Alexius: A Dark Mafia Romance (Dark Sovereign Book 1)

Alexius: Chapter 20

Maximo, Nicoli, and I spent the entire afternoon working out new security details for our clubs around town. Caelian and Isaia have been out, visiting the clubs to show a more prominent presence. And also to quiet down any whispers about Alicia’s murder. In this industry, rumors don’t spread like wildfire—they infect like an airborne virus.

“We need to protect the girls against this psychopath if he decides to strike again, and we have to make sure Dad is protected should Uncle Roberto decide to do something real fucking stupid. The man is a loose cannon right now.” Nicoli lights a cigarette and leans back on the couch.

“We’ll need more feet on the ground,” I say, pouring myself a drink, the neck of the crystal decanter lightly tapping against the glass. “And I’m not talking about your local fucking rookie security guards.” I turn to face Maximo leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. “I want ex-military, fucking leathernecks. I want men who can be ghosts and assassins at the same damn time, and I want them covering every inch of this estate.”

“I’ll take care of it.” Maximo pushes himself off the wall, and I step up to him, looking him in the eye, making sure he knows how fucking serious I am. “There are a lot of people in this house we need to protect. So make sure you get the best of the best.”

“I won’t let anything happen to this family, Alexius. I swear it.”

There’s a moment of sheer understanding between us. We both have a lot to lose, and there’s no way we’re willing to let that happen.

Maximo dashes out of my office, and I breathe deeply as I sit down across from Nicoli.

“Do we know how our dear uncle found out about all this?” Nicoli takes a sip of his whiskey.

“Who the fuck knows. But honestly, I’m thankful, because today I got the chance to say what I’ve been dying to say to him.”

“And what’s that?”

“That he has oxygen to breathe until our dad takes his final breath. After that, I’ll be sucking the life out of him until he’s nothing but a fucking speck of dust.”

“And that’s putting it mildly,” Nicoli chimes in. “You know he’s not going to just roll over and play dead. He’s going to fight back.”

“Oh, I’m counting on it.” I pinch the bridge of my nose, then roll my neck from side to side to ease the tension. It felt like I just lived two fucking weeks in one day.

Nicoli eyes me with suspicion. “What’s going on with you?”

“Nothing. Why?”

“You’re tense. I mean, you’re always tense. But you seem…distracted, and you’re never distracted.”

“I’m fine.” I take a large gulp of my drink.

“You’re lying. I can feel it.”

“You know, this twinning thing is real fucking annoying at the best of times.”

“Is it your wife?”

“Among other things.”

Nicoli shifts in his seat, then leans forward with his elbows on his knees. “You fucked her, didn’t you?”

I get on my feet and refill my glass.

“Oh, my God, you did fuck her.”

I place the decanter down and pivot to look at him. “Not that it’s any of your business who I fuck, but—”

“She’s getting to you, isn’t she?” He leans down and looks all fucking smug and entertained at my expense. “The poor girl from the other side of the tracks is fucking with your head.”

I look over at the fireplace. The fire crackles, the wood slowly turning into embers of orange and gold. We’ve lived in this house all our lives. There are more than enough bedrooms for all of us to have three, but when we were little, Nicoli and I always insisted on sharing a bedroom—until we discovered pussy and ass. Even then, we decided to share.

Nicoli can be a royal pain in my ass and a grade A asshole most of the time, but I’ve always found it easy to confide in him, even if it subjects me to weeks of jokes and wise-ass remarks.

“There’s something about her I can’t shake,” I say truthfully since I already know there’s no use in bullshitting my brother. I clutch my glass tighter in my palm. “It’s like she’s meant for our world. Like she’s supposed to be here.”

“Let me guess, she’s giving it just as hard as you.”

I scowl. “Your mind is incapable of thinking outside of the gutter, isn’t it?”

He shrugs and brushes a hand through his dark hair. “Just saying it as it is. You’ve always been one who thrives on a challenge, Alexius, ever since we were little. If Dad tells you that you can’t do it, you’ll prove to him that you can. If Mom tells you that you’re not allowed to play outside, you’ll sneak out in the middle of the night, naked, and go piss on the porch just to show yourself you can do whatever the fuck you want.” He gets up and pours himself another whiskey. “So, my take on this is that she challenges you, has the balls to stand up to you, and that, dear brother—” he turns to face me “—is making your dick hard.” He takes a mocking bow. “And you’re welcome.”

“For what?” I frown.

“For analyzing your ass and telling you that you have a boner for your wife.” Nicoli grins like an idiot, and I merely stare at him, unamused.

“Thank you for that. But I already had that figured out when I fucked her in Vicky’s dressing room this morning.”

