Alpha And Luna

Chapter 5

I gave him a well-placed blow between the legs and turned into a she-wolf, he had insulted us, he'll have to pay for that! -Bitch,” he shouted.

~You shouldn't have called me a little girl and you've just called me a bitch, so you're going to regret it even more, you dirty dog.

After my last remark, he growls and transforms into a wolf, almost similar to Fabien’s, i.e. black, but Ben has white spots on his belly.

-Come on, let's go outside and fight," he says.

I nod and just as we're outside, he jumps on me, but I dodge with ease and bite his left paw, he squeals and gets back on his feet. He leaps up to bite my neck, but I turn my head and bite his. I don’t want to kill him, I just want to teach him a lesson. I ask Fabien to bring me some clothes and after I've put them on, I turn to Ben.

~Just so we're clear, the next time you set foot on our territory again, attack us or insult one of my pack, I'll finish what I started!

He smiles at me and says:

~I'm sure our Alpha would love you, see you soon little wolf.

I growled and just as I wanted to jump on him, he disappeared, what's this now?

What's this now?

~My brother's a hybrid, half-wolf, half-sorcerer, long story. How did you learn to fight like that?

Who do you think I am? If I wanted to defend myself or get revenge, I had to be strong and trained for it.

-Are girls like that too?

“They're not my best friends for nothing” I said, smiling.

“You're going to be a great help to us.

~Correction, if we're attacked, I'm going to be a big help, because they're not ready to fight after what I've done," I said so quietly that only he could have heard me.

There was silence.

Right, let's go and see the man I was talking about, the one who might be able to help you, then we'll go and see the girls, all right?

I nod and we walk for a few minutes before arriving at a small cabin lost in the woods. Fabien knocks on the door and an ol man comes to open it.

Hello Alpha.

He turns to me

You must be Freya.

Yes, I'm Freya.

-Please, come in.

“Thank you," I say.

We settle down on a couch and the man comes in with a mug with something hot inside.

-S0, you've come here to find answers, I imagine," he hands me the cup. I want you to drink this, it will allow me to see everything that has happened in the past years and find a way for you to control Samantha.

I drink the contents and all my previous years flash by, the death of my parents, the thousands of miles the girls and I have traveled to get here, everything up to today.

-I'm so happy to meet you, it's been years since your father asked me to try and find you.

-Did you know my father?

I knew your parents and your brother, good people, who met a horrible end, your father contacted me through the spirits five years ago. He told me I had to find you and your friends, because you're special, you have a bond that no one else has. The three of you are bound together, the death of your parents having triggered a gift in you. You each have a role to play in your little group of three, and you each have a special power. Olivia's power manifested itself when you launched her soul- sister; she has the power of healing. For Summer, she received it this morning, when she woke up, she can make a protective shield.

~she woke up?

Yes, but I haven't finished yet. For you, it's more complicated, your power is Samantha. I don't know how to explain it, but samantha has incredible speed and strength.

What am I supposed to do now? Because she doesn't help me, she kills!

~No, she’s got a character all her own, and you've got to get to know her, you've got to get to know HER. Samantha is your inner she-wolf, she’s not mean, she’s just impulsive and very resentful. Since you've locked her up for several years, she'll want revenge, so you'll have to apologize and listen to her. She'll teach you how to control yourself and use your gift, but for that you'll have to make an effort.

He's right,” says Fanny. Samantha's not a monster, on the contrary. Without her, we wouldn't have this incredible strength. samantha almost killed Olivia and Summer!

No, she simply tried to bring out their power, we had no choice.

What are you talking about? Are you in cahoots with her then?

V'm sorry Freya, but we had to do it, otherwise the girls would never have gotten their power.

What happened next? I'm the one who's caught up in what you've done, they'll blame me.

No, we'll just have to tell them everything. Their she-wolf already knows, you'll just have to explain it to them, because they're likely to have lots of questions. I'm going to give Samantha more space for the next few days, so you'll be able to get along better.


Ifall off the couch and Fabien comes to take me in his arms.

What's wrong, my love?

-she's gone...

Who's gone?


-Don't worry Freya, Fanny hasn't gone far, she’s part of you just like Samantha. Said the old man. The three of you will have t learn to live together, or you'll die.

I nod and we head outside.

“Where are the girls?

“They're at Mattéo's, come on, let's go.

We'd been walking for a few minutes when I broke the silence.

What does Fabio think of all this?

-I couldn't say, I knew you were my soul-mate, but Fabio thought there was something wrong with Fanny and that cast doubt on our soul-mate bond, but when he saw Samantha, he understood.

Strange. When we arrived in front of the house, Fabien entered without even knocking.

Where's the courtesy in knocking to get in? I ask, raising an eyebrow.

-Mattéo let me in through the telepathic link.

-Ah, right.

When I step inside, all eyes turn to me. Mattéo and Liam glare at me, while the girls don't look at me.

I've come to apologize,” I say in a low voice, so low that no one could have heard me if they werent wolves.

Mattéo rises to his feet at breakneck speed and slams me against the wall. I could hardly breathe, the air in my lungs was getting thinner and thinner. The last words I heard before fainting were:

-Damn it, Matt, you're going to kill her!

He lets go of me, but I fall into unconsciousness.

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