Alpha And Luna

Chapter 15


The doctor closes the bedroom door and I get a huge slap in the face.

-If she doesn't pull through, she'll be dead because of yout

-I know and I blame myself to death, but it wasn't me who pushed her, it was my wolf, he was mad with rage.

-And why this time?

-Because my brother is dead!

~I'm... 'm sorry,” she said before going downstairs, followed by Mattéo.

I don't want to lose her, she’s everything to me, my princess, my future wife and the future mother of my children, she can't die, I need her!



I wake up in my room, I've got transfusions all over my body, I remember the day before, I'm angry with Fabien, but at the same time I agree with what Fabio said. It's true that we've taken Nick's soul mate away, I hadn't thought about him when I told Dan to bring Catherine. Fabien enters the room, but as I had my eyes closed, he doesn't know that I've stopped sleeping 50I decide to listen to what he’s telling me.

-'m sorry, my love, I couldn't protect you from Fabio, I begged him not to hurt you, but he didn’t listen to me. Please don’t leave me, I need you, I can't live without you...

I open my eyes and turn towards him.

-Fabio's right,” I say.

“No, it's not your fault Nick decided to end his life, it's his decision and I have to live with it. Fabio wanted to blame someon: other than his brother, because he didn’t want to admit the truth to himself. Please forgive me, I didn't mean to hurt you.

I know I won't be able to live without him, but 'm afraid, extremely afraid that he'll hurt me again.

“You know that we die if we're far from our soulmate and you can't afford to be weak, you know what awaits us. You remember what father said to us before he died.’

“You don't have to remind me what might happen Samantha...”

“It's my duty to remind you of your duties.”

“I know, I'll forgive him."

“But you must tell him..."


-I forgive you Fabien, but I must confess something.

-Don't tell me you've slept with someone else.

I laughed.

-No it's not that, it's in the future.

-What is it princess, you know you can tell me anything.

-Yes, and that's what I was going to do too,” I laugh.

He comes and lies down next to me in bed.

What did he say?

-Before my father died he read some prophecies and one of them was about us. It says that my second child will be the souI sister of our worst enemy, so our child will be the soul-sister of Marco's grandchild, the one who killed your parents... -What do you want me to do Freya, I want to have children and with you, maybe this prophecy isn't true. I don't want to miss out on all this because of this prophecy, I want to show everyone that our love can bear fruit and if you're so scared, all we have to do is have one child.

“You're right, I just wanted to let you know and not have us fighting when the time came because you'd say I hadn't told you He smiles at me.

“Thank you, my love.

-As for the second child, I've always dreamt of having three, 50 I have to have a second to have three.

-I'm going to have three children, I promise you, my darling. I'm going to do everything I can to make you happy.

I take out the drips and turn to face Fabien.

-How long have I been here?

“Three days and I forgot to tell you, Summer told me she was pregnant.

-OK, maybe now you can keep the promise you just made me.

-But you weren't in your period?

~I'l have you know that I've been here for three days.

Isit astride him and start kissing his chest, running a finger over his well-formed abs and finishing my line on his crotch. I apply a little pressure, which makes him moan.


Fabien, make love to me, please, I can't hold it in any longer.


~Fabien, make love to me, please I can’t hold it in any longer.

-I was only waiting for you to ask.

Ifind myself underneath him and he starts kissing my neck and giving me a hickey, I moan with pleasure.

-Are you still a virgin?

I nod.

“Then I'll take it slow.

He takes off my shirt and his and throws them on the floor, then the rest of our clothes find them soon enough.

-l want to be sure Freya, if you don’t want to be a mum right away I understand and I'll put a condom on...

-If I didn't want one, I wouldn't have asked you to make me a Fabien.

-I know, but I want to be sure you're only I7 too.

-But that's how it is with wolves, and you know as well as I do that if you don't want a child right away...

I don't have time to continue my sentence as Fabien has already entered me, and as he waits for the bottom a cry of pain tears me away. A tear rolls down my cheek.

-'m sorry, my love.

-Go on, do what you have to do.

He starts to come and go and after a few strokes I feel nothing but desire and pleasure.

After two or three hours we fall asleep in each other's arms.

One month eclipse

I'get up from the bed, but arms hold me by the waist and press me against a chest, his chest.

Where are you going?

I want to throw up.

-Let go of me, I want to puke.

He lets go and I run to the bathroom, Fabien comes to hold my hair and gently strokes my back. I think I'm pregnant, becaus it's the third time this week and I haven't had my period since the last time.

-Ithink you've kept part of your promise, my love.

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