All I Wanted

Chapter 11

**song(s) for the chapter**

>>>*Photograph by Ed Sheeran*

>>>*happier by Ed Sheeran*


We got into the beautiful small house and Chase switched the lights on. The interior designs of the house are more beautifu than the outside.

“This is my safe spot and aside Anif you'll be the second person here” he says.

At this moment I could not think of anything else to say or do to make chase happier. i moved closer to him and wrapped m; arms around his well built body structure. We lasted like that for some while before he broke the silence.

“I have to treat my wound” he says. It was then I remembered that he was actually shot and he hasn't been treated yet. He brought out a small box from the shelves on the wall and walked towards a large mirror that was hanging at the side of the wall.

“Take this” he says as he handed me an object

“What is this?" I ask.

“It's a scalpel, I use it to extract bullets I used it on you" he says.

“Oh” I reply

“You think you can handle this?" He asks

“ll try" I say as I extracted the bullet from his arm.

“F**K he says and im sure that must have hurt so bad. He brought out that same small bottle with the deadly liquid and applied it to his wound and this time it was me saying “F**k”.

After applying the oil on his arm he didn't even flinch a bit, he wrapped a bandage around the spot and stood up to sit on the couch. I followed and sat right beside him.

“Anif has been with me through thick and thin and now he's gone" he says and my heart was filled with guilt already. Maybe if actually haven't been selfish Anif could have survived but I chosed to be selfish and he lost Anif.

“How do you get to know him?” I ask

“None of your damn business Janet” he says. Did he just call my full name? No one has ever called me that ever since my mom died, she used to be the only one that calls me by that name.

“I'm sorry” I say and left the living room, I actually didn't know where I was going to but I knew at that moment he was really upset. I entered a room that happened to be close to the living room. It is a really beautiful room, while scanning the room I saw a picture hanged on the wall it was a picture of two early teenage happy boys and I immediately guessed that it must be Anif and Chase.

I looked closely at the picture and a smile crept on my face.

“That's Anif and I” Chase says from across the room.

“Oh yeah, I figured that out” I say quietly as he walked closer to where I was and I could perceive his strong scent,the one I'v grown to like, his sweet smell was mixed with the smell of blood and it made him intoxicating.

He sat on the huge bed in the room and brushed his hair backwards with his hands.

“I met Anif in middle school, he was the only friend I had back then and he was the only one that wanted to talk to me” Chase says.

I would have never thought chase was the type of person that no one would ever want to talk to In highschool, with his grea looks and everything I would have thought he was the most popular guy in his school and maybe a bully since he actually kidnaps women now.

“On the very day I met Anif, my mother divorced my father and ripped him of almost all of his property, I was down as f**k and I went to school the other kids laughed at me being sad and Anif was the only one who came to help me. He sat right beside me and didn't say a word for some minutes before he finally said his name and since then he's been my best and onl friend, family and brother.” He pauses and took a deep breath. “My father eventually got a stroke and a heart attack and die and my mother still didn't care to know if her son was alive or not, all she cared of was money, I hate her, she made me to hate women so bad because all women want is just money and afterwards they leave” he continues.

“I don't know why I'm telling you these, I have never told anyone about my problems or my past” he says trying to get off of the bed but I pinned him down with my lips on his and this time I'm not kissing him out of lust or out of pity but I'm kissing him because he deserves one for being strong all through his childhood, he appears to be a heartless beast on the outside but he's actually a puppy that needs and deserves the best from the world.

He returns my kiss and kissed me back passionately and I can tell this kiss was different from the last, he cupped my cheeks into his hands as he continued to kiss every part of me.

“Damn” I say as our lips were still connected. I don't know why I can't seem to get enough, I still want to explore this man here further and it was like I was still at the begining of my journey.

He pulled away from the kiss and his eyes were no longer bloodshot but were that of a lost puppy.

