Alpha Code

Chapter Chapter Ten

[Ra’ne’s POV]

When I woke up, I was a little confused, everything looked different. It looked so much clearer but I knew it was well past midnight. How I knew that I had no idea but I did. I knew Skie was awake but I also knew he was going to keep his big flappy mouth shut. He wanted me to see everything for myself and didn’t want to ruin anything for me. He wanted me to see the world brand new on my own for the first time.

We had talked about a lot while we were ‘sleeping’. It was nice to actually be able to see things through his eyes for once and understand that we were one person but still a separate being all together. I was his Human and he was my Wolf. We had to do things together or we would die together. There was no me without him and no him without me. We just were. We had been born according to the Goddess's plan and even though we had been abused we were stronger than most.

Skie explained all the things that Grissa never did. He told me about the Moon Goddess in more detail and the importance of having a good Mate. He had said that he had been afraid to tell me because of what Grissa would do to us. He knew that I had a child-like innocence and tended to ask questions I shouldn't. He has kept quiet to keep us safe.

I felt like I couldn’t apologize enough to him for not being strong enough to keep him from the same pain I had to feel. He just shrugged it off saying it had been part of his job to protect me the best he could for as long as he could. He had actually told me that he had wanted to take more of our pain but I had refused his help. I felt bad about that but it told me that I had been stronger than even I thought I was. I guess I was determined to stay alive.

We were better now though; we were more Balanced within our own skin.

We were finally one being.

The darkness of the room had me a little scared at first before I heard the soft breathing of my Mate. Kin was sleeping next to me but not close enough in case he moved he didn’t smother me in his sleep. Kin was after all much bigger than I was.

I felt a blush light my face up, he was so cute. He was always thinking of me, even though we had barely even met it was all about me. I was his whole world just like that. I propped myself up on my elbow to stare at Kin’s sleeping face. He looked so angry right now, that it made me a little sad to see him so upset. He shouldn't be this upset while he sleeps and it more than upsets me that he is sleeping fitfully. I reached out to trace the wrinkles in his forehead, his hand coming up in the dark to catch mine in a flash. The quick movement had my entire body frozen.

I squeaked in surprise and Kin was instantly sitting up. The light of a soft candle suddenly filled the bedroom as Kin lit the small candle on his bedside table, before flipping over to see me wide awake. He gathered me into his arms before quickly pulling back to look at me in the eyes.

“Gods! Little one you cannot scare me like that.” He said as he nuzzled my neck quickly before looking at me again. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?!” he asked as he began looking at my arm he had grabbed, gently holding it between his much bigger hands. His fingers sliding over my skin feather lightly.

I couldn’t help myself, the way he was acting was too much like a mother hen that it causes me to giggle and fall back onto the bed. I hold my side feeling like it’s going to pull apart from my little giggles. “Kin, my big strong Alpha Mate is so worried about hurting me that he becomes a puppy. You, my Mate are absolutely the best thing in my life and I love you.” I said, reaching out for him. I then realized what I had just said but I shrugged it off. I did love him and it was the forever kind.

Kin beamed pulling me closer taking my hand in his placing it on his face and closing his eyes. “As I love you my little Mate. I will be a little puppy around you my little ember for the rest of our lives, for the simple fact that it makes you happy.” He said getting another giggle from me.

“Kin, I want you to be yourself. Just like you said to me, right?” I said getting a deep chuckle from him as he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me as close as he could without pulling me on top of him.

“That’s right, baby. I want you to be your wonderful self and never hide anything from me. I will do the same and we will conquer the world together.” He says jokingly his deep voice pitched low and maniacal as he tried to play a bad guy.

I so wasn’t buying it. The cheesy grin that broke across his face was a dead give away. “I don’t think so Kin. How about we try to conquer my shifting first?” I asked a little excitedly. I have been thinking about that since he had mentioned it earlier. I wanted to let Skie really stretch his legs.

