Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 469: I Won The War... At Last!

The spear hit the storm eye and deflected off it. "Snap," I wasn't dejected by this as I knew destroying this one would take a long time and much effort.

Yet I wasn't worried, or pressured by anything now. The foes around were all busy dealing with all of my strong forces. The mechas I sent made a difference and started to summon a large number of skeletons to shield the main army of mine.

And as this happened, the grand army I had started to be freed. Like giving lions wings, they moved from defense into domineering offense and they didn't face any problem killing all the enemies around.

And then they started to push forward towards a certain direction under the guidance of the flying mechas around.

They were heading towards the closest forces to them, Dredly forces.

"Good, this way they would create momentum," I laughed while sending off my spear again to hit that still growing storm eye and then recalled it again.

"Ding Dong! I strongly advise you to stop!"

"Indeed I will," I muttered before sending off my spear, "but after I crash that nasty thing up there. I hate its shape and won't stop until it vanishes."

"Ding Dong! This would create big problems later on."

"I don't dislike problems," I shrugged, "bring it on, bring everything you have if you dare."

"Ding Dong! Ding Dong!"

"Hahaha, ding dong me as much as you wish. I won't stop and it's better for you to cancel this failed portal before I crash it to pieces."


The system went silent and I knew he had little time to act. "As I'll destroy this, I'll turn towards the entire army here and kill it till the last monster and demon."

I knew if I gave my system more time then he would find another way to scheme against me. So the best thing here was to crush all the hostiles and claim the final fort for myself.

After that he would be helpless and watch me receive all my rewards without doing anything.




I kept sending off my spear and recalling it for an entire hour. During this time, the eye storm started to show cracks and the system didn't give up calling at me and even sang dirty songs to distract me from smashing that portal.

And I totally ignored him when he started singing!


All of sudden the portal crashed under my spear, and large pieces started to fall apart and descend in a threatening way towards the army underneath it.

And I simply flew away from the places of their fall before glancing over the portal.

"Another one?" I noticed a smaller ring that was hidden deep inside the first one, "hahaha, you tried to sneakily make another one… and this is just a smaller one… bad for you I crushed the first one fast, hahaha."

I didn't hesitate to snap my fingers and sent the spear roaring again towards the smaller portal.

"Ding Dong! Stay your hands away from it!" and the system roared but I totally ignored him.





Just as I kept sending off the spear, the pieces of the bigger portal crashed finally on the heads of the demons and monsters on the ground.

Mighty explosions occurred one after another, making me wonder how these pieces held such devastative power inside.





And I didn't keep my hands off the spear and tried to smash that smaller portal like what I did with the bigger one.

"Hahaha, it was hastily made and so it's much weaker and fragile, hahaha," I laughed as after a few minutes and dozens of hits that portal showed small cracks all over its surface.


"Hahaha, speechless now? Where are those big words and strong threats? Huh? Hahaha, I've won this round, and I'll win every single round from now on."

"Ding Dong! I swear this win won't last long," the system returned to his nature.

"Yeah, that's my beloved system that I used to have, hehehe."


The portal he tried to form was crushed in no time. The pieces fell and added more damage to the ground forces before I glanced all over the sky.

"No more surprises then?"

"Ding Dong! You won, what else do you want? Huh?"

I laughed and didn't say anything. If that bastard wanted to play smart, then I would turn him eventually into a big fool.

"Ding Dong! Why not going to help your armies?" he suddenly asked when I didn't move an inch from my place and kept gazing at the sky in vigilance.

"I like the scene here," I teased him.

"Ding Dong! Don't be so cold hearted and go and help your army."

"Sorry, I'm a very merciless leader," I chuckled, "let them toughen up a little and depend on themselves here."

"Ding Dong! But they will lose many of their forces here."contemporary romance

"Not my problem," I shrugged, "I won't move an inch so stop bugging me then. I want to enjoy this scene in peace."

Yet he didn't drop speaking about what I was doing, and I kept ignoring anything he said.

I crushed his two portals but I wasn't that reassured he wouldn't try to form more. Moving out and getting myself engaged in the fight wasn't a wise thing.

I should keep myself focused to deal with him, after all no one here was qualified for such a task but me.

"Keep moving forward."

Gradually the shouts of my different forces started to draw near me with time. They finally managed to regroup, and such things helped in accelerating their advance by a visible speed.

Yet I only checked their condition from time to time and didn't bother them a lot. They were doing just fine on their own, and I was pretty sure that the system wouldn't hesitate to start a new portal if I got myself busy with the fight.

"Ding Dong! Screw you!" All of sudden the system roared when my forces were this close to crush everyone here. "Ding Dong! Let's see how you'll do against these."

And suddenly the entire sky was covered with a large number of small portals that started to swirl the air around like the previous storm eyes I crushed.

"Damn you!" and instantly I felt threatened by all this number of portals appearing all of sudden. "Attack with all your might!" I didn't turn to attack the portals, instead I shouted at every single force that belonged to me here, "don't slack, victory is in reach, let's kill them all and claim this fort for us!"

And like this even my giant moved to join the fight, and the last standing tens of thousand enemies were instantly devoured by this mighty charge coming from everywhere.

"Ding Dong! F*ck you!" and my system roared and that made me wholeheartedly laugh.

At last I won this war!

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