“Jane” he says

“Yes?” I replied

“I don't want to love you” he says and my heart fell.

“Why?” I manage to ask

“You're a woman Jane, just like the rest, all women are the same you all show fake love and when you've gotten what you want you leavell” He says now panting hard

“If that's what you think of me, then it's fine” I say.

“F**K he says while rubbing his temples

“I'll drop you off at your dad's house tomorrow, you'll get to see your father and I'll be out of your life permanently since that's all you've ever wanted” he says and lied on the bed.

Different thoughts ran through my head, I don't know if I should be happy or sad I mean I'm supposed to be happy right? I'll be free from this gang and I'll get to meet my father but then In just some few days I have fallen in love with this man lying right besides me. What do I do? I ask myself till I slept off.

“Jane wake up” Chase wakes me up. I can't believe we actually slept in the same room and on the same bed without getting intimate.

“What time is itz" I ask

“6 o'clock am, we need to set out to your father’s house” he says.

“Okay” I reply but It sounded more like a whisper, I still haven't made up my mind on whether or not to go.

I got up from the bed and brushed my hands through my hair to untangle some bumps that might have been there, after all yesterday was hell of a day.

“I don't have female clothes here but if you'll be comfortable in my sweat pants then it's yours” he says

“I'll take them” I respond. He handed me the cloths and showed me the way to the bathroom. Half of the bathroom was made of glass and it has this perfect view from here. If it was to be in the city ill have been scared of people taking pictures of my nakedness in the bathroom but who the F**k knows this place exist.

I pulled off my clothes as I stepped into the glass tub filled with warm water. This is all I need right now. Chase came into the bathroom without knocking and despite the fact that he has seen my nakedness some couple of times I still felt really shy. “Why are you covering up your body, I've seen it before” he says as he pulls his cloths off.

“What do you want to do?" I ask while staring at him.

“I want to make sandwiches in the bathroom dummy” he replies. “There's no time to wait till you have your bath so I'm joining you” he says.

Chase is now completely naked in my presence and I can't help myself but stare at his body, every inch of him is perfect. Be entered the bathtub and let out a sigh of relief.

“How's your arm now” I ask noticing that I haven't actually asked if he was okay now.

“It's better now” he replies

ignored the fact that Chase was in the same bathroom with me and kept on scrubbing my body with the soap and then I fel Chase's hands on my bare back.

“You missed a spot” he says as he collected the bar soap from me and rubbed it on my back. I was getting aroused already. He stopped rubbing the soap on my back and he used his fingers to trace lines on my back.

“What have you done to me" he says as he pressed his body against mine and I could feel his erection like a rock

He moved his hands all around my body and turned the shower on removing every last soap on my body.

He turned me to face him and he stared at my boobs and my titties that were already waiting for his touch.

In no time Chase's lips connected with my tits and I let out a moan.

“I love the way your body responds to my touch” he says as he removed his lips from my boobs n placed it on my lips. It was like every kiss we had was always better than the last.

His hands trailed to my a*s and he cupped my a*s into his huge hands.

“I want you to f**k me" I say while flushing. He lifted my wet body away from the bath tub and into the room. He placed me on the bed and continued to kiss every inch of my body.

“You want this now?” He says and I nodded my head in response.

He slid his dick into my already wet p***y and I grabbed a hand full of his hair in my hands as I screamed while pulling them There was a sharp pain in my virginal and he thrust into me again but instead of screaming out loud this time he covered my screams with his kisses and I held until his head tight as he went in and out of me slowly till I came and he pulled out and came on the sheets. That's it. I gave my virginity to Chase.

“We should get going” he says as he kissed my forehead and I was glad because I realized this was real.

I'stood up from the bed and checked for any sign of blood but found none.

“No blood” I say as my brows furrowed and I was in the middle of sad and confused.

“What does it change?” Chase says and kissed me on my lips. It was a short kiss and then he pulled away to wear his clothes Fathert.

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