He smiled warmly at me kissing my forehead. “I told you that we would. Arion has said that Skie has healed you more but that has not given you the weight you need to shift my ember. Shifting from one form to another takes a lot of energy and right now your Human body does not have enough to supply the change. I will not risk your health.” He said even though I started to pout a little at him I knew at the end I was not going to win this argument until he was fully satisfied. This was going to be the one thing he would be more than stubborn about.

‘I tried buddy.’ I thought to Skie, who in turn laughed at me. He had told me it wasn’t going to work because he had already told me that my body wasn't ready but I had still wanted to at least try. I just felt that because we were free of Ironclaw now that we should both be free to roam and run. “Milk?” I questioned curiously, hoping he would have more.

Kin chuckled at me and nodded, “Yes I have more milk that you can drink. I am pretty sure I just got a gallon the other day from the store.” He said making me go all misty eyed at the thought of going out some place like the store to get food. The actual outside.

“We will have to do that soon.” I said to him, thinking about what outside would feel like on my skin.

“Do what?” he asked curiously as he rolled onto his elbow to look at me.

“Go to the store.” I replied, my face pink with embarrassment.

He chuckled a little and nodded. “All right, but how about for now we go to the kitchen to get you that glass of milk and maybe something to snack on?” he asked curiously.

I smiled up at him, “I would like that.” I said before he was pulling me from the bed.

It was then that I noticed that the only thing I was wearing was a pair of black fitted shorts. I was even more mortified at the fact that Kin was in similar attire but the difference in our height and body type was stupid. Laying down we were the same level. Standing up I paled in comparison. He looked like a Greek god with his toned muscles and tanned skin while I was skinny and pale to the point, I felt like I was nothing but bones. I was almost transparent compared to Kin.

I looked like a sick child compared to my Mate. Kin was so tall that when he stood, I could barely see that perfect face I loved so much. Suddenly I was no longer hungry and I no longer wanted to go anywhere. I wanted him to come back down to my level and stay here!! I had never been so angry about my size before now but I was pissed!!

I think Kin and Julius were not the only ones who were shocked at my next actions. I literally just sat on the ground and refused to move as tears silently flowed down my face. Not even Skie knew what to do. I was feeling very small and it was fitting because I was more than small. My own Wolf had no idea how to help me because I couldn't just grow into a regular size.

“Baby boy, what’s wrong?” Kin questioned as he sank down to my level so that I could see his olive eyes. “What has you so upset my little ember?” he asked as he reached for me slowly.

I just sat there sniffling, trying to dry my tears. I needed to explain why I was so upset, it was the right thing to do. Kin wasn't the only one worried about me. Skie was pacing in my mind, his movements filled with just as much worry, “I-I’m t-t-t-too s-s-small!” I cried, pulling my legs up to my chest.

Kin just looked at me stunned as he tried to figure out what I was trying to tell him and when he got it the look of sadness on his face almost broke my heart. “Please don’t cry my love. You are not too small. You are perfect for me.” he said, gently wiping away some of the tears from my face. I could sense his need to be so much closer to me but he didn't want to spook me.

I looked at him through my tears, I was struggling so much with my own self-image that even though this man with his beautiful body and gorgeous face and kind heart that was more than bowing to me I was still feeling more like a bug next to him than anything. Having only seen the outside through windows, I was a child compared to him. He had all this experience of outside life and I had nothing to offer him.

‘That’s not true Ra’ne. You have your love.’ Skie said his voice in my head soft and gentle, like a gentle caress.

I didn't want to see that. I wanted to be able to give Kin more and I had no idea how to do any of that. “I-I d-d-don’t w-w-want t-t-to b-be s-s-seen l-like a c-child next to my own Mate!” I cried to them all, curling in on myself. Not meaning just my size anymore.

“Oh, my sweet ember. You would never be seen as a child in my eyes or in anyone’s eyes. You will not leave my sight until you have gained your much-needed weight first of all. Secondly when the rest of the Pack meet you, I have no doubt that you will not feel so small next to me.” Kin said, placing his hand on my leg as he tried to coerce me to come to him. His touch always made my insides melt and I had no idea what it really meant for me.

