” She frowns.
I smirk as we come to a stop. Her aura is actually faintly visible. I’m not sure if
it’s because it is under the full moon, but it’s there, a soft shimmering hue
around her.
“I’m serious though. Did he not say?”
She shakes her head just as my phone beeps again. According to what we had
worked out, she has about six minutes...
“Ok... let’s do this.” She whispers.
“You’ve got this.” I say quietly, as I cup her cheeks and kiss her deeply. Her
heart is racing now, and she’s frowning in concentration when I move back.
To think that just two months ago I was preparing for my death... Ready to

leave. this world forever and then it changed to me wanting to live on and spend
my life. with her and our kids. I didn’t deserve her after what I had done, but she
had accepted me and here we are. 1
I can sense her anxiety and determination through the bond as she closes her
eyes, she takes a deep breath and holds her hands out to me. I take them
slowly, giving them a squeeze.
I watch her, my heart racing as I see the glow begin to swirl around her, the gold
and silver wrapping around her, before her eyes fly open, blazing silver. The
grass rustles and the branches of the trees whip around her. Her power rushes
from her hands, swirling up my arms and encasing me entirely. I feel an ice-cold
sensation as it rushes through my body, spreading through my arms and legs,
and reaching the very tips of my fingers.
Her brows crease in concentration as I feel another surge of strength wash
through me. My own strength comes forward, my eyes blazing as my wolf roars
in my head and I stagger back as both of our powers merge.
I can feel it, feel the pain that my body always feels, ebb away. I can feel my
body rejecting the machinery I had installed to keep me alive. I wanted to shift,
and I struggled to keep control of my wolf. I let go of her hands, my claws
coming out as I fall to my knees. Her power continues to pour over me and the
sheer weight of it keeps me on my knees. I look up at her. The blinding light

illuminates the night skies. I can see the faint outline of what looks like wings
spread behind her.
Wings of fire that seem to take the shape of a heart... A piercing scream rips
through the air as her power increases tenfold and surges into the sky,
emanating in waves around her. I see the swirls of the flames behind her move
before I see a tiny part of her left wing snap and shrivel into embers of ash.
It’s too blinding to look at, and I’m forced to avert my gaze.
I growl, plunging my hand into my chest. and ripping out the devices that had
kept my body running. I hiss at the pain, but it’s only there for a few seconds
before my body heals up once more. I’ve never felt so powerful. It was like back
when I first shifted before I knew I was dying, but with the Alpha title and being
mated to Azura, it was heightened even more. I can feel it rushing through my
veins, feeling my wolf on the brink of shifting and then the light that is
illuminating the sky vanishes and Azura’s body gives way as she faints.
“Azura!” I shout, catching her. Panic fills me for a split second until I realise her
heart is beating steadily, and I sense no pain. The Five are next to me within.
seconds and Dan checks her pulse.
“She’s fine, it’s probably from the exhaustion.” He murmurs as Li Sheng nods,
looking down at us.
“Your aura.... It’s grown.” He smiles.

slightly. He isn’t a man of many words, but I can sense his relief.
“Can we talk about the damn wings?
What the fuck was that?” Jax murmurs as Jin smiles.
“Our Luna is a miracle.” He states.
“Fuck yeah, and our man is completely fucking OK. I’m still pissed you kept this
shit from us for ages.” Ace says.
I know... I had only told them recently and even then; I was keeping it to the
bare minimum – no one else needed to know. I didn’t want people knowing of
Azura’s powers. I didn’t want unnecessary attention on her, because having
such great powers also meant putting her in direct danger...
I kiss her neck softly and stand up. “I’m taking her home.”
“Oh, about that... You’re going to the Villa.” Jax says, holding out some keys.
I cock a brow. “Why?”
“Winona told me to let you know.” Jax replies.
I take the key, not bothering to question him further. Winona and her planning...
Looking down at the woman in my arms, I softly kiss her lips as I hoist her up,
resting her head against my chest. I feel a sliver of guilt rush through me,
thinking tonight was meant to be our night and here she is, unconscious in my
‘She healed me. She’s exhausted herself and is unconscious, so I’m taking her

home now.’ I say to Dad through the link.
‘Let the Westwood’s know.’
“That’s good news son, take care of her. I will pass the message on.’
I carry her to the west-side Villa, a place I had built ages ago, yet never really
It was too big for one person alone... I cock a brow, spotting the guards around
the place. Seems like I am the only one who is in the fucking dark.
Entering the Villa, I spot the rose petals and candles that line the hall. The path
of petals is leading to the bedroom. I carry her through, pushing open the door
and place her on the bed that is also covered in red rose petals. Sitting down
next to her on the bed, I reach behind her, removing her necklace. Lifting her
head, I slowly remove the hairpiece and pins.
Her breasts rise and fall slowly, and for a moment I simply admire her, frowning
slightly as I remember how a part of the wing-like flames seemed to snap and
shrivel up when she healed me...
What exactly was that?
It niggled at my mind and despite it all; I feel like I’m missing something. It was
like a part of her power vanished.
I sigh, running my fingers through her hair before I remove her heels, kissing the
underside of her feet, before I stand up, deciding to go shower. I have blood all

