Alpha And Luna

Chapter 43


I laugh and he does too, lifting my chin and kissing me.

-What if we made Nick a little brother or sister?

-And you're the one who's going to have the baby?

He laughs.

-Maybe later, but I wouldn't say no to a little physical effort.

He kisses me more savagely, and then what was supposed to happen happened.


*five months eclipse

I wake up with Nick in my arms, I've fallen asleep after giving him his milk and so has he. So I put him down in bed and head downstairs, grabbing an apple and heading for Kyle's office. I open the door and find him in front of some papers. I sit on him and kiss him.

-Did you have a nice nap?

“Yes, it did me good, I needed it.

He smiles and kisses me.

~Lena and Josh are coming for dinner with their boy.

~'m sure they will.

I kiss him again, I don't know what's going on, my hormones are all over the place.

-Maeva, your smell has changed, you smell the same as when Nick was inside you...

-Am I pregnant?

He nods and kisses my forehead.

-'m sorry, I always...

I cut him off.

-Don't worry, I'm ready.

I put my hands on my stomach.

rm so glad.

He smiles at me.

Id like you to go and see a doctor.

-As you wish.

I get up, but he grunts.

-Is he not happy?

-No, he isn't.

I smile when I hear Nick cry.

~Go and get your son, I'll make supper.

He nods and we leave the office, I'm heading for the kitchen to start supper when my phone rings. Hello?

-Hi little sister, how are you?

-'m fine and you?

Very well too.

-How's Thea?

~she's fine, but she’s exhausted from Emily, she won't stop crying.

I'm laughing.

“That's kids for you.

He blows.

-I've got to tell you something...

Well, go on.

-Me and Thea are getting married.

I'm jumping up and down.

Really? I'm so happy for you guys.

“Thanks. And you, no wedding in sight?

~I'd love to, it's every little girl's dream, but Kyle hasn't asked me, so I guess he doesn't want to... -Don't say that, I'm sure he will.

I smile.

-I've got to go, Evan, I've got to finish supper.

~All right, take care of yourself, little sister.

You too, big brother.

Afew hours later, the doorbell rang and I went to open the door when Léna jumped on me and started to cry. -Maeva...

-Don't cry...

-Sorry, it's the hormones...

-Are you pregnant?

Yes, a fortnight ago.

-I'm pregnant too.

She takes me in her arms and we see Ludovic walking towards us.

-He's all grown up!

-One year old now.

He comes up to me and holds out his arms.

-How are you, my little Ludo?

Josh arrives with Kyle and Nick, kyle puts Nick down and comes over to me. I bend down and put Ludo down, then Nick comes crawling into my arms.

~He looks just like his dad!

-A real hunk then!

We had a laugh and went to the table. After dinner, Léna and I go up to the playroom with the kids. -How are you?

-I'm fine, I'm tired, but otherwise I'm fine and you?

-'m fine too. When are you going for your scan?

I don't know, I'll have to make an appointment. Kyle told me that my smell had changed. I don't have any symptoms like Nick.

She nods.

-But I'll probably go and see the doctor tomorrow, won't you?

~My first ultrasound is in a fortnight and in six weeks I'll be able to find out the s*.

After they've gone, we £0 to bed.

The next morning, I'm woken by little hands tugging at my hair. I roll over and take my baby in my arms and give him his milk. Kyle comes into the room with a breakfast tray.

-Hi love.

Hi princess, how did you sleep?

-Great and you?

Yes, I've made a doctor's appointment, it's at I0 o'clock.

-Are you working today?

-Yes, but I start at Ipm.

-Will you come with me to the doctor's?

He nods and we start eating.

Would you like it to be a boy or a girlz

rd like a boy.

Why, we've already got one.

“Yes, but if we have a girl and she looks like you, I'm going to have to watch her 24 hours a day to make sure no guy comes near her.

I'm joking.

-I'd like a boy too, but I want a girl too.

50 if we have boys, I'll make love to you until we have a girl.

-I hear you're not the one giving birth, are you?

We'll finish eating and then I'll go and get dressed, then we'll £0 to the doctor.

-How long do you think I've been pregnant?

-I'd say two months.

-Two months?

“Yes, it's been two months since I noticed that your smell has changed, the first month I thought you'd changed perfume ang then I started to have doubts.

I nod.

-Are you sulking?

-No, I'm not sulking.

He puts his hand on my thigh and gives it a little pressure.

-Don't pout, baby...

He takes my hand and kisses it, then looks in the rear-view mirror to see if Nick's all right.

~'m going to call you Daddy Chicken.

-Why do you do that?

-Because you're worse than a mother hen, you're always worried about Nick disappearing or something. He glares at me and I laugh. We arrive at the surgery and I get Nick out of the car, then we walk in, hand in hand. -An appointment in the name of Maeva Brazeau.

Perfect, the doctor should call you any minute, you can wait on the chairs in the waiting room.

I nod and we go and sit down, then a few minutes later the doctor calls me.

-How are you?

~'m fine," he says.

-S0 you've come to see me about?

~'m pregnant and I'd like to have an ultrasound.

-OK, 50 you just sit down on the table and I'll be back with the equipment.

I settle down and look at my son asleep in Kyle's arms.

-How are things going with Nick," the doctor asks me.

He's doing very well, his powers haven't manifested themselves yet.

“That's normal, usually when he undergoes his first transformation, which, in the case of your children, will be around the age of three instead of five.

I nod and Lift the top of my jumper, revealing my slightly bouncy belly. Why didn't I ever notice that I'd put on weight? I suppose with all the stress and everything, I didn't take the time to look...

The doctor looks at the screen thoughtfully.

-Is something wrong?

Ill be back in a few minutes.

He leaves the room and I feel the stress building up inside me, what if there's something wrong with my baby, what if I've done something wrong because I didn’t notice I was pregnant?

I cast a desperate glance at Kyle, who replies with a comforting smile.

~Everything’s going to be fine, Maeva. Our baby's fine, don't worry...

But I know that deep down he's stressed too, he's only saying that to comfort me, he doesn't really mean it. The doctor enters the room and says:

-So, what can I say, um, you...

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