Alpha Dom and His Human Surrogate

Chapter 442: A Private Chat

My face falls into stern, cold lines as I see my uncle step forward. He was invited to this party, of course, as part of the delegation
– but honestly, after our stern message to the Atalaxians about how he was not welcome, I’m surprised that he was willing to
I look up at Sinclair and follow his hard gaze towards his security team, which nods to him, assuring him that they fully vetted
Xander, ensuring that he held no weapons or means of hurting us.
And considering that my mate is a weapon himself and could tear this man to pieces as easily as breathing, I suppose that
there’s nothing to worry about either way. Still, I tighten my arms around my child and feel Sinclair bristle behind me, his hackles
Inside me, my wolf has her teeth fully bared, snapping, eager to sink her teeth into this terrible man.
I don’t bother to calm her. Her rage is justified.
Perhaps sensing the effect he has on us, Xander smiles a little smugly and steps forward just one step, giving us a deep bow.
“Your highnesses,” he says, his voice clear and precise. “I come to offer you my congratulations on your ascension to the throne
and the naming of your heir. It is...quite an accomplishment.”
“Not without its obstacles, of course,” Sinclair says, a bit through his teeth. ” But yes, it is a wonderful day – though one darkened
by your presence. I’ll ask you to leave now, Xander. You are not welcome here, despite the protection of the Atalaxian
government. If you refuse, I’ll have you removed.”
“I’ll go,” he says, straightening, his eyes going immediately to Rafe in my arms. “I merely wanted a chance to see the child I
arranged to bring into the world. He handsome a specimen as I hoped he would be.”
“But no desire to see me, or acknowledge my presence?” I snap, riled despite myself. “Your own blood? Your brother’s child?”
“My brother’s daughter,” Xander corrects, not bothering to be vicious with his words or to look at me, his eyes still on Rafe. “My
focus rests on the male line.”
Slowly, I turn and pass my child to his father, who takes him willingly. Then I take two steps forward, interposing myself between
myself and Rafe so that Xander forced to look at me. When he bends to try to look around me I shift my weight so that he

“No.” I snap, my voice as cold as ice. ” You will look at me, Xander. I am your Queen.”
“You are not my queen,” he hisses, his eyes finally meeting mine, flinty and dark. “I am Atalaxian now.”
“It does not matter to me,” I say, dismissive, and then – without really realizing what I’m doing – I access my gift. I don’t close my
eyes to do it this time, instead allowing the lavender calmness to radiate from me, to reach out towards him. I can see it, the
lavender tint that the air around us takes, but I’m not sure if everyone can. Not that it really matters.
“What,” Xander breathes, hissing as my gift touches him, as he feels it begin to work, to sweep through is body.
I don’t let it heal, merely seek. And I see...all of it, inside of him.
“You will die,” I say, quietly and calmly. “No matter who your Queen is, or what country you call home. I can see it within you –
the cancer is taking hold, spreading throughout. Even if you had gotten Rafe away from us, you wouldn’t have lived long enough
to enjoy any real time on your throne.”
“Lies,” Xander hisses, taking a frightened step from me. “You are a witch – like all women -”
“Enjoy the rest of your short life, Xander,” I say with a sigh, turning away from him and returning to Sinclair’s side, taking my child
back into my arms. “We need not bother killing you. You’ll be dead soon.”
“You have cursed me – ”
“I didn’t need to,” I interrupt, my voice bored. “Now go away. We have celebrations to attend. I’ll tell Sarah and Jessica you said
Xander stiffens at this, his eyes flashing as he looks between Sinclair and I. “My property – “he growls. “You will return them
immediately – ”
“People aren’t property, you horrible old fool.” Then I sigh and turn my eyes to Sinclair’s guards and nod. Instantly, they come
forward and grab Xander by the arms, dragging him away. He makes a fuss, drawing some gazes, but he’s removed from the
room quickly enough that the disturbance largely goes unnoticed.
I sigh then, letting my shoulders slump for a moment as I turn towards Sinclair, resting my head against his chest. “Are you all
right?” he murmurs, running a comforting hand down my back.

“I am,” I say, nodding and taking a deep breath. Then I look up at him. ” I’m sorry – did I...I don’t want to cause an international
incident. I hope I did right there.”
A little smile turns up his lips. “You did perfectly, Queen,” he says, running his knuckles down my cheek. “Do you need a
“Would you mind?” I ask, looking towards the open door to a small balcony nearby. “Just to...collect myself.”
“Not at all,” he says, reaching for the baby. But I hold Rafe close.
“I want him with me,” I say, grimacing a little.
“Of course,” Sinclar murmurs, dropping a kiss to my lips and pressing a hand to my back, urging me to take what time I need. “I’d
come with you, but-”
“No,” I say, smiling up at him. “The people need their King. We won’t keep them waiting.”
He nods, proud of me, and I whisper again that I’ll only take a moment before heading directly for the balcony and the fresh air it
promises. I hear footsteps behind me and look curiously over my shoulder, a smile lighting my face when I see that Sinclair has
sent Conner to keep an eye on us if we need him.
Conner smiles back at me, giving me a little nod, and feeling more peaceful already I step out into the dark of the little balcony. It
is instantly quieter the moment I step through the doors and I take a deep breath of the fresh night air, closing my eyes for a
second as I let the breeze rush over my skin. Rafe burbles a little in happiness, and I laugh, looking down at him. “Do you like the
peace and quiet too, baby Prince?” I ask quietly, and he grins and waves his hand, telling me he does.
I laugh again, lifting him a little to press a kiss to his face before stepping to the edge of the balcony, leaning against the rail and
letting my body relax.
My mind turns, predictably, to my horrible uncle – and all of the terrible things that he said to me just a few moments ago. I mean,
none of them were a surprise – Henry has long suggested that Xander would feel that way about me, about Rafe.
But still – hearing it from his own lips? It was still a blow, to hear someone be so horrible, so callous.
I scowl a little, considering that I perhaps shouldn’t have mentioned Sarah and Jessica at all that that was a slip and a mistake
that I tripped into because I was so mad

But I don’t get very far into the consideration as a shadow peels itself from the wall, clearing its throat awkwardly.
I jump and give a little shriek as the shadow steps forward.

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