over my torn shirt. Turning away from the bed, I take my shirt off before leaning
over her. I plant my hands on the bed and kiss her lips deeply.
A small whimper leaves her, and her eyes flutter open. I sit down on the bed,
her heart thumps as she reaches for my neck, sitting up. “Did it work?” She
asks, her heart thundering as she looks me over.
I nod, cupping her face. “It fucking did.” I murmur, brushing my thumb along her
smooth cheek.
She lets out a shuddering breath, hugging me tightly. “Thank the goddess.” She
“Na, thank you.” I reply before tugging her head back and claiming her lips in a
deep, intense kiss. She kisses me back with equal passion and hunger before
pulling away and kissing my jaw and neck.
“Thank the goddess...” She whispers again. She hugs me tight, and I pull her
onto my lap, hugging her tightly. I can sense her fear and relief as she plants
several kisses on my neck.
“I ain’t going anywhere, Baby Girl,” I murmur with reassurance.
She nods but moves back. “Are you sure it worked?”
I smirk, “Well, my body rejected the machinery I had in place, and I’m still alive
and functioning. So, I’d say it definitely did. I was only alive because of the
devices we had put in.” I say quietly, kissing the corner of her lips softly. Her

heart races as she nods slowly, and I continue to leave a trail of kisses down her
face and neck. A soft sigh escapes her, and when I kiss the mark that adorns
her neck, she moans softly, turning away slightly.
I kiss her shoulder softly and look up at her when she moves away.
“What’s wrong?” I ask.
I wanted her, but she may be tired.
She smirks, deviously running her hand down my chest.
“I have something planned.” She whispers, kissing my lips. “But I need twenty
“Am I getting my dance?” I cock a brow. I wanted to fuck her right now, but the
fact that I may actually be in for a treat was even more enticing.
“What better way to celebrate your health?” She replies seductively, kissing my
neck one final time, before she stands
“I won’t argue with that...” I murmur huskily, squeezing her ass as I pull her
between my legs and look up at her. “But are you feeling ok?”
She nods slowly, frowning slightly. ” Yeah, it was weird. I don’t know what
happened that I blacked out, but I’m completely fine and I can’t wait to have a
piece of you.” She bends down, kissing my lips. She is about to move back,
when I grip hold of her hips and look up at her.
“So, you felt no pain or anything?”

She raises an eyebrow and shakes her head. “No, so you can stop worrying.”
She kisses my forehead before turning and walking to the door. I’m about to ask
where she was going when she stops at the door and looks right back at me.
“Don’t come until I tell you to.”
I cock a brow, my eyes raking over her ass. “That’s my line.” 3
She simply gives me a sexy smile before disappearing. I wonder where she’s
going, but don’t question it, deciding to at least go get this blood off me...
It’s fifteen minutes later, and I’m smoking a cigarette when she mind-links me,
telling me to come down the hall to the lower floor lounge and to take a seat on
the couch. I obey, making my way down.
I stop at the top of the stairs, spotting the black petals that are scattered along
the steps. I reach the bottom and push open the door, the room is dimly lit,
Azura’s seductive scent mixed with expensive fragrance fills the room. The large
couch is there, and I see a pole set up in the center of the room.
Oh now, this is going to be fucking fun...
“Sit down.” She says from behind the door. “And no looking back.”
The temptation to disobey is enticing but I obey, spotting the whiskey that sat
beside the couch and the packet of cigarettes and lighter. “Seems like this night
is all about me...”
She chuckles as she shuts the door, ” Actually, it’s about us, because I’m going

to love this.”
I drop onto the couch and that’s when I see her, walking to the pole, and my
mind goes blank. She looks breathtaking, cratch that fuck she looks out of this
world. She was fucking ravishing earlier in her sequined dress, but right now,
she looked a different type of stunning. Dressed in a very risque strappy
buckled body suit that squeezes her breasts, shaping those killer curves with
the black straps. From this side profile, my gaze falls on her ass, which is
naked, save for the strap that is swallowed up by it. Her hair is open, falling in
front of her eye. On her feet, she wears a pair of killer heels, but they suit her,
and she looks fucking fine when she takes hold of the pole, doing a smooth
“Time to show you exactly what your girl can do.”
I sit back, as another song comes on and I smoke my cigarette, before picking
up the glass of whiskey as my sexy seductress begins her dance...
A/N: I have some stuff going on and although I will try to post when I can, there
may not be consistent updates for the coming days.

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