Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 462: Finding A Way Out

I didn't stand silent or wait for my mechas to come. This system really pulled a brilliant move, and I had only to use brute force to crush his dirty scheme.

"Move forward," I shouted as I moved fast over my ground armies, "don't stop… press forward."contemporary romance

I flew over them and then reached the area of the enemy. The sky was filled with many flying monsters yet none could match the speed and might of my mecha.

I alone moved like a sharp knife cutting anything that stood in my way without hesitation. They tried to surround me, gather in large numbers to stop me, or even concentrate their attacks over my back… and none worked.

It wasn't thanks to my timely fast moves to evade these attacks or the high speed of my flight; but the sturdiness and the strong defense of the mecha I was using.

I kept flying around while the army of vampires was trying to keep up with me. Yet it was only able to catch what I left behind of tattered enemies and they didn't hesitate to suck their blood dry.

The aerial battle wasn't any less than what was happening on the ground. The necromancers moved in through the opening alongside the flying mechas until the opening closes.

And I wasn't feeling any distress at all. I only worried over the other armies, hoping they would manage to handle things with less losses until I reached them.

As for my giant… Well he needed a couple of giants or an army of them to bring him down. I wasn't worried about him at all and I was pretty sure that the system wouldn't try anything funny with him.

Or else anything he threw at his face would be killed no matter what.

"Keep pressing forward," I kept screaming, driving my entire army in the ground forward.

My plan was simple; I needed to reach the center of all these five eyes and start to attack the weakest place all the time.

Being cornered seemed alluring at first as it would limit the number of my enemies at first. However in the later stages of the fight that would be a very deadly decision.

Being confined to a place without any place to run to wasn't the smartest decision ever. I kept flying everywhere and focused mainly to clear the aerial space out of these flying monsters.

That took four to five hours, yet at the end I was able to dominate the sky of the five tornados and now all that was left were these giants spreading over the ground like sand.

And I was like the scorching fire that would melt them down and turn them all into fragile glass before finally crushing them all.

"Help the ground army," I shouted at my mechas, "spread out now."

The number of my enemies was really great. Even with the presence of skeletons my army paled in comparison. Yet these were all ground monsters, lacking any defensive measurements against the aerial attacks.

And I planned to use that to my advantage to the max.

For the next long hours the fight was really chaotic while my armies keep losing numbers at a terrifying speed. But compared to my enemy losses this seemed like nothing at all.

The only problem was after clearing this area. I knew I was now separated from my main army, and to return to them I needed these combined tornados to combine with their tornados.

But I doubted my enemy would let me have this chance, and that was the only weakness of my plan. "I hope I can control the tornados somehow after killing everything," that was my only hope, a very weak one.

However I threw these worries aside and focused on killing anything that moved down below. The area of the fight was really vast, and just crossing these tornado eyes from one side to another would take at least two hours.

And that took me roughly a day and half to clear the entire area. I glanced at the exhausted survivors of my army. From the initial tens of thousands that followed me inside, only a few thousand remained.

And the skeleton army lost almost ninety percent of its number. Considering the constant supply of skeletons from my necromancers this was a very big loss

However when I glanced at the remaining skeletons I felt somehow excited. The remaining ones were far advanced and much stronger than the initial skeletons that came here.

Most of them grew thick scales over their bodies, plus their initial small bodies got enlarged to be no less than any giant in my army or even bigger.

And the aura they emitted was enough to cause a scare in any giant or Tesakos.

The only regret was the low number of them compared to the initial number of skeletons I once had. "Don't stop summoning skeletons," I shouted while adding, "other forces move to clear the battlefield. Gather anything we can use for later and then take some rest.

I then turned my gaze around, "where is the exit damned system?"

"Ding Dong! I don't have an answer to that."

His happy tone told me he didn't intend on moving me back before he killed every single one of my army out there. I clenched my fists firmly and didn't speak back.

It was futile to give him the pleasure of my bitter and angry reply. I better answer in actions, and suddenly I got a moment of inspiration.

I turned my gaze up to the sky where the eye I was in was showing the clear and marvelous scene of clear clouds and rays of the sun penetrating it.

"Ding Dong! I strongly advise you not to do that!" my system could guess what I planned to do, and his words made me only laugh.

"You, gather all the mechas here," I turned to a vampire as I added, "and gather all the vampires as well."

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