Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 480: I Got What I Wanted

"Ding Dong! Agreed," he hurriedly said but I raised my finger to the air as if I was stopping him.

"Don't be in haste, the reward on the other side needs to be changed."

"Ding Dong! They are precious pearls!"

"I don't care," I shrugged, "I need pearls, monsters, and also resources."

"Ding Dong! This is too much! You are going to have the rewards on your front door, delivered without the need to break a sweat!"

"You don't steal from me and decide what to give back in return," I calmly said, "if you don't like it then you hand me two hundred quests and two hundred extras and I'll go around and complete them to gain my rewards."

"Ding Dong! Then start running princess as I would never give anything for free to you!"

I laughed while ignoring his tone and hidden threat, "and I would gain rewards for each quest based on pearls, monsters, and resources."

Before he could say anything I shook my finger while pointing it to the air in a warning, "and if you dare to play any dirty trick with me then I swear to complain directly to the world's will."

"Ding Dong! This is too much!"

"I'm the one to say what's too much and what isn't," I went directly towards the gate of the city while a huge crowd of my villagers were lining up waiting for their turn to select a new path.

My sudden appearance amidst them made all of them cheer up and clear a path while I entered. "Last chance, it's either you do agree and issue the quests at one go for me or I would start complaining."

I kept walking slowly and leisurely, not by my choice as the narrow streets of the village were getting narrower by the crowd.

"What's your decision?" I was getting closer to the library while asking my system.

"Ding Dong! I'll give you one hundred main and one hundred as compensation. I'll give you their rewards as pearls and monsters."

"Who said I was negotiating here?" I smiled before adding, "I may accept your offer of the quest numbers, but you need to pay half of their full rewards in advance and the rest I'll just fight for. As for the rewards, I won't accept any less than what I asked for. Hell, I missed asking for gears, add that in the list please."

"Ding Dong! You aren't in the market asking whatever you want!"

"I can," I chuckled as I enjoyed the frustrated tone of my dear beloved system, "and you will fulfill my wishes… or else… y'know, I don't need to threaten you every single minute, right?"

"Ding Dong! Ding Dong!"

"Hahaha, c'mon, stop playing an innocent role here. You either give me this, or give me two hundred quests plus two hundred extras with my rewards with gears included."

The system didn't answer and I already reached the front gate of the library. "Tick tock, the clock has hit the mark. It's either you do it or I'll find someone who can."

"Ding Dong! Fine, it's four hundred quests then and you will gain the rewards you need," he finally resigned to my will, "Ding Dong! But I have to warn you, I won't help you with any quest no matter how hard it is."

"I won't accept impossible or deadly quests," I laughed, "if you dared to play funny on me, then I'll ask for justice from the world's will."

I could feel the extreme anger and frustration of my system just by his silence. Hell I could feel the icy cold aura of his while he didn't say anything for a long minute.

"Give me the list now to check," I said as if I was really standing in front of a store in the market, "and I have to warn you, any dirty tricks here or there and I won't speak to you again and will ask the judge of the world's will."

"Ding Dong! Screw you!"

The next moment though I found a long list of names with corresponding rewards next to them. "Hmm… they are fair quests," I read through them all and made sure to take my time before saying this. "However, some rewards are just so low."

"Ding Dong! I don't set the rewards!"

I couldn't help but laugh. "C'mon my beloved system, you and I know perfectly well how things are run in this world," I said before pointing to a group of dozen quests or slightly more, "these should be changed, the rewards should be increased by double… no wait, make it triple."

"Ding Dong! This will be the first time ever for a system holder to decide the rewards of his quests!"

"Am I not amazing?" I laughed, "I love making history… c'mon, change them now and I'll accept the others while you do."

The quests were mainly revolving on exploring the wilderness and gaining control over many settlements all over the place. I knew I wouldn't face any trouble doing that, especially with the presence of my two grumbling army leaders nearby.

I bet the two would rejoice and even dance out of happiness when they got the news.

As for the rewards, I would really consider building a huge armory for all the gears I would claim out of this long list. Also I would need to build a gigantic warehouse for all the materials I would get.

Mostly food, but there were also many ores and wood. I also found some strange names that I didn't recognize, and I assumed these were just rare goods in the market.

As for the pearls, their place would be my precious inventory. The monsters I would get would supplement my armies, and I had to make sure this list would be finished in less than a week.

Like this my chances would be boosted by five folds at least.

"Yet no oil whatsoever," I scanned the list again while accepting the quests and I couldn't find any single drop of oil anywhere. "Damn, you are really cold hearted," I muttered and my system didn't speak before those quests I marked before got changed.

"No oil at them… you are a really stingy system after all," I sighed while feeling the task to get oil would be more challenging than I initially thought.contemporary romance

Even my system refused to grant me a single drop as rewards.

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