All I Wanted

Chapter 28

My feet became numb and I couldn't comprehend what was happening right now, is Justin proposing?

I don't know how to feel about it as my whole body froze in shock.

He brought out a small box and opened it, there was a ring covered in diamonds in it and I was sure that costs a whole lot o fortune.

The crowd murmured as o could hear some of them wishing it was them in my position.

“Will you marry me Janet Fisher?”

Fk itt He said those words, I debated In my heart if I really wanted to be with him, Justin has been really nice and sweet to me and most of all he has been there for me after my father's incident and he has showed me love in different ways.

I let out a deep breath while my face was still wearing a smile as I didn’t want the workers to think otherwise.

My response seem to be taking time as some workers were bringing out their phones to record it and a worried look was on Justice face.

“Yes, yes I will!"

His face lit up immediately as he brought out my left hand to put the ring on. He stood up immediately afterwards as he pulled me closer to him and kissed me on my lips.

I felt a little bit awkward kissing Justin in public expecially in his company but then there was nothing I could do but to kiss him back

After a short while, he broke the kiss and adjusted his really fine tuxedo.

“There will be an engagement party in my house today evening and you all are invited" he announces and there was a sudden uproar coming from the workers whose eyes were fixed on us.

My eyes drifted to a corner of the hall as I spotted the man I treated watching Justin and I with a sad expression all over his face, he seemed to have noticed that I was staring at him as he walked back into a room.

The man looks suspicious and I don’t want to involve myself in any new trouble, I drifted my attention back to the crowd tha were now congratulating us as they went back to their various job posts and offices.

Justin grabbed me by the waist as he leads me to my office putting on the happiest face he has ever worn.

“You can't describe how happy I am right now Jane!” He happily exclaims as he pulled me into a tight hug.

For some reason I felt empty like I was still missing some part of my life but then I'm supposed to be happy, Justin is literally the most caring and Kind gentleman I have ever come across.

He pulls out from the hug and brought my chin to his palm, “I promise to take care of you".

Ifelt a relief in my chest as I closed my eyes and brought his lips to mine, it took him off guard but he seemed to be happy as he kissed me back immediately.

The kiss started slow but soon started to get rough, he lifted me on the desk and widened my legs as he stood in between pressing my body closer to his.

I threw my arms across his neck holding a hand full of his hair in my hand while deepening the kiss.

His hands reached for my boobs and there was a sudden knock on the door breaking us from our intimate position.

I adjusted my dress and he also adjusted his tuxedo and brushed his hands through his hair.

“Come in” I say to the person behind the door.

The door opened and a tall, broad figure entered the room, it was the same man I treated yesterday at this point I furrowed my brow in confusion. Is this man here for me?

“I came by to appreciate what you did to me yesterday, I'm really glad Doctor” he says and I gave him a broad smile.

“I's my duty, by the way how are you feeling now" I ask acknowledging the fact that he was able to walk well in less than a day.

“Yes I'm fine and I have been discharged” as I was about to speak Justin cut me off with a loud tone

“Who discharges a man that was badly injured in just a day, have they examined you well2" He questions and the man's face looked slightly offended as he fisted his hands.

“I am quite alright” he answers Justin through clenched teeth, Justin seemed to have noticed something off with the man bu decided to ignore the man.

“Well... since you're alright you can as well come to my engagement party tonight, I'l give you the location since you're such a special type of patient and I've found a liking in you” Justin says while smiling back and his hand sneaked its way to my lower waist almost touching my b**t

The man noticed the movements of his hands as the veins in his head we're now visible, what is up with him?

To ease the tension in the room I decided to ask for his name since I can't really remember what he told me at the elevator and I wished to know.

“rm Dylan” he says

“Okay then, Dylan you're invited to my engagement party today” I say with a broad smile and he forced a smiled back

“Ill try my best to show up” he says as he left the room.

I looked at Justin's face and he seemed to be lost in his thoughts as he watched the man leave.

The house was decorated with bright and beautiful colours as the flowers hung at every corner of the house with the neon lights coming from ceiling.

Different guests dressed in a well tailored cloth filled up the house as everyone of them held a glass of expensive wine in their hands discussing and chattering with themselves.

I walked up to every guest with s broad smile on my face thanking them for being able to make it to the engagement party and Justin also seemed to be busy thanking some of his friends that were at the party.

I had invited Susan and Kate but they wouldn't be able to make it as Susan was close to labour, she should be delivering her child either today or tomorrow.

There was a total silence in the room as Justin called for every one’s attention and I walked up to him as he held me by the waist closer to him.

“I would love to call a toast for my one and only beloveth wife to be, Jane” he says and the crowd cheered loudly making me a little bit nervous.

“Toast!” He calls raising the wine of glass he had in his hands and there were sounds of glasses clinking afterwards.

I wished my father would have been here to notice how his daughter is getting engaged, speaking of my Father I noticed tha none of Justin's family were around.

“Justin your family didn't show up?” I ask

“They're out of the country at the moment so they couldn't make it” he answers and I nodded my head.

I looked round the room as I noticed a tall broad figure sipping his wine carefully, that must be Dylan.

I excused myself from Justin and walked up to Dylan, he seemed to have noticed my presence as he shifted his gaze towards me.

“Hey!” I greet him and he dragged me out of the room.

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