Alpha And Luna

Chapter 56


I use my powers and tie him to a tree.

-I said no, you're such an idiot, I hate you.

I walk to Valdir's house.

rll find you princess, you'll see.

-We'll see about that, you foolt


When I get to Valdir's house, his wife and sister are there.

You'll be safe in my pack, but you're not going to be the beta.

It doesn't matter, all I want is to be safe and I know that if my child is born here, he won't be safe with Shawn as alpha.

I smile sadly.

~Going by car would take far too long, so we're going to teleport, okay?

They nod.

-I can only do one at a time, I'm not strong enough yet.

I take the arm of the woman in Valdir and arrive in front of my house in no time, my brothers coming out.

-Who are they?

Please don't kill him, I've got to go and find two other people, I'l be back soon.

Iteleport and go to get his sister, drop her off next to his wife and go back, when I arrive Valdir's gone. What the hell is he doing? Shawn's going to be here any minute!


He arrives a few minutes bleeding, Shawn not far from him.


I run to see Valdir, he's in a hell of a state.

If you don't Anaéve, when I find you, you're going to suffer like never before.

-And if I stay, don't make me believe that you won't make me suffer, I've only been here a week and I've suffered like never before. So I might as well go and not suffer, there's not much chance of you finding me anyway.

Then I teleported with Valdir, and when we arrived, his wife jumped on him and my brothers were waiting for explanations. “Take him to the infirmary and you," I say, pointing at Valdir's sister, “come with me and my brothers.

She nods, the guards leave with Valdir and his wife and I go inside with his sister.

What's your name?

-My name is Sarah.

-Okay, then Sarah, you'll be safe here and...

She's not listening to me any more and she’s too focused on someone behind me, so I turn around and see Raphael. Well, ll leave you two lovebirds to it.

sarah begs me to stay, but I climb the stairs to Nick's office.


tell him the whole story, from when he wanted to tag me to when I helped Valdir.

-He tricked you, the bastard!

-'m scared, Nicky.

He grunts and hugs me.

-I hate that nickname, but I'm here Ana, I'll protect you, I promise.

I stiffen and back away quickly.

-What's the matter, Ana?

-He said the same things to me, he told me he wasn't going to hurt me, that he was going to protect me, look where I am now...

I break down in tears and Enzo comes into the room and holds me close.

~'m going to leave with you, Ludo's coming too, we're going to go far away from here, to a place where he'll never find us. I nod.

-I love you, Enzo.

He kisses my forehead.

-I love him too.

Ludo comes in too.

-we'll leave you to it.

My brothers leave the room and I'm left alone with Ludo.


I ook up.

-'m sorry, Ana.

-I'm sorry for what?

I should have protected you, but I didn't, I should have stopped her from bringing you, but I couldn't. 'm sorry. I'm sorry, I.. Why do they all say the same words?

-It's not your fault,” I say, smiling slightly.

He comes close to me and presses his forehead to mine.

I love you Ana, I know you're still thinking about Shawn, that I'll never be able to make you feel as good as you do when you're with him. But I know I love you and I'm never going to let you go back to him, not after all the horrible things he's done to you.

I step back.

-He saved me too.

-He hit you, threw you against a wall, cheated on you, do you want me to go on?

I gasp, he grabs my hand and presses me against his chest.

~'m not your soul mate and I'll never be able to replace him, I'll wait as long as it takes, but know that I love you more than anything and I'l do anything for you.

He kisses my forehead, then leaves the room, leaving me alone in my thoughts. I was once in love with Ludo, but am I still in love with him? Will I be able to move on? I won't think about it, I don’t want to admit it, but me and my she-wolf are sufferin being away from Shawn.

“But Id rather suffer like this than suffer physically.”


tell him the whole story, from when he wanted to tag me to when I helped Valdir.

“I'll give you that"

I leave the office and go down to the kitchen to find my mother.


she holds me.

-I don't understand, what have I done?

She wipes away my tears.

“There was nothing you could have done, but you should have let him explain.

“There's nothing to explain, he cheated on me.

-But why he cheated on you, you don't know.

-And I don't need to know, Mum! He went off to drain his balls somewhere else, he has to suffer the consequences. ~shawn is very much in love with you Ana, there must be something that made him like that.

~We had a fight before, because he wanted to tag me and I said no, he threw me against the wall and then we made up. But when he hugged me, it hurt, he lifted my shirt and stormed out of the room. Then I found him with one of his whores. ~He felt bad Ana, he needed to let off steam.

-And +g lets him off the hook?!

Honey, everyone has their own way of letting off steam, and that's Shawn's way. Surely it didn’t occur to him that he was no longer single and that by going to bed with someone else he was going to lose you. At least let him explain.

~No means no and you know that if he finds me he'll..hell beat me up?

I don't think he will Ana, he cares too much about you for that.

Iturn around and lift up my shirt.

-oh my god.

I pull my shirt down and turn to my mother.

“You think he's not capable of hurting me? Are you going to defend him again?

She hugs me.

~'m sorry, darling, but when he spoke when we came...

I know, it was beautiful, he had a chance, but he lost it. I gave him more than one, but he ruined it every time. I love him, Mum, more than anything else in the world, but I don't want to suffer, why, why me?

~You know, your father was violent with me too in the beginning and look where we are now.

-It's not the same, Mum.

-Oh yes, I want you to find him and let him explain.

She used her alpha voice and I could only obey.

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