Nicoli burst out laughing, just as Mirabella walks in like she always does…without knocking. “Alexius. Your date with your wife is in five fucking minutes. Please tell me you’re not planning on being a total dick by not having the decency to be on time.” She crosses her arms, her eyes flashing with urgency. “That would be a new low, even for you.”

“Jesus. Calm the fuck down,” I say, taking the last sip of my drink before getting up.

Nicoli smirks. “You going to let her speak to you that way?”

“I am,” I reply. “And don’t you dare shut her up, because when the day comes that she tears into you and insults you to a level where your own mother won’t love you anymore, I’ll enjoy every minute of it with my mouth. Shut.” I shoot him a sly grin, and Mira simply waves her hair over her shoulder, glaring at Nicoli while his smirk remains on his face.

“FYI,” I start while shouldering past Mira. “It’s not a fucking date.”

My mom comes walking down the stairs just as I’m on my way to the back patio. “Your dad would like to talk to you.”

I pause. “Now?”

“After dinner.”

“Do you know what it’s about?”

She smiles, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. “Of course, I do.”

“Aren’t you going to tell me?” I ask as she takes the last few steps.

“It’s not my place to tell you.”

I sigh and place my hands on my waist. “I’m not going to like it, am I?”

“Nope.” She lifts herself on her toes and places a kiss on my cheek. “After dinner.”

“Yeah.” I sigh. “I’m having dinner with Leandra out on the patio. I’ll go see him before I turn in.”

There’s a knowing smile on her face, her eyes slightly narrowed. “Dinner with your wife out on the patio? How romantic.” She turns away from me, heading in the other direction.

“It’s not a date,” I call after her as she walks away, her heels clicking across the wooden floors. Now my mind is gravitating to my dad and what it is he’d like to see me about. Did Uncle Roberto decide to fuck with me by telling my dad? Surely the fucker can’t be that stupid. I would do anything to keep Roberto’s execution from this family until after my dad closes his eyes for the last time, but if my hand is forced, I will do it sooner.

Fuck. Now I’m going to be distracted throughout dinner, wondering what the hell my father wants to talk about. Maybe I should just cancel dinner and see my father now and get whatever it is out of the way first.

I walk up to the patio door and freeze the moment I set eyes on her. The woman standing with her back toward me, her hands on the rail while gazing out over the garden, is a fucking vision. I don’t make myself known. She’s too fucking beautiful, and I want to stare at her in silence, undisturbed, for longer.

The black mini-dress hugs her body like a second skin, and the alluring shape of her waist sloping down from her hips to her thighs makes the perfect curve. My palm is already itching to grip it tight and pull her close.

I bite my lip, my gaze drifting down her slender legs, and I wonder if she’d let me fuck her right there on the rail while I force her to wrap those perfect legs around me.

As if she’s not beautiful enough, the moonlight decides to fuck with my head some more by casting a glow down her silky curls, the night sky kissing the smooth, naked skin of her shoulders.

With one slow step after the other, I stalk closer, hardly breathing until I finally close the distance between us. There’s a soft gasp from her lips, and I know she’s aware of me standing behind her even though I’m not touching her. The sweet scent of her perfume fills the night around me, and I inhale deeply, wanting more of it. My cock is already hard as fuck, my instinct to claim her knocking at my spine. I want to taste her. I want to kiss her, bite her lip, and make her come. I want to snake my arm around her, let my hand travel down between her legs and find that sweet spot that makes her scream my name. I want to hear the sound of her pleasure join the chorus of the night.

Unable to resist, I touch her back, a gentle fingertip tracing down the arch of her spine. She sucks in a breath, and I ease her hair over her left shoulder before kissing her neck. The way she leans her head to the side, giving me better access, makes my heart race.

“I want more,” I whisper, and her body shudders, my lips brushing against her ear. “I want to lift the skirt of your dress around your waist and watch you step out of your panties.”

She leans her head back against my shoulder. “Who says I’m wearing any?”


I suppress a growl, clasping my fingers around her arms. “Did you come here with the intention to tease me, hoping I’d give you my cock again?”


“Say it.” I grip her arms tighter. “If you want my cock, say it.”

Her hips move, causing the slightest friction against my crotch, and I close my eyes as the sensation ricochets through me. I’m not prepared when she reaches behind her back, rubbing her palm against my cock, earning a groan from my parted lips.

“My little fucking temptress. Did Sunday School not teach you to never toy with the devil?”

“No. But you’re welcome to teach me any lesson you want.”

With a jerk, I pull her back hard against my front. Her hand grips my cock tighter, and I hiss. “Be careful what you wish for, wife. The lessons I teach will leave your pussy wrecked and body broken.”