I actually peeked my eyes over my arms at him curiously. “What do you mean?” I asked softly sniffling as I tried to stem the flow of tears. I could barely see his face and it wasn't helping my mood.

“Oh, I have my ways of making you feel very tall.” He said with an evil smile on his face.

That had me raising my head fully, even Skie had perked up curiously. We were genuinely curious as to what he was talking about. Kin chuckled a little before suddenly I was off the floor and on his shoulders, high off the floor. I squealed in delight at the difference in height, clapping my hands happily. I felt like I was on top of the world. Then he spun and I grabbed his head in a vise grip holding on for dear life, still laughing as he acted just as silly as I did. He was doing anything he could to make me happy and I loved it. I felt a part of something more whenever he did stuff like this with me. It wasn't often because we had only known each other for a few short waking hours but it had been enough for me to fall in love with him.

After another moment, Kin stopped and sat back down on the bed, carefully sliding me off his shoulders. “Now how do you feel?” he asked happily as he nuzzled my neck, inhaling my scent. It sent chills down my spine but I never wanted him to stop.

“Like I could touch the sky.” I replied happily, as I nuzzled him right back happily. “I want to spend the rest of my days like this. Happy with you.” I said as I ran my fingers through his hair. It was so soft and a deep brown that was almost black. I couldn't keep my eyes from him.

“I swear to you that I will do everything in my power to grant you that very wish my little ember.” Kin said leaning up to kissing me passionately on the lips. I was shocked at his sudden passion but it was filled with his undying love for just me and it was intoxicating.

I moaned into his mouth and leaned into him, giving myself to him. To the passion of our touch. I loved the feel of him against me, his body was all solid muscle against my own much softer body. His strength was intoxication and terrifying, his touch was like a million fireworks and I never wanted it to end.

[Kin’s POV]

The feeling of my little Mate submitting under me as we kissed was intoxicating. He tasted so damn good on my tongue and I felt like I could drown in his taste and never get enough of him. He tasted like honey and vanilla and it was more than divine. He had me consumed in his taste and he hadn’t even opened his mouth to me yet. Not fully. I could sense his hesitation out of fear and I slowly showed him that I would never hurt him.

It was something straight out of my very fantasy that had me way past cloud 9 on the bliss radar. I needed to stop this before I hurt him out of lust for him. I wanted him so damn badly in that moment but right now I would break him in half in far more ways than one and hurting my little ember was unacceptable to me. He was far too small for such activities. No matter how much I needed him.

I pulled away from him, struggling to keep myself from his mouth again, and stood, holding out my hand to him with a smile for him. Needing to distract us both apparently as I notice the little bulge in his lap.

“How about that milk and snacks now?” I asked, my voice unintentionally husky and filled with hidden lust. I kinda blushed but thankfully he couldn’t see it in the dim light. I pulled on a pair of sweatpants still looking at Ra'ne as he actually thought about his answer.

His stomach growled loudly answering for us, getting him to giggle for me again. GODS!!!! I loved that sound. It was like the angels singing to me. I could listen to his laughter all day and never tire of it.

“Fine but I want you to carry me on your shoulders.” He said a slight pout in his voice. My poor Mate really did feel too small but it gave me a good excuse to carry him.

I smiled and lifted him onto my shoulders, getting him to giggle happy and hug my head, kissing my cheek as we left the room to head to my kitchen. On the way there Arion was heading back to his temporary bedroom, a steaming mug of something in his hands, a thoughtful look on his face.

Seeing us, he stopped and chuckled, “Well aren’t you a welcomed sight little one.” He said to Ra’ne with a smile as my little ember tensed up, even when Arion bowed his head to us in submission.

“Don’t worry my little ember. This is the Doctor that has been taking very good care of you while you sleep. This is Arion.” I said patting his leg a little as I patted Arion in a friendly manner, with my other hand. Trying to show both Ra'ne and Skie that Arion was not a threat.

Ra’ne was going to be meeting more people but Arion was the best one to meet first. “T-Thank Y-You” Ra’ne squeaked out shyly before hiding his face in the back of my head. I'm sure that if he had enough strength my little ember would have climbed onto my back to hide.

