Alpha Jax

Chapter Chapter Ten


(Back at the mall before the accident)

When I first met Jacob, he was so sweet and funny and the most stupid jokes he told I was dying at.

He was sweet and funny and kept calling me beautiful.

“So, tell me a bit about yourself, Layla,” Jacob says as I giggle and blush a bit. I looked into his deep, light gray eyes and I found myself mesmerized by the sheer beauty of them.

I then looked at his blond hair, his strong jawline, and the stubble along his jawline.

I swear he could be a Greek god if he wanted to.

The realization hit me after he was smirking once he saw I was practically eye raping him.

“You like what you see sweetheart?” He smirks and my eyes go wide and I look away, no doubt my face is as red as a cherry.

And then he emits a full-on, hearty laugh.

And oh my god, was it deep and sexy!

I was practically drooling at the sound and I was getting really nervous.

Eh, what the hell.

I laugh along with him and after we calm down, I’ve noticed that he moved closer to me, and was holding me by the waist. And when I looked into his gray eyes, I saw adoration in them. I sighed contently, and I laid my head on his shoulder as I talked about myself.

“Well, I’m sixteen... Uhh... Hah... Hmm.” I tried to think of something. Interesting and he chuckled as I struggled to find words.

“Well, I’m nineteen. I’m turning twenty in about two weeks.” He said and I smiled a bit.

“That’ll be fun. What are you going to do for your birthday?” I said and looked towards him completely. Watching as his eyes shine brightly when I looked at him.

“Probably a pool party. But my family and I will probably go to a cliff that we always go to when someone turns twenty. It’s basically a tradition. We all race in the woods to see who can get there first and jump in. And when you do, you howl. This is especially more fun because we do it at midnight on the day of that person’s birthday.” He smiles and I can see the excitement in his eyes, and the longing for it to happen. I smile in return and squeeze his hand.

“That sounds like f-” I cut myself off as realization hit me.

Wait a second...

I never grabbed his hand...

I looked down and saw his hand was over mine. And when I looked up, he was smiling cheekily, but guiltily as well. I giggled and intertwined our fingers and rubbed my thumb over his hand.

“Okay back to you. What is... Your favorite color?” He asked and I giggle. Typical first question.

“That’s a hard question... Considering my closet holds like every color known to man.” I laugh a bit and he joins me soon after.

“I would have to say... Orange. And before you ask next, yes, my favorite flavor candy is orange.” I giggle as he looked at me with adoration. I looked deeper into his eyes and they held another emotion.


I thought for a second but shoved the thought away. You can’t love someone as soon as you meet them.

“So, what's your favorite color?” I ask and he chuckles that deep sexy chuckle I’ve grown to love.

“Blue, and yes, before you ask, my favorite candy flavor is cherry.” He says and I burst out laughing.

“They aren’t even the same color!” I laugh and he joins me, and when we calm down he starts to lean in a bit. I get nervous and I start to panic. He senses me tense up. He squeezes my hand in a comforting manner, and I calm down and lean forward as well.

This was it! My first kiss! I wonder if his lips are soft? Oh! Now I’m nervous again. What if I’m not that good of a kisser? That would be awful! Oh god, he would never talk to me again and then I’ll be lonely for the rest of my life living with twenty-eight cats and I’ll be a hoarder and-

My train of thought stops when he actually kisses me.

His lips were so soft and he was so gentle.

I froze for a second, not knowing what to do. But I relaxed into him and mimicked exactly what he did.

He put one hand on my cheek and I slightly leaned into it. I smiled into the kiss and slowly leaned back to end the kiss. Especially since I was out of air from the gentle, passionate kiss we just shared.

I looked into his eyes and they were definitely showing an emotion I could make out one hundred percent.


I gasped a bit and I felt something inside of me awake. It felt like this part of me died off somehow, but awoke after a couple of years of slumber.

I ignored the sensation and paid my attention back to Jacob.

“Wow,” we both said at the same time and laughed a bit. I leaned into his touch, not even ignoring the tingles I got from him holding me close. I felt safe and I never wanted this feeling to end.

I sigh contently as I get rearranged and put myself onto his lap, my head once again on his shoulder.

I saw him look down and smile at me, and he kissed my forehead and rubbed his nose against mine. I giggled a bit but nonetheless, I rubbed my nose against his too. He then kissed my nose and I hid my face in the crook of his neck and smiled.