The whimper that falls from her mouth is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard, and desire flames through me as I reach down, slipping my hand under her dress. And sure as fuck, she’s not wearing any panties. “You shaved,” I murmur against her neck. “Well, aren’t you a little slut tonight, bringing me a bare pussy to fuck.”

There’s a sharp inhale of breath when I called her a slut, and she opens her thighs for me, wanting me to touch her clit—needing me to touch it. “You want me to make you come, don’t you?”

“Yes. Please.”

Hearing her say please had my balls pulling tighter, and I slip a finger inside her, her body going rigid against mine. I easily find her clit, all swollen and wet. “Well, isn’t this a bit unfair, your cunt being so warm and slick while my cock is hard and dry?” I lean closer to her ear. “I want your cum on my cock, princess.”

“Then fuck me.” God, I love this side of her, bold and daring.

“Your pussy should still be aching after this morning. Did I not fuck you hard enough?”

“It still aches,” she breathes, her body writhing. “But I want it to hurt even more.”

“Jesus Christ.” I pull my hand from between her legs, grip her waist, and turn her around, ready to sink into her so hard, not giving a shit who hears us.

I take her cheeks in my palms, lips burning to kiss her. Yet, as I force her closer, I catch the scent of champagne on her breath, and I pause, scrutinizing her expression, her eyes, the flush on her cheeks. “You’re drunk.”

Her eyelashes fan above her cheeks. “I’m not drunk.”

“You smell like expensive champagne.”

“Then you should have a taste.”

Her lips are glossed, enticing, and red. I press my thumb against her mouth. “I’d rather see your lipstick stains around the base of my cock.”

“Hmm.” She seems to consider it for a moment, then pulls her bottom lip into her mouth and stares at me seductively. I’m not sure whether I should thank the champagne she consumed, since I’m enthralled with this side of her. So bold. Brazen. Irresistible. Or curse the alcohol for giving me a glimpse of her drenched in delightful sin she so confidently embraces. Now all I can think about is how far I can push her. How deep can I pull her into the darkness? And will she drown in it…or flourish?

With my thumb, I ease her bottom lip out of her mouth, watching the plump red flesh as if it’s my next fucking meal. “Does my little stray want to play?”

“I’m not a stray.”

I snarl and press my thumb harder against her mouth, dragging a red smear down the side. “You’re my stray.”

“I’m your wife,” she challenges, her eyes filled with liquid defiance and toxic desire, a lethal mix for both of us.

Tilting my head, I stare at the delicate skin of her neck. “Seems like I fucked a little confidence into you this morning.”

“Now imagine what a firecracker I’ll be if you fuck me again.”

There’s no stopping the amused grin on my face as I look into her eyes, brown and amber swirls of certitude that scream of submission. Such a beautiful contradiction.

It’s been a game of cat and mouse between us ever since we said the words I do. This constant push and pull, her wanting to see how far she can push me before I unleash, and me wanting to see how hard I can pull her before she breaks. Pull her into the dark where my shadows will never let her go.

Footsteps sound behind me, and I watch as Leandra glances over my shoulder. “Isaia,” she says, and I can’t help but smile at the universe’s perfect fucking timing.

I turn to face him as he walks up the patio stairs, hands tucked in his leather jacket, coming from the direction of the garden gazebo. “Weed before dinner?” I ask with mild sarcasm.

“I figured why the hell not.” He shrugs and looks at Leandra standing next to me. I don’t miss the way he absorbs her, his leering gaze lagging down her body, appreciating her little enticing black ensemble. Understandably. My wife looks incredibly tempting in the dress she’s wearing.

Something hard passes through my veins, spreading its weight to my chest. A molten unease settles in my gut as I watch him look at her, drink her in like she’s the sweet elixir of sin.

Sharing women is nothing new to us. It has always been part of our little game in the dark. We share, we give, we take. And there’s never been jealousy. There was never a need for it. And I sure as hell won’t be the one to start now. This is my fucking kingdom, and it’s time I show her how I rule.

I snake an arm around Leandra’s waist and pull her closer, the subtle scent of her perfume surrounding us as I pull her back against my chest, letting her face Isaia.

The knowing look that passes between my brother and me is the same as many times before, and the air around us is instantly laden with anticipation.

“Alexius,” Leandra whispers, glancing up over her shoulder at me. “What are you doing?”

There’s a spark of uncertainty in her eyes, but it’s burning too bright to be ignited by fear. It’s excitement.

I brush my lips along the shell of her ear.  “You want to play, stray…so let’s play.”

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