He would get used to the others soon but I was still overprotective. I chuckled at him, “It’s all right, baby. We can do this.” I whispered to him, making sure only he could hear me. I could feel him nod against my head before turning back to Arion.

“As you can see Arion, my Luna is a little shy right now.” I said getting another squeak from Ra’ne and a slight pinch on my neck from him. I squeezed his leg a little.

“That’s all right Alpha. It is to be expected considering what he went through in the Ironclaw’s hands. Please don’t hesitate to call me if you or the Luna need anything at all.” he said bowing his head to me and Ra’ne before walking back to the guest room.

When the door closed Ra'ne's head turned, his nose now against my neck. “I’m the next Luna?” Ra’ne asked me his head still on mine as I took us into the kitchen.

"I'm the next Alpha of this Pack. When my father decides to step down I will take his place. So, of course you will be the Luna my love. You are my Mate, my Heart and Soul and I will always love you." I replied as I pulled him from my shoulders to look him in the face, sitting him on the kitchen counter. I wanted to know how he would react and I needed to see his beautiful eyes to calm myself.

However, his eyes were not the ember I had come to love, nor were they the yellow of Skie’s Wolfish eyes. No, Ra’ne’s beautiful eyes were blue, bright cerulean blue. “Ra’ne?” I asked softly holding my hand to his face as sudden tears fell from his eyes in a torrent. I was confused as to why he was so freaked out.

“I-I d-don’t w-want t-t-that K-K-Kin” he whispered through his tears as he practically fell in on himself. I had never seen someone act like this when faced with the news of becoming Luna of a Pack. It was not what I had been expecting to say the least.

I had always thought it was something someone aimed for if they were a female or a Beta submissive. Like a dream-like goal or something. However, my Mate was acting like it was a death sentence. Like he was going to be tortured to do something he didn’t want to do again. As if being my Luna was a curse of the worst kind.

“Ra’ne, why do you not want the Title of Luna? Do you not want to be with me anymore?” I asked almost afraid that he would want to leave me because of my status as Alpha. The very thought of him not wanting to be with me was a painful thing to even feel for a moment.

“I need to be with you, Kin.” He whispered softly, “, but I cannot be your Luna. I will not be a cold-hearted devil that cares for nothing and no one.” He added just as softly but more seriously. "I will not change who I am to become a monstrous person." he whispered.

“My little ember becoming my Luna does not mean you will become cold-hearted or a devil that does not care for anyone. Not every Luna is as mean as the next and most Luna’s are only as mean as their Alpha’s allow them to be. If you have met a mean and nasty one it is because their Mate has not given them the right amount of love and attention any good Luna needs. That is not how the name Luna works my love.” I said trying to get him to stop crying and see the truth behind my words. “Luna is a title only given to the Mate of the Alpha because it is their job to help the Alpha raise their Pack in the right direction. They are meant to help guide the Pack in a good direction a Balanced direction and they are meant to be the ones closest our Goddess and the Moon that guides us in all that we do. Those hateful Lunas have either been forgotten by their Alpha Mate or they are inherently evil. My mother is a kind hearted Luna that helps the others as much as she can. She has a bad spending habit but the majority of the things she buys are for those in need.” I added when he wouldn’t look at me.

Finally, he picked his head up to look at me, his eyes their normal ember color again. “I want to be someone who loves everyone as if they were my own family. I don’t want to be like Sitari of Ironclaw. She hated everyone and me most of all because they were not her Mate or offspring.” He said softly but very determined. He must have really thought that the name Luna meant you had to be a mean callous person to make a Pack happy. I really had my work cut out for me in teaching my little ember what a proper Pack is supposed to act like.

“My little ember you could never be like any of those hateful harpies. You have too much love inside of you for any hatred to possibly come into your heart.” I said kissing his forehead before setting him on his feet on the floor. “The Title of Luna does not mean the person is automatically evil or hateful. Those qualities are already within that person before they take that title.” I said kissing his forehead. Hoping he understood what I was saying.

