Alpha And Luna

Chapter 60


stiffen, never in my life has my brother spoken to me like that. A tear rolls down my cheek and I hide in Shawn's neck. -Ana...

My brother tries to come closer, but Shawn steps back.

“You should go,” he says sternly.


-Go! I shout.

My brother freezes.

-No, I'm not leaving until we've made up.


I gasp.

-I gasp.

~I'm sorry, I should never have lost my temper.

-It's all right, 'm also sorry I didn’t warn you...

He takes me in his arms and kisses my forehead.

-I love you, little sister.

I love you big brother, come back whenever you want!

-You can count on me.

Then they leave and I turn to Shawn and kiss him.

-'m tired, I'm going to bed.

He nods.

~I'll come and join you later, I've got some things to finish up.

-As you wish,” I say dryly.

I lowered my head and headed for the stairs when he grabbed my arm and pinned me against the wall.

-Don't sulk, Princess, I'd love to be with you too, but I've got some unfinished business.

He kisses my shoulder, my neck, then my lips, I bite his lip and we pull away breathless.

~You're making me want to go to work even less," he growls.

I laugh and pull away from him.

-Good night, Shawn.

-Good night princess.

He kisses my forehead and I go to bed. After a few hours, Shawn still hadn't returned and I couldn't get to sleep, so I got up and headed for his office. I was about to go in when I heard someone talking.

-Lone wolves have entered our territory.

“They're just lone wolves,” says Shawn's cold voice.

-No, Alpha, it's bigger than that, it sounds like they've gathered, they're looking for something in our territory, someone... -What do you mean by that?

-He's looking for a girl, the wolf we talked to said she was small, brown hair, brown eyes and she was very strong. That's why they want her, why their leader wants her as his wife.

I hear Shawn banging on the wall and that's when I decide to go in.

~calm down my love...

His breathing is ragged.

You can go," I say to the man.

He nods and leaves the room, Shawn takes me in his arms.

-I'll protect you, I promise.

I hug him even tighter.

-I trust you, Shawn, and I'll never become his wife, because I'm YOUR wife.

He smiles and kisses me, pressing his forehead to mine.

~Ilove you so much Ana, you don't know how much, I never thought I'd love someone as much as I love you. I nearly lost yo and I won't again, because you're mine and mine alone.

-And you are mine.

He kisses me passionately.

-Are you coming to bed? Because I can’t sleep without you.

He smiles.

-Already dependent on me?

I laugh and gently tap him on the shoulder.

-Come on.

He takes me like a princess and we go to bed.

-Is Valdir coming for dinner tomorrow?

Yes, his sister is staying on your brother's territory.

-she’s Raphael's soul mate.

He wraps his arms around my waist.

~Sweet dreams, darling.

-And so do you.

Then I fell into the arms of Morpheus.

The next morning, I was woken up by a bucket of ice-cold water, and I let out a little scream.

-Are you out of your mind?

Aurian laughs.

~All you had to do was wake up on time, now get in the shower because you stink.

I glare at him and he laughs.

“You're right, there's no time for that, get dressed and let's go.

He leaves the room and I put on my clothes to go and train. I go downstairs, write Shawn a note to let him know and leave my house to go to the training room.

“Thirty-five minutes and twenty-five seconds, a bit more and I'd ask you to go slower.

Iroll my eyes.

What kind of prophecy is this?

~I'm joking, there's never been a prophecy.

-Are you out of your mind?

-Calm down! Calm down! I didn't totally lie to you, I was sent to train you, but it's not about a prophecy.

-What is it for then?

The Moon Goddess can see the future and she didn't want anything to happen to you. She saw that you were going to die of a battlefield for whatever reason and that you weren't entitled to a second chance, because you've already had one. That's all I know.

-Ifind it hard to believe you.

-I swear, I was sent to train you with your powers.

-It doesn’t add up.

He gasps.

-Believe me or don't believe me, I don't give a f**k, if you don’t want me to help you that's your problem, you'll die.

I growl.

~All right, you win.

~All right, stand in front of me.

Ido as he throws the first fireball and I end up on the floor.

He smiles and kisses me, pressing his forehead against mine.

-First rule: always concentrate on what the other guy is doing, you never know when he's going to attack.

I'stand up with a grunt and tie my hair back. I twirl the air between my fingers and send him a tornado, but he stops it and throws it back at me, throwing me against the wall behind me. I get up in a rage, I'm one of the strongest with magic and I can't even knock him down! I'm so mad, I prepare a ball of fire and throw it with a ball of electricity, but Aurian disappears and reappears near me, using his powers to make stems of leaves grow and I find myself tied up.

“You've lost,” he says, a smile on his face.

He laughs as he turns on his heel, I make an ice spike, cut my ties and throw it at Aurian, it arrives just above his head and plants itself in the wall in front of him.

Never turn your back on your enemy,” I say with a smile.

You're right, so why do you?

Ifind myself on the ground, a huge ball of electricity in my stomach.

-How did you do that?

I gave you an illusion, I made you believe it was me, but it was just an illusion,” he smiled, proud of himself.

Igroan and he helps me to my feet.

-I can see you've still got a lot to learn.

-But the others are going to be a lot weaker than me, so I'll be fine.

-Don't be so sure, I know the leader of the lone wolves who's looking for you and I can promise you that he's much stronger than you, much stronger.

-Who knows?

I'l tell you when the time comes.

-Does Shawn know?

-No, nobody knows him among the wolves, because he’s not a wolf, he’s a wizard, and not just any wizard.

Then he disappears, I growl and go to take a shower, get dressed and prepare supper for tonight. Shawn joins me in the kitchen.

-How was your day?

-Fine and you?

-It's been a long time since I've seen you.

Ismile and kiss him.

~can you help me make dinner?

-Can I go in the shower first?

-No, you may not.

-Please don't!

Ilaugh and pull her cheeks.

You stink, get in the shower!

-Do I stink?

He picks me up, goes into the bathroom, turns on the water and throws me into the shower, fully dressed.

“You're going to regret this, Shawn!

He laughs and starts to run, I catch up and jump on him, we fall and I end up underneath him. My eyes lock with his and I lose myself in his grey gaze.

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