Alan’s Erotic Adventure

Chapter 29 The forbidden area

"The second story is even scarier. A few decades ago, a tragic battle broke out here and many people were killed. Corpses were found everywhere in the backside of the mountain. After a few decades, five villagers went hunting there, but they mysteriously disappeared for no reason. Then more than ten villagers were dispatched to search. And guess what happened?" said John.

When Alan heard this, he frowned heavily. There were a lot of unsolved mysteries about missing people, like what happened in the well-known Bermuda Triangle.

Alan surmised the five guys must have been trapped in danger, like being killed by tigers or bears.

"Right as the clock stroke 12 o'clock midnight, extremely heartbreaking screams echoed in the backside, as if they were undergoing something dreadfully terrifying. All the villagers were awakened, but nobody dared to go to check what happened. The screams faded away finally, and none of them came out alive. From then on, the backside became a forbidden area.

Alan was completely confused by the weird and illogical story. If there were wild animals, it was impossible for them to live without any traces, even they might have broken into people's houses. So, what exactly was hidden in the backside?

"Where do you hear from?" asked Alan.

"I heard it from my grandfather and I also asked the old. All of them spoke in unison. I thought it was true. They said the dead in that tragic battle had become evil spirits because they were killed with tremendous grievance and they wanted to revenge," said John.

Alan looked up at the quiet and dark backside, which looked very peaceful. But when he took a closer look, he felt gloomy and horrible. What the hell was there? Alan was intrigued by the stories and asked John to go on with the third one.

"The third story is simple. Also at the backside stands a shabby haunted cabin. You'd better not go there," John said briefly.

"Haunted?" Alan was stunned.

Alan knew that cabin. He could see it as he looked through the window of the attic he lived in. Even more impressive, one night when Alan was peeping at Ella taking a bath, he happened to see a white shadow vaguely. But now, the story reminded him of the white shadow and he felt a chill creeping upon him.

"All right, we have to go on or we will miss wild boars." John said and continued to crawl forward, "Almost every village has similar stories. But whether they are real or not, we should keep them away. Alan, you are knowledgeable, so can you explain whether the stories are true?"

"I have neither experienced nor seen anything like that, so I knew nothing about them," said Alan. He was incredulous about ghosts, but he acknowledged that science couldn't explain everything, such as the old woman he saw that night, who really freaked him out. But after asking some old villagers, it turned out that there was no such a person as he described. And the odd mark on his hand still had not faded away. That was really scary.

"Oh, I suddenly remembered a strange thing." John turned and said, "Ella's granny died a month ago."

When Alan heard this, his heart beat violently. Ella's granny was none other than the one he saw that night! "What happened then?" Alan asked. He could hardly wait to know what happened next.

"Before the funeral, Ella always had the same dream that her granny told her not to place her corpse inside because she was waiting for a person. She asked Ella to put her corpse on the slate in the back yard so that the one she waited could find her," said John.

It sounded more of an experience than a story.

As the story unfolded, Alan's face turned dreadfully pale.

"Alan, what are you thinking about?" John asked and tapped him on the shoulder. At this moment, Alan came back to himself. He thought he was so unlucky to see Ella's granny as he asked, "What happened then?"

"At first, Ella didn't take it seriously, but she had the same dream for two consecutive nights. Then she came to realize something wrong. She turned to me. One midnight when there was no one around, I moved her granny's corpse out on the slate in the back yard. Until dawn, I took it back and buried it. Curiously enough, Ella never had the same dream again after that," said John.

Alan's face seemed paler than before. He lost in great horror with parched mouth and heavy legs. He couldn't even make a step.

"Ella had another dream on the seventh night after the funeral. In that dream, her granny told her that she had seen the man she waited for. Dude, isn't that weird enough? I'd like to know who on earth was her granny waiting for? Did she leave treasure for the person?" said John.

Alan was frightened, for what happened to him that night tallied exactly with the story! He clenched his fists tightly, "I don't think so. Even if there is treasure, that is for her granddaughter Ella," Alan said while squeezing out a fake smile.

"Alan, what's wrong with you? You look terrible," asked John. Alan hurriedly shook his head and kept on moving with him.

After walking for more than two hours, they finally arrived at the destination, where wild boars often appeared. It was quite far away from the Vergina Village.

It was still early spring and the corn had just been planted, but sweet potatoes, wild boars' favorite food, were beginning to ripen.

They were walking cautiously as so not to alarm the wild boars which might appear at any time. It was a big loss if they frightened them off.

They tramped through the woods for over two hours but still found nothing. Hunting required good luck, especially on such a large mountain. John had rich experience in hunting, but he was really unlucky this time.

After walking for six hours, Alan found his skin of the feet had been rubbed raw.

It appeared that they would go home empty-handed. Embarrassment was clearly written on John's downcast face.

Just then, when they were about to give up, Alan stepped on something sticky, a vile smell coming from his feet. He shone the flashlight around, wondering if it was a pile of fresh poop. Right in front of him, it was a big wild boar staring at him!

"John! John!" Alan said and tried to hide his excitement. It was his first time that he had seen a boar. With tan-colored mane, it weighted nearly 300 pounds. Its snout was much longer than that of a domestic pig, and it had two large tusks, which men would die if being stabbed by them.

Alan wished he had a gun, but now they could only take out their hacking knife. They were going to launch a double-pronged attack, but the boar had acute ears and ran away immediately when Alan and John just took one step.

"Run after it!" John shouted.

The boar ran fast and panted frantically. They were chasing after it but blocked by bushy trees, weeds and brambles, they still couldn't catch it.

Seeing the boar was going to escape, John quickly raised his hacking knife and tossed it towards the boar. As expected, the knife exactly chopped the wild boar's back, and a stream of blood flowed from the wound. The boar yelled with pain.

But the boar was infuriated to the core by the attack. It turned around and rushed toward John. However, Alan was lagged behind right now. When Alan caught up, John was on the verge of danger. John was really scared at this moment as he was unarmed. He knew that if he was knocked down by a boar, he would absolutely die.

At that urgent moment, Alan raised his knife, and attacked the boar's head. Unexpectedly, he hit it! The boar began to twitch with a desperate howl and died.

By now, John was so frightened that he nearly slumped to the ground. Alan, panting frantically, looked at John with a wide, triumphant grin.

The managed to catch such a big wild boar!☐☐☐☐

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