“So, I don’t have to be mean to everyone when you take over as Alpha?” he asked me softly looking up at me with the most pleading look I have ever seen in my life from anyone.

I chuckled and smiled at him, “No, my ember you do not have to become mean to anyone when I become Alpha. I prefer you to stay the perfect little ember that you are now.” I said bending to kiss his lips before turning to fridge. I needed to feed him and that came before anything else.

I can hear him sigh in relief and I smiled a little. “Then I will be your Luna, Kin. I just didn’t want to have to change who I was. I don’t like being mean to others, Skie either. He may act like the tough guy but he is a softy.” Ra’ne said as I watched him walk over to the fridge and try to pull it open.

It was adorable to watch him struggle with the much heavier door, for a few short moments before he finally managed to yank it open. He stumbled a little but then turned to me a curious look in his eyes. “What would you like?” he asked softly.

“For you to pick out anything you want.” I replied simply.

Ra’ne looked at me a little shocked. He had not been expecting that type of answer. He smiled at me, nodded and turned back to the inside of the fridge. He grabbed the gallon of milk immediately, setting it on the counter and quickly running back to the open fridge. In a matter of minutes Ra’ne had a pile of fruits and meats on the counter next to the gallon of milk. His eyes much larger that his face would allow at the moment but I couldn't help but smile at him.

“Please don’t make yourself sick. You need to be careful on how much you eat still Ra’ne.” I warned, needing him to be mindful of his condition. If he tried to eat even half of this my poor ember would be terribly sick. His body was too malnourished to take so much at once.

“I will only pick at some of this but the meat looks so good. I've never gotten to eat much meat so I would like to try.” He said his eyes almost salivating at the things on the counter. He looked up at me, his beautiful eyes filled with hope. Hoping that I wouldn't take any of it away from him.

“How about I make you a plate with all of this on it?” I asked trying to compromise with him.

He actually thought about it for a moment, “Ok!” he exclaimed as he saw the kitchen table. “Can I have the milk while I wait?” he asked as he went over to the table to sit down a bright smile on his face.

I smiled at him and grabbed a glass, “Of course, you can my little ember. I will get you some food and something for me as well and we will have some breakfast together.” I said as I poured the milk and took it to him. He clapped his hands happily, as I sat the glass down in front of him. “Don’t guzzle this one, love. I can get you more but it’s not good for you to drink so quickly.” I said, kissing his forehead and going back to make us some food.

We were happily eating and talking about what makes a real Luna when we were interrupted by my Beta/best friend/brother, Callum. He came into the kitchen so fast it had Ra’ne screaming in fear and hiding behind me in a flash.

I stood to protect my little Mate and smacked Callum across the room with one hit. He smashed into the wall with a very hard thunk, his body cracking the drywall.

“Now see what you have made me do Cal.” I snapped angrily, as I pulled Ra’ne into my arms. He was shaking in fear and that only angered me more. “Damn it, Cal! I should beat you senseless for this but it wouldn’t do any damn good.” I growled, as I tried to calm Ra'ne. His little heart was trying to come out of his chest it was beating so fast.

Callum was pulling himself out of the wall the entire time I was yelling at him so he couldn’t exactly defend himself against my tirade. “I’m sorry Kin but I didn’t think he would be awake.” He said trying to defend his lack of caution. He looked almost panicked but I doubt it was from being thrown into a wall.

Think next time damn it!! You should have linked with me to see what the hell was going on.” I snapped as he kneeled in front of me, baring his neck to me in submission, “What are you doing here anyway?!” I demanded harshly, as I gathered Ra'ne into my arms again.

“Ironclaw has come to demand for your Mate back. They claim that you kidnapped him from their Pack without consent.” Callum said making me growl deep in my chest and Ra’ne whimper. Those scum had come for my Mate, the one they almost killed.

“They will never have him.” I growled, deep in my throat, holding onto Ra’ne as if my very life depended on it, and in this case it did. Those scum had just pissed off the wrong damn Alpha. They would pay dearly now.

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