Alpha And Luna

Chapter 50


I should accompany you, Ludo told me.

-No one smelled Shawn Ludo.

He breathes when suddenly the lights go out and open again, everything has changed, I am now alone in the middle of the room. Each person in the room is held down by another person who is not from our packs, but from HIS pack. Ludo tries to break away, but the one holding him digs its claws into his back, causing him to forget to stop moving.

-How beautiful you have become...

My blood did not stop, it is there, just behind me, I see my parents and my brothers arriving in panic. Shawn presses his chest against my back and whispers in my ear:

-Are you coming, princess?

He puts his head in my neck and starts kissing me, I turn around and slap him hard.

-No, I won't come with you.

His eyes turn blood red and 'm suddenly afraid, afraid for myself. His eyes return to the way they were before and a smile appears on his face.

-I have two options for you, the first is that you come with me without anything else happening or the second option I take you by force and destroy all the alpha packs here. You have a choice princess, I'll give you a few seconds to think.

-No way she's coming with you, the triplets shout with Nick.

Shawn laughs, a cold little laugh.

Your choice princess?

I groan at the nickname he uses.

-Iam coming with you.

-Good choice.

You are completely crazy Ana! Nick shouts.

~I'm doing it for you, for all of you, between having the choice to kill one person and the other of thousands, the choice is simple Nick! You know very well that no doubt he was going to get me.

The other idiot smiles, I'm going to hug my whole family.

-I'm proud of you Anaéve, me and your father are going to try to get you out of there, my mother said to me.

-No, I don’t want you to get involved in this, promise me.

I promise you Anaéve, take care of yourself.

I smile at him and walk towards my soulmate’s car, I know that when I get into the car I have just entered my grave, but I don't think about myself, but about everyone I just missed. save the life.

Isit as far away as possible and make an electric bubble around me, to prevent him from coming closer. But he destroys it with water, I remain surprised, because even my brother Nick, who has the power of water, is not capable of breaking my electric bubbles. He must be very powerful.

-How did you do it?

~'m like you Ana, why do you think the goddess of the moon united us?

Igrumble, I must admit that my great-grandmother did not choose the best soulmate for me.

-No idea, I must admit that my great-grandmother can be a little crazy from time to time.

You have to know one thing Anaéve, I care about you since I met you, I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, of course V'm like my father, but never, ever would I do what my father made my mother endure. I would never hurt you, I wouldn't, bu my wolf does, I can't control him, so when he gets angry, it's better for you to run.

Ilook at him with incomprehension.

These are just rumors, but some are true.

-Why are you telling me this?

-Because I don't want you to hate me.

I have hated you since the day you abandoned me.

-I couldn't stay Anal You were only six years old!

~Yes and I suffer every day since you left me!

I started to cry, it was awful, I barely slept anymore, I barely ate anything, until the day I went to see the witch so she could give me a potion against the soulmate bond .

-I couldn't do anything Ana, if you came with me, I would have been forced to rape you, beat you and all that against my will please understand me, you were only six years old and I twelve, I didn’t want to r**e you at six!

-And you're going to do it today since I'm I82!

-Of course not!

I see he's starting to lose control.

-I'm not like my father!

“Yet you kill for pleasure!

He's having more and more difficulty controlling himself, so I'm adding to it, I know it's dangerous for me, but I might as well die straight away so I won't have to live through all his horrors.

“You killed thousands of people for your simple personal desire.

Suddenly I find myself pressed against the seat.

It's not Shawn who kills them, but me.

He smiled a spine-chilling smile.

-And I'll show you what I do to insolent little girls like you.

He digs his claws into my stomach which makes me cry out in pain.

-I love to scream in pain, you know what my name is?

Atear runs down my cheek and I nod.


~sulivan, as the murderer wolf.


He smiles even more, so my soulmate is the murderous wolf, the one who kills about two hundred people every full moon. I must admit that it doesn’t even surprise me.

~50 you would be ready to kill your own soulmate?

Nothing to worry about soulmates, I can live without them.

Then let me go!


-For what?

-Because you are mine, we are, little insolent ones like you I make it my business and when you meet me, you can't get out alive.

-Iam not a Sulivan object!

Ielectrocute him and he steps back quickly, his eyes returning to normal.

~You would go back to see Ludovic, he has just realized that he loves you and regrets not having kept you just for himself. don't want you to be far from me, even if Sulivan doesn't say it, he doesn't want you to leave. You should let Analie talk to Sulivan, we should let them talk to each other.

-I don't feel it Shawn, my wolf has a character of her own and how can I put it, she’s a real shit character...

-Ana, I know you're the elemental wolf, you can’t hide it from me , I was there for your first transformation. Let them talk to each other, maybe things will change.

Inod and we get out of the car, I transform into a white she-wolf with gold-colored designs on her fur. I am the last wolf of the elemental lineage and I have a secret that no one should know. The goddess of the moon sent me here for a good reason, to fight her sister, who is the black wolf, Shawn's real mother...

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