Alpha And Luna

Chapter 37


-she’s going to stay here for a few days, I don't want anything serious to happen to her. -0K, and?

What about the baby?

-she's pregnant...

-And the DNA tests say?

-she’s expecting your alpha baby.

Vm jumping for joy, she's pregnant!


POS Maeva

He comes into my room, takes my hand and kisses me on the forehead.

~How are you, Maeva?

~I'm okay, my head hurts and my stomach hurts.

-About that...

-Don't tell me he raped me and I got pregnant!

He laughs, which makes me feel less stressed.

-Don't worry, hes not the one you're pregnant by.

“Wha... I'm pregnant?

“Yes, we're going to be parents...

rm crying.

-Aren't you happy?

He's hitting the wall.

stop it, 'm crying with joy Kyle, it's the hormones...

He doesn't let me finish and kisses me.

I love you like crazy, my love, this is the greatest gift you could ever give me.

I hug him when I feel like throwing up. I get up quickly and head for the bathroom adjoining my room to vomit up what's in my stomach.

-Are you alright?

I nod and go back to bed.

When can I go out?

~The doctor wants to keep you in for a few more days.

I pout.

-Don't be sad, love, it's for the baby’s sake and for your health.

He puts his hand on my cheek and strokes it with his thumb.

“You're going to bring me food at every meal, aren't you?

He laughs.

Is eating all you think about?

Itap him gently on the shoulder.

~I've got to eat for two now and hospital food isn't going to make my baby any stronger. He grunts.

-0ur baby, you didn't make that all by yourself, did you?

I laugh.

“You're right, and I must admit I miss all this...

Ikiss him on the cheek, but very close to the mouth and he grunts.

-Don't say things like that, Maeva, it gives me ideas that aren't very catholic and I don't want the whole hospital to hear you shouting my name. It's the kind of thing I prefer to do in private.

I blush and he stands up.

~I've got things to finish up at home...

~Like making Noah suffer.

-Exactly, so I should come by around 5:30.

“You know, because of the curse, he'll never be able to have a soul mate again...

-F**k Maeva, he had no right to do that to you.

He kisses me and just as he's about to leave, I grab his wrist.

-Don't forget my lunch.

He laughs.

What would you like?

~Chinese food?

~Chinese itis, I'l bring it to you when I come back, see you later sweetheart.

I'l see you later, sweetheart. Wait!

He comes back and blows.

~I'm going to think you don't want me to go.

~Well, I don't want you to go, but you've got to do what you've got to do. I just wanted to know if you've got my phone, I'd lik to call my mum.

“You can have mine.

He gives me his phone and leaves.

Wait a minute, wait a minute!

Vm laughing inside, seeing that face was so funny, I'm just doing it to piss him off. “You're not even a week pregnant and you're already getting on my nerves, what am I going to do with you? ~Nothing if you want to see your child alive.

He gasps.

What else do you want?

I love you.

He sighs again.

~Me too, I can go now.

“Yes, yes.

He leaves and I call my mum, but my dad answers.

-Hi sweetheart, how are you?

~I'm fine, I'm in hospital and you? Why did you answer?

-I'm at the hospital with your mum, she’s lost her baby...

Was she pregnant?

“Yes, she was...

~I'm sorry, I...

It's not your fault, but why are you in hospital?

I can hear my mother screaming on the other side of the combiner.

What? She's in hospital? Wait a minute, she’s going to see what she's going to see when I get there... My dad hangs up, I've got a crazy mother!

About thirty minutes later, my mum bursts into my room with my dad and my brother. Why are you here?

Itell her everything that's happened, my kidnap, the beatings I've had...

~I'm going to kill him,” says my brother.

“Kyle's already taken care of it, he's in my basement.

He nods and leaves.


He comes back in.

I've got something to tell you...

Kyle enters the room with my Chinese.

Hello, Kyle!

Hi Kyle.

Kyle kisses me on the forehead and puts the Chinese on the bed.

-I..we...'m pregnant.

My mum jumps up and hugs me, my dad does the same.

~Congratulations, we've been waiting a long time for this moment. So has Thea and... WHAT? Thea's pregnant and no one told me?

Evan bows his head in shame.

-I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t have the time.

-And when I was at home for a month, you didn't have the time, did you?


Stop it, Evan, I don't want to talk to you.

ENOUGH! my father shouts, which startles me.

My father glares at me and my brother.

stop acting like a child, I know it's disappointing that Evan didn't tell you, but stop it Maeva... ~No, I won't. And you, why didn't you tell me I was going to be a big sister?

My whole family bowed their heads.

~I'm the last to know, aren't I2I

Kyle takes my face in his hands and forces me to look into his eyes.

~Calm down, your hormones are a little, a lot I'd say, in the carpet and you're giving off all your aura which is smothering them...

I calm down a bit.

“I've lost it...

My mother starts to cry and I take her in my arms.

~ know, I know.

They leave and I eat my Chinese under Kyle's watchful eye.

What are you saying?

“You're beautiful.

I blush.

“Thanks, Kyle.

~Even more so when you're all red...

The doctor enters the room.

“You'll be discharged tomorrow.

“Thank you, eh doctor?

“Yes, doctor?

Is our baby a wolf or a wizard or something?

It's a bit early to tell.

It's a bit early to tell.

-But there's something quite strange, I couldn't say what, we'll be able to find out in two or three weeks. I'nod and the doctor leaves the room.

-Are you staying the night with me?

He smiles at me.

-Of course, who did you think I was to leave my princess alone in a room? With guys everywhere? I laugh and make room for him in the bed, he lies down and I rest my head on his chest and he puts his hand on my stomach, making little circles.

I love you Kyle.

I love you Maeva.

We kiss and fall asleep in each other's arms. It's at times like this that I realise how important he is in my life and that I'd never want to lose him. I love him with every fibre of my being and would do anything for him and my child.

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