Alpha And Luna

Chapter 39


“Yes, there's a 90% chance he'll be like this one.

-And how many months of pregnancy am I looking at?

-Seven, since it has to develop more than the others.

My baby is going to kill me, but I don't want to kill it, I want to bring joy into the world and I know very well that Kyle will be able to take care of it. He's selfish and only thinks of what he needs.


When I get home, I 0 up to my room and start crying. Why, why me?


-No Kyle, I want to keep the baby.

-I know and I'm not going to do anything to stop you, it's your body and you do what you want. Even if I wanted to, I know you too well and you'd leave to give birth to our son. You'd run away from me to give birth to him and I'd prefer you to live out your last months with me. I love you Maeva and I will support you in whatever choice you make, but know one thing. If you die, I can't guarantee that our son will have a father afterwards, and if you die, I may die little by little.

I'm crying harder.

-Promise me one thing, you'll try to get over it, to look after our child as best you can.

-I promise, ll try, but I can't guarantee anything.

He takes me in his arms and we fall asleep.

When I wake up, I run into the bathroom to throw up, but I'm not throwing up what everyone else is throwing up, I'm throwing up blood.

-Maeva, are you all right?

I nod and turn on the bath water.

-'m going to have a bath.

-OK, I'll talk to the doctor in the meantime.

~can you close the door when you come in?

~No, I want to be able to come and get you more easily if anything happens.

I breathe out and slide into the boiling water. I put my hands on my stomach.

“Why are you making so much trouble for Mum?

I close my eyes and fall asleep.

When I wake up, 'm in bed in my pyjamas.

-Are you awake now?

“Yes, did you get me dressed?

“Yes, you fell asleep in the bath.

“Yes, you fell asleep in the bath.

I spoke to the doctor and he said you weren't allowed to move around any more. You're not allowed to walk or do anything that might be too physical.

I growl.

~I know my love, but you know what's left to do if...

KYLE! I growl.

~I know, I know, so you're not leaving this room until the birth, or you die and so does our boy.

Yes I know, how am I going to get around then?

He brings a wheelchair.

That's out of the question!

-50 you'll only be able to get around when I'm at home.

-And that's for how long?

“You've still got 6 and a half months to go, my darling.


He comes over to me and hugs me.

I love you and I'm proud of you, no matter what happens.

*eclipse two months

V'm two and a half months pregnant and I'm bored, I can't even move a finger when Kyle yells at me.

-Hi sweetie.

My mum comes into my room.


She hugs me.

~My baby.

-I can’t do it any more, Mum, but I don’t want to kill it.

She puts my head on her thighs and strokes my hair.

“You're strong Maeva, you'll make it, you're the bravest woman I know, not many people would give their life like that. -Mum, you'd have done the same thing if you were in my place.

She smiles weakly at me. We talked for a few more hours and then she left.

-I'm back.

He kisses me and takes me down to the kitchen.

-I hate doing nothing.

I know, sweetheart, but it's for your health and that of our boy.

-Do you want to talk about names?

-0K, what would you like to call him?

~Nick, I'd like him to be called Nick.

-I'think it's pretty, but why?

-It was my father's brother's name. He committed suicide because his soul mate had left.

He nods.

~The cleaning lady has made dinner.

We'll eat and then take a bath.

Four-month eclipse

I wake up with Kyle.

-Hi love.

-Hi sweetheart, I took the day off to be with you.

I smile.

-And I've got a surprise for you, do you want me to help you get dressed?

“No, I should be able to do it myself.

Kyle takes me to the dressing room and I put on a black and white dress, but it doesn't fit. I grunt and Kyle comes in. What's going on?


He laughs.

-0f course, you're pregnant.

I glare at him and try on another dress, which is already better than the others.

“That should do it, we can go now.

He smiles at me and takes me out to the car.

Where are we going?

“You'll see, princess.

We're coming to a beach, there's no-one there.

Why is there no-one there?

-Because I've made a reservation?

-Can we do that?

-I can do anything for you.

I'smile and kiss him, he lifts me up and we go to the sand.

“You're beautiful, princess, did you know that?

I blush.

-S0 you want to go in the water?

-But I don't have a swimming costume.

-You don’t need one.

He says this with a smile. We get in the water and Kyle puts his hands on my stomach, leans over and places a kiss on my belly.

-I love you Nick, whatever happens know that, but without your mum, I don’t know what I'm going to do, I'm going to do everything I can to make you the best alpha, I promise, but when my duty’s done, I'm going to join her.

Atear rolls down her cheek.

~Ilove her and I'll do anything for her, I made her a promise and 'm going to keep it.

He stands up and kisses me, wiping away the tears.

-I love you Maeva, never forget that.

Eclipse until delivery

I wake up with an immense pain in my stomach.


He wakes up with a start and carries me out to the car.

I swear, if you damage my car with that...


I feel fluid running down my leg, my water has just broken.

We get to the hospital and three doctors arrive, my doctor gives me a sorry look.

-So Maeva, you're going to have to push after every contraction, OK?

Inod, take Kyle's hand and squeeze it.

~call my mum Kyle.

He nods and goes outside to call my mum and I push. Kyle comes back and kisses my forehead, my eyes close.

-You can do it.

-We're already starting to lose her, her heart's going to give out in a few minutes.

Kyle sheds a tear, I was ready, ready to give my life for my child's, my son's life is more precious than mine. It's too late to turn back, 'm not afraid of death, some might say I'm selfish because I'm leaving my son and my husband alone. But I say I' doing this for love, I've given a son to my soul mate, a future alpha to the pack and I've given my body and soul to my child. The doctor approaches me and says:

~I'm sorry, Maeva, but you have to push or you'll both die.

I push twice more and my eyes start to close, I'm weak, I have no energy and it's getting harder and harder to breathe. I hear my baby's cries and I smile, I've done it, I've given birth to my baby...

-Maeva, please don't leave me, don't leave your son without a mother, princess.

I'see him crying and I put my hand on his cheek.

“You'll be a wonderful father Kyle, I have no doubt.

-No, not without you...

I'see my mother storming in and then nothing, I open my eyes and see a boy who looks strangely like my mother. He was angry.

“You're too young to be here!

-As if I'd decided!

he huffs.

“You're just like my sister.


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