I then heard high heels clicking and clacking against the floor, and they were coming towards us.

I then looked up and immediately saw three different sluts coming up towards me and Jacob. And the lead girl was giving Jacob a seductive look, while the other two were giving me nasty looks.

This got me pissed.

I suddenly felt all protective of Jake and I got super jealous. I then looked at him and he seemed angry as hell.

Like, if looks could kill, she’d be twenty feet under.

She then stopped and ran her hand up and down his chest a few times before giggling seductively.

“Jakey,” she said in the most seductive voice possible. My blood was boiling at this point.


Wait what?

What the fuck...

Hi, sorry we had to meet like this. I’m Missy, your cat.

Umm... Nice to meet you?

Great now get her away before I do. Missy growled and I could feel her anger.

And shit was it intense.

Be my guest, to be honest, I’m too nice.

Oh, believe me, dear, I know. I’ve been here for the past sixteen years watching what goes on, and I’ve seen how nice you are. Plus I’ll be given the chance to show Jacob's wolf Landon how pissy missy can get.

I giggled a bit in my mind at how she acted. I then paid attention again and saw this girl trying to get Jake’s attention, while he was looking at me with worry and concern.

I looked into his eyes and they were a pitch black. I gasped a bit but didn’t pay attention to it as the girl pushed me off of him.

I fell to the floor with a loud thud, and the whole food court just shut up and looked at what was going on.

“Jacob, baby, come on. You don’t possibly want a nobody like her. You want a girl that can please you. Someone like me.” She said as she started to kiss his neck.

I stood up immediately to this.

“Shea, stop,” Jacob said with authority in his voice and I couldn’t help but suppress the giggle that was about to escape my lips.

“Awe, but we always do this Jakey, why not now?” This Shea girl says and I grabbed her by the hair and dragged her off of him.

“Because we both are saying so!” I said, not even knowing it is me anymore. It didn’t sound like me and I was really confused.

Don’t worry it’s just me. Time to show her who’s boss.

Good, go right ahead.

Shea looked terrified and then she looked pissed.

She tried to flip me but I did another move when I was behind her and her arms were in my hands and I was twisting them a dangerous way.

“If you as even think about touching him again, you will not have the hands to put on make-up, and you will have a different kind of make-over for your face,” I growled with anger and she shook for a second before flipping me onto the floor.

“Girls look, it’s a little wanna be.” She said and they all giggled while jake stood up going over to me.

“Jake look, it’s a walking STD,” I said and everyone in the whole area froze, including Shea and her gang. Then everyone including Jacob was laughing.

“The bad thing about that, is that it’s so true!” Jacob said while rolling on the floor laughing.

Shea and her gang turned red in anger and growled with hatred and their eyes were pitch black.

“You think you can barge in here and steal my man away from me?!” Shea screams and everyone becomes silent again and Jake is trying really hard to stifle his laughs.

“Yes. Especially since he was never yours hoe,” I said and smirked as she got even redder.

“How dare you! You’re nothing but an insignificant piece of shit that he will use for a one night stand and then leave forever.” Shea said and her gang giggled while I faked hurt.

“Well, if he was going to do that to me, how come he already did it to you?” I stated and she took a threatening step forward.

“How dare you! You are a no-good, lying, worthless, ugly-” I cut her off before she could finish her sentence.

“Shea, dear,” I said and she shook with anger.

“You should really stop talking about yourself that way hun. It’s bad for your self-esteem.” I said and she gasped and raised her hand. I moved out of the way before she could hit me and she growled ever louder.

“Oh, and I suggest, that unless your name is google, you should stop acting like you know everything,” I said and everyone started laughing again. Jacob then walked behind me and hugged me and kissed my cheek.

“Where have you been all my life!” He laughs but continues to hug me.

Shea at this point starts to walk away with her wanna-be’s.

“Mock my words, you will pay for stealing Jacob away from me!” She yells over the laughter.

“Honey, he was never yours!” I tell back and she screams in anger and keeps walking away.

I laugh along with everyone and turn to look at Jacob. He was smiling down at me and I smiled up at him and kissed him.

The kiss was full of longing and happiness mixed in.

I smiled once the kiss was over and then Jacob and I kept laughing.

Then my